Sunday, June 9, 2013

You Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You!!!

After news reports surfaced of the Justice Department targeting the phone records of AP reporters, many reporters and pundits expressed their outrage on cable news programs.

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  1. The press doesn't seem to mind when the government spies on it's citizens. Then the press is silent but when it happens to them suddenly their incensed. You can spy on them but not on us says the hypocritical press.

  2. We have had recent attacks on our "Constitutional 'Bill-of-rights" 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment and 4th Amendment by Obama and his communist minions and toadies, with the support of The Supreme Court as well as the complicity of Congress; WAKE UP AMERICA, YOUR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY HAS BECOME TENUOUS UNDER THE "BEIGE QUEEN'S" REIGN ! ! !
