Tuesday, June 16, 2020

👉The Fed's Final Solution Buying Corporate Junk Bonds !!

👉The Fed's Final Solution Buying Corporate Junk Bonds !!

The Federal Reserve announced it would begin purchasing individual corporate bonds as part of its emergency lending program to inject liquidity into the virus-stricken economy. And the stock market shot up on these news. Free market? What free market! The Fed basically promised to backstop every shitty credit company in America and zombify the US economy. The market is like a drug addict waiting for its next fix of stimulus, tax cut, or rate cut: private profits, and social losses. The FED has announced they will buy any stock that is down until it is well, not down. Thank you for your understanding. The FED believes All Accounts Matter (AAM) and nobody will be allowed to lose on the long side regardless of intellect or lack of effort. So a zombie corporation with flat or declining revenues can now sell its worthless bonds to the Fed, take the freshly created funny money and use it to back shares of its own stock, thus driving up the price. Of course, we all know the Fed isn't involved in goosing to the stock market. The government is buying corporate bonds with our tax money. Let that sink in a minute. The Fed, which according to Goldman Sachs and Citigroup leaks, has said it will do anything to keep the financial markets whole (even as real people suffer) is doing just that. They're buying bad debt from banks and Wall Street. Is anyone buying your debt as you figure out what to do during the pandemic. This is an oligarchy in plain view. Vote out their minions. The FED is bailing out CEOs and insiders. Fifty billion in direct corporate bond purchasing along with purchasing corporate bond ETF's. The Fed reserve is the only buyer of treasury bonds for the first time in history. And now we have unlimited Q.E. This is what happened in Japan in 1989. The Nikkei stock market has had a slow bleed for 30 years, and cut in half from hit's high in October 1989 It actually never recovered from its high in 1989. EVER!!! We're destined to repeat that mistake (no, humans do NOT learn from history). Many will lose their money and never get it back. I'm on the sidelines. I don't care if it takes a couple of years to crash, but make no mistake; we're clearly headed there. Of course, the Fed is the only one buying bonds. Who else would lay down billions in this environment, with all this risk, for 2-3%? Let me see if I have this right: 1. Instead of a direct taxpayer handout, the fed will buy any corporate junk bonds to keep them afloat just so long as it helps prop the stock market up. 2. The fed doesn’t set a “target” for the stock market but won’t let it find true value and also won’t let it rise too uncontrollably. 3. We’re supposed to believe this is still a free market. It is not surprising that markets will go up every day while the Fed buys up every debt. Accountability for companies is no more. I always wondered how the markets are up this much when last year we didn't have 40 million out of work and the Feds borrowing and printing daily! Yet markets go up every day with promises, lies, and no fundamentals. What happens when it starts heading down? It would be like an abandoned ship just sailing alone. It is going to be fun watching them jump ship when the bow turns downward. The Fed Shouldn't buy corporate bands at all. The Fed doesn't have any money; they are using money from the treasury. They're essentially stealing money from our children to prop up their broken system in the present and ensure those already wealthy remain so. This is going to end bad. Real bad! The system is allowing a company that filed for Chap 11 to issue new shares. That's how corrupt things are right now. Where is the oversight? This isn't part of the Fed's mandate! We're robbing the future generations to backstop the elite. It's criminal. What Fed is doing pumping stock market will result in Costco Toilet Paper more expensive than the US Dollar paper. The Fed is now like the crack the market can’t live without. Looks like the market won’t test the lows and continue to fly higher. It’s very plain and simple, no stimulus big drops while the main street begs for money, Wall Street is burping from taxpayers' money. It is ok for social security to collapse cheating Americans out of money they have paid in their whole life. But we have an endless supply of taxpayers money to buy corporate bonds. Just wait till they convert debt to equity. And the Government owns airlines, oil, manufacturing, retail dept stores, Atlas Shrugged. At the end of the day, the FED owns everything, and we have nothing left but the stock market. The FREE non-government controlled Stock Market. Or is this the Zimbabwe Stockmarket! Pump it up, Powell. The 1%'ers must remain happy. This is state-sponsored communism of capitalism. There are no free markets anymore, meaning it is not market but a forced bubble upwards by the Fed via Blackrock. It will end so badly for the US. The Costco Toilet Paper will be more expensive than the US Dollar paper. And there you go. This morning before anything opened, the DOW was down over 600 to 700 points due to... whatever you want to put in there. The FED steps up, pushes a button, imaginary money is 'printed,' and the markets are saved; again. SCAM. I wouldn't put a penny in there. Be careful, folks. This fake stock market is being held afloat by the fed pumping trillions of dollars and keeping interest rates at almost zero. This market is going to crash, and millions will lose their shirts. Only the insiders (aka congress) and big boyz will be safe. When the market crashes, you want a good back up plan—food and water for a start. The FED (our) money is the money used to make more money for the wealthy 1%..it is used to save the market from crushing and to win the elections. In the end, we will have bankrupt companies with record market values, low-value US Dollar, and the wealthy 1% even wealthier. The Fed is ruling peoples lives with their important interest rate decisions and money printing, yet still, people know so little about who they are, how they became so powerful, which banks own them, who are the majority owners of those banks, why the congress authorized them to print money in the past, which US presidents objected them, why no US institution could audit them except the congress but never done it! And the media don't help the people with these questions! Some claim it’s because the Fed owners own most of the media! There used to be 500 independent news companies in the 70s in the US, now there are only five big, which own everything. