Friday, August 16, 2013

ECONOMIC COLLAPSE 2013 : Stocks and Bonds Are Plunging ~ A Critical Message From Gregory Mannarino

We all knew the latest stock market hike was a "sucker's market" to get everybody on board the roller coaster. The stock market is going up, up, up; oh no don't look down! Get your money out of the banks now, invest in gold, and land. Stock up on food, water, gas, and ammo. Have an emergency plan ready with your family and loved ones. If you live in a heavily populated area, don't plan on staying; try to get a evacuation plan to go and stay with a relative that lives out in the country.


  1. It's irritating to see this guy talk down to people. He thinks he's the best market "guru" out there. We are not little kids listening to dad!!

  2. I read on the site that Planet X will perigee (come closest) with Earth before the economy crashes. My heart sunk because with the silver and gold I have, they won't skyrocket before the biggest catastrophe hits our planet in which billions of people will be killed because they had not only never heard of Planet X (Nibiru), and as a result of that they won't know what to do to remain alive.

    On the slim chance that fiat currencies do crash before Planet X arrives in our neighborhood, I keep watching these economists.
