Sunday, May 12, 2013

Our Financial System is Sick, Diseased, Dying and Killing Us

The whole system is a corpse which needs to be buried, before it further contaminates this struggling society and planet.

A disease, or dis-ease in a body generally has a location and symptoms, the symptoms being the warning signal, which gives the dis-eased body a chance to restore that part and recover, often by addressing the thing or lifestyle that caused it. If we ignore the symptoms and warning signals of a diseased body, whether it is a human one, societal, financial, political, or global one, it will, like a diseased body, consume and kill us.

The current financial system we live in is sick, dying, and almost dead, but the deluded psychopaths controlling it are in denial, and they are trying to resuscitate a dead corpse, desperately giving it mouth to mouth, and endless ‘injections’ of cash. This corpse is festering and poisoning an already poisoned system even further than it has and is causing further misery. I heard a banker today still deluded, talking about kick starting the economy, which is trying to give a dead body an electric shock to resuscitate them. He also talked of creating new types of loans, in other words new types of keeping people in debt.

If we don’t change it, and create a completely different system as an alternative it will completely destroy us, this time, next time and for as many times after that we try to resuscitate it, because it is a system that was sick and diseased when it was designed, from its very inception and foundations to the very top of its roof.

It is built on fear, greed, ruthlessness, cunning, control, suppression, mass manipulation, need I carry on? Only insane, controlling, and disturbed people could conjure up such a system, and insane, disturbed populations are its inevitable outcome. Controlling a population with a money currency based on fear was invariably and obviously a disaster from the beginning, ethically, morally, psychologically and physically.

It is a perfect system if you want to destroy people and create war, misery, slavery, and turn the beautiful planet and its people into an unprecedented mental asylum, with each patient suffering from the same sickness that the money system bestows on them, a lifetime of worry and fear, creating dis eased minds, driving poor humans mad. If we still fail to see what it has done, and is still doing then it has done its inevitable job of destroying our faculties as human beings.

It is predictably collapsing because such a system based on fear, short term greed, and bigger, better, best at the expense of its people is always destined to implode and collapse. Its people, the worker ants, are worked to death and kept in a perpetual state of fear, exacerbated by debts and bills, which generally take all the money they earn. The money they earn ultimately goes back to the oligarchs who employ them, via bills for food, shelter, warmth and transport.

I am still amazed to hear people who are very up to date with the money system and its rancid condition, still talking of fifteen, twenty or thirty years down the line when the system is then at ‘this stage or that’, implying and making projections as though it will actually carry on and recover again.

They are no different to deluded, psychotic captains on a sinking ship up to their necks in water telling the crew to keep rowing and everything’s fine. I am really shocked at the denial I keep seeing, but I also understand why, and I think it must stem mostly, from a deep inner brainwashing and fear that nothing else other than this system is possible, let alone even conceivable in people’s minds. Even the so called experts are almost at a loss for words. - Jason Liosatos.

1 comment:

  1. It's called 'Normalcy Bias', an insidious disease of the mind perpetrated upon the masses in all manner & form that the 'norm' is the 'norm' no matter how bad things get!...Everything's just fine, just turn on the TV, read the newspapers, go to the movies, it's all just entertainment....(should read entrainment)! Look... the birds are singing, the Mall's still got it all, pizza and beers, ball games on tonight...whats the problem?? Seemingly nothing to most but to those who are out on the street, starving, diseased and dying, the never heard of them lot!

    There is a storm, not just brewing, it's here folks and its coming at us from so many angles that soon you will not know where to look and with certainty most will not know what to do!! I think it's too late for it will all come down so quickly it will all seem like a bad dream!

    Believe me this nightmare will not end for all of humanity is in for a rough time and this ride will be for a very long time. The lucky ones will meet their demise quickly... the not so lucky the suffering will endure and be horrible to unimaginable!! God bless we are all going to need it!!.... In EVERY corner of the Globe!!
