Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mid-East Prophecy Update - June 9th, 2013

Pastor JD talks about the prophecy in Ezekiel 38 and how the recent developments in Turkey are yet another reason that Christ's return for His church is sooner than we may think.


  1. Thank you pastor JD for explaining the Bible and what is going on in the world. I believe you are right, God is about ready to allow the rapture to happen. God allowed me to find your program so I would not believe this was all in my head. Sometimes there is this calm feeling, like God is almost ready to do something. We must remember, there are many within and without, that are ravenous wolves in sheep clothing. Jesus said, will he find faith when he returns? I believe there will be a few. Things are so out of balance.

  2. Just a thought the elite read the bible too and who knows they can even be accused of writing it after all this plan goes back to Babylon. The great deception is not a falling away but the false prophet which will be so fantastic that you all will be fooled. I believe he will come first at the Elites command. Remember, they have been behind everything we are experiencing.
