Saturday, May 11, 2013

Detroit: The US City On Brink Of Collapse

what killed Detroit was violent, incompetent people scaring the competent people away from the city, leading to the incompetent people taking over the city, which of course caused the city to fall apart. These violent, incompetent people were mostly black, while the competent people were mostly white. These violent, incompetent blacks are also scaring away or holding back potentially competent blacks. The solution is to get rid of this extreme violence, which can't be justified by poverty.


  1. Here comes a "Haircut" on the bank accounts watch out good people of Detroit the banksters will have their way.You must be the test bed for their plans.

  2. I saw the exact same thing happen to the South Bronx in NY years ago. They burned out homes, apartment buildings, businesses, factories, grocery stores and anything else they could destroy. People in the fringe areas, who are still there, have to leave the area just to get groceries....and the so-called "victims" whine that Walmart and other supermarket chains will not build new stores there;..If YOU were one of those businesses, would you build where every time they get angry they destroy their own neighborhoods. It happens all over the country in urban areas...many times for reasons having nothing to do with those particular neighborhoods..."Watts"; New Orleans; the Civil rights demonstrations; the "Korean Grocery" era; sporting events; elections; and on and on and on ad infinitem. AND by the time Obama is finished with us in America, this nonsense will have increased exponentially necessitating DECADES to even begin to see progress in repairing the damage...But "He" (Obama) has become a multi-millionaire over this (and the story now blanketing the Internet is that he has always been Gay and has suspended his "adventures" since winning the Presidency: Go figure, huh?)
