Wednesday, April 10, 2013

TWENTY Dark Predictions for 2013 : WW3 Iran, False Flags, Martial Law & Police State

2013: TWENTY Dark Predictions! By MIKE ADAMS- WW3 Iran, False Flags, Martial Law & Police State (NaturalNews) 2013 will go down in history as the year of global insanity. The Earth isn't going crazy, but many of the people who inhabit it certainly are. Madness is about to be unleashed on many fronts: economic, social, political, financial and more. In the near future, you will look back on the Christmas of 2012 and think, "Wow, those were the GOOD times!" Do not read this article if you wish to continue frolicking in the land of TV delusions, fake news and celebrity gossip. These are the darkest real-world predictions I've ever published, and they are not things I ever wish to see come true. But I can't deny the reality of where things are headed. If we project present-day trends into 2013, 2014 and 2015, the picture becomes a multi-front nightmare. The madness in America has reached a crescendo. Nearly half the population is now under the mind control of a "cult of personality" political figure named Obama who is deliberately dismantling America one day at a time. Unlike Bush who was simply a tyrant, Obama is a charismatic tyrant, and that's far more dangerous. As you may recall, Adolf Hitler was also highly charismatic and won over the hearts and minds of his followers, using many of the very same speech patterns as Obama, an expert in neurolinguistic programming and emotional manipulation.


  1. About the only thing that mike left out of his predictions was that God our Heavenly Father is still in control on whats going to happen on this earth as He Created it. Now I relize that most folks have never been taught Fathers Words chapter by chapter verse by verse. Haven't a clue that were there was a earth age before this one were living in now as science will tell you this earth is milions of years old. It was sometime during that 1st earth age when God Created all His Children not in flesh but in our spirit body only the animals were in the flesh n all the earth was perfect no oceans the water was in the fermiment overhead. Why you can find today remains of African animals that have been dug up in AshFalls, Neb.,which happened when God destroyed that age shaking this earth after Lucciffer convinced 1/3 of Gods Children to follow him to overthrow God so instead of destroying His Children that followed satan He Destroyed that 1st earth age.This 2nd earth age where man being born thru woman deciding who they will follow God or satan starts out in Genesis 1:1 n will end in our generation at the 7th Trump when Christ Returns to set up Gods Kingdom Here on Earth n we'll be back in our spirit bodies. Before that happens, at the 6th Trump is when satan is cast out of Heaven to this here earth Rev. 12:9 where he appears in the Holy Land(Jerusalem) claiming to be Jesus Anti in the Greek doesn't mean Against rather it means Instead Of Christ. Times getting short as world events are setting the stage for satans return. Take a moment visit ShepherdsChaple 24/7 n listen to Pastor Murray n you'll be supprised what you've never been taught....

  2. When you speak of the "Father's words" - are you speaking of that book written by men containing over 60,000 errors, everything from grammatical errors, to historical errors, to scientific errors?

  3. The bible has no errors.. the error is in the way men are reading it according to their own understanding and manipulation.
    This book has the TRUTH within its pages if only more would look and see.

  4. Nah... the 'TRUTH' (there is only one) is NOT found between the pages contained within any book written & changed by man over time to suit religious agenda's The Truth lies within...ever heard the saying..'Be Still and know that you are God!' oh such blasphemy most will shout... especially those who remain deluded through religious dogma!
    Think most are not deluded? Figure.. why do sheeple continue complying with the same game of keeping themselves locked into a paradigm built on debt based slavery? Well Obama Rama has a great deal of the masses hoodwinked while he parties away and kills innocents in far off lands under the auspicious of Terrorism!...think about that word 'Terra' meaning Mother Earth is in an ISM the ism is the Global Military 'Industrial' .. Lead by tyrannical governments.etc. etc. Folks you have given your power and control of your lives away to pure satanic based evil!! And Obama is the KING of Puppets who is orchestrating the dumbed down masses to their slaughter!!

  5. We may be confused at what we are reading if not the absolute
    transcription, but we have a God-given soul and a conscience. The conscience guides are decisions, We have that feeling in our soul when we are kind or honest in keeping with our Supreme
    Creator. If the Lord decides that our time on Earth is over, we
    die and travel to our place for eternity. I am grateful for my
    conscience, it directs my actions and feelings. It will not let
    me be until I make right something that I made wrong. I do not
    have to read and memorize the Bible because I believe God is good and Satan is evil (a fallen Angel, who tempts the world to follow him).

    1. "I do not
      have to read and memorize the Bible because I believe God is good and Satan is evil"
      This is the only thing that stuck out. How do you even know if you are right or wrong, belong to God or Satan. Pure ignorance, lack of Holy Spirit within. You just summarized your spiritual state. You do not even realize Jesus is the "WORD" of God. How will you even know your sin nature and against whom it is??? The devils believe there is a God and tremble,and yet they know their eternal future. Psalms 119:1-11 Please read...
