Monday, May 13, 2013

The Prophetic Fall of the USA

Signs, Omens, Symbology; Prophecy, Portals and Spiritual Abandonment 2.17.2013 on The Hagmann Report

 In "America the Babylon" by Coombes. His well-researched book leaves no stone unturned, and concludes that America is indeed the "Mystery Babylon" described in the Bible. As for the Pope as "False Profit" - this is not clear at this point.123 prophecies dealing with end time Babylon the catholic church on fulfills one. but! all 123 prophecies for end time Babylon fits America not the catholic church and church is within Babylon. The catholic church doesn't become the economic hub of the world but America does.A meteor will hit offshore NY and destroy 13 eastern states- Rev 18:21 a second one will hit Yellowstone caldera destroying the western US and western Canada the 1st is rev 8 or the 2nd trumpet the other is the 5th trumpet. These targets are to destroy all of Babylon America forever by the hand of God for Americas abortions and same sex marriage endorsements and these are only a few of the most corrupt nation in human history all combined-55million murders of the unborn, your end is sure Babylon


  1. I wouldn't worry God our Fathers still in control of this earth He has Created. Certain things do have to come to pass before the end of this 2nd earth age n Jesus Christ Returns n we are changed back in our spiritual body at that 7th Trump. For at the 6th Trump Rev. 12:9 satan is cast out of Heaven to this earth appearing in the Holy Land Jerusalem claiming hes Jesus n make no misstake he'll very convincing snapping his fingers n lightning coming down he heals the Deadly Wound to the one world government Rev. 13:3 n all will wonder n worship the dragon satan. You might want to learn a lil truth from Fathers Word then decide for yourself visit Pastor Murray @ShepherdsChapel your going to be amazed at what you've never been taught. Listen to just 1 lecture n you will understand or maybe your not meant to.

  2. have a look at gladiator the film,(ridley scott) the emperor represents the empire, his mind represent who rules the empire, maximus represents integrity, honesty, aurelius represent what the empire was. in the end a psychotic emperor is killed by maximus, the slave, gladiator, the emperor dies, the empire collapses. that is a description of america. america has 3 millions soldiers 10% are men the rest are useless sissies, taliban has the same amount however 10% are sissies and 90% are men, so you do understand why the american military is a piece of crap, they got no men on the nation just, somewhat corrupt cowards,that's why they have lost in vietnam and everywhere else. is the best equipped machine, but the lowest in mentality and courage, real men.. now remember the emperor he killed the only general that was able to save the empire, Maximus, and killed any other men around left of the 10% that had any value, meaning washington destroys anyone of value. like your navy seal boys. after the event Rome continue its collapse and never recuperated. likewise it is impossible to save america as they have put their value on drones and financial schemes, not men and integrity, not minds and intelligence. play attention to the film and understand how rome conquered the crowds. look with discernment, acuity. and realise is too late for america north america is over exactly like the roman empire. israel is the same 10% real men who are eliminated and 90 % of corrupt hypocrites. so israel will be destroyed just like rome, they got weapons and nukes but no, man, no heart no integrity no human value. in fact barbarians, as well americans have being transform int hypnotized ed barbarians. canada is following the trend.. now this is reality now.

  3. To know there was a earth age before this one were living now in the flesh being born thru woman, you would understand why things are happening as fast as they are. Don't be decieved by satan..