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The FED knew the market was about to absolutely meltdown again this week, so MORE PRINTING! One trick pony. A great economy would rebound strongly. It would just resume where it left off; it wouldn't need trillions of dollars to prop it up. It would be nice if the Fed could stay out of the market for more than one day. The Fed's bond-buying program looks good on the surface. However, this is why QE can create zombie companies. How do we know if those companies are the virus-stricken companies or the mismanagement-stricken companies way before the outbreak of the virus? I think the Fed should screen out irresponsible mismanaged companies. Let them go bankrupt. The Fed had better inject cash into other urgent places. If the Fed pours money into such zombie companies, we had better make all US companies state-run. As the Fed prints more money, it goes into assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. Those with capital get richer. Working-class people who depend on their labor and not on capital get poorer. Donald’s elite economy is not the economy of the middle-class American worker. This rewards speculators and destroys savers. We are all being forced to be rampant speculators, rather than prudent savers. Can this really end well? Like a hot potato that gets hotter with time, someone is going to get stuck holding it, and it is not going to be a pleasant ending for anyone, nor end well for the last in line. So retail sales were down a record of 17% in April, but the phony market was rallying huge because the crooked FED was buying ETFs tied to the S&P, Dow, and Nasdaq. What a CON GAME this is. So much for a free market economy. At least they're telling us they're doing it. I wonder how it is fair for a company that worked to preserve its capital, but now it doesn't get government help and the companies that were run poorly do? Yeah, it makes great sense. Just pay unemployment and let the chips fall how they do. That's the free market for you. Can't begin to imagine how much insiders are going to capitalize on this when they are tipped off on which stocks the fed is about to purchase. Anyone with half a brain knows it's already happening with the ETFs. I never want to hear again that we are a free-market economy, and the U.S. is not a socialist society. The market is moved by the Fed, not by the performance of the companies, and insider from the Fed makes all the money, this is totally illegal. I wonder how it's fair that the taxpayer has no say in which companies are helped and how much they are helped. It's the taxpayer's money! If ANYONE doubted for one minute that the central banks (which include the Fed) aren't in this together, this should help clarify the situation. The 1% all over the world are having an incredible weenie roast, and the rest of us are the weenies. I wonder if the Fed has taken into account the possibility of massive losses due to bankruptcy. The Fed can pump a year's worth of money into the system. Debt will NEVER replace sales. US companies will just go deeper and deeper into debt, as long as the Fed keeps the money flowing. Can't imagine how this is going to weigh on earnings for the next five years, if not longer. Surprised we didn't go to negative rates, like the Japanese. That didn't work either. The market will figure itself out on its own given the chance. Once intervention occurs, it gets worse and worse because there's no more mother of invention to bring on to create new jobs to replace the old ones the government is trying to protect. Federal "Reserve" bank creates reserves in the banking system - basically the authorization to lend money. This is essentially an increase in the money supply, and there is no theoretical limit to the amount they can create, but it is inflationary - more money into the same GDP implies it costs more for the same stuff. This flows through as either a systemically higher P/E ratio, if growth offsets the capital creation, or it's inflationary. Arguably, buying bonds removes them from the money supply pool, so it should be neutral, simply a shifting of capital infection from banks to brokers (not that they are terribly isolated/separate). Either way, it probably means a challenging market path to traverse. Hard to imagine this could be precisely managed. So much for the free market. I Can understand government intervention to stabilize markets suffering from some type of temporary anomaly. But I haven't heard of any currently associated with bond ETFs. There is no reason for the Fed to buy corporate bonds. This is just about keeping the market up. Let the market fall to where it should be, which is closer to the March lows than current levels. Will markets ever be able to wean off of government intervention? I am sick of hearing, "keeping the market up." I think They are doing A LOT MORE than just keeping it up; It's at All-time Highs area. This is Ridiculous! I keep hearing Powell say Feds are doing what they are doing to support markets so they can function. Why no reporter questions him on this and asks how they used to function BEFORE? There are instances in the past when markets corrected 20% or so. If it was a regular business cycle, then why is it different now? Is it that now the top 0.1% are holding the stocks and back then it was the middle class holding stocks. It is surely not because they want to protect jobs as nothing they have done so far has stopped job losses. Unfortunately, the Fed caves into the barking of the White House. Trump wants a rocket ship, and he will get what he wants. Then it will bomb. The Fed is doing more meddling in elections than the Russians could ever dream of. Seems to me that government intervention is like mixing two substances in a centrifuge. Once the government is in the mix, it will be tough to separate it from these ETFs Remember friends; corporations are people too! Taxpayers owe a big debt of gratitude to AT&T for the GOLDEN PARACHUTE for their retiring CEO. He certainly deserves a life pension of $247k/month. Something people fail to understand is that corporate bankruptcy rarely leads to lost jobs. We are literally using taxpayer $ to prop up high-risk investments and provide golden parachutes for the CEOs. The side effect is that we have a bunch of day traders handing out advice like they are Warren Buffet while the man himself sits on a stockpile of cash. How long until the US is in Japan's situation where Bank of Japan owns 85% or more of ETFs on their exchange? Look at the Nikkei chart in 1989; it was at 39K, it crashed 75% and then never recovered even now at 22K, because the Bank of Japan was doing what Fed is doing now; pumping the stock market. Japan went into zombie depression. The same will happen in the US. Americans will hate the Fed and the Government. The Fed will be abolished. People will be so poor. More bailing out the rich at the expense of the middle and lower classes. Everything our corrupt government does now is a bail-out to the rich. This is called maintaining the status quo. The government's job is to maintain the wealth of existing wealthy people at the cost of the middle class. Vote ALL the bums out. Democrats and Republicans alike. Find a 3rd party candidate and SEND A MESSAGE. The Government helping private companies; isn't that called SOCIALISM? This is Socialism at its finest! The Fed is state-sponsored communism of capitalism. The US economy is now a centrally managed bureaucracy. The FOMC is unconstitutional and needs to be abolished. The real United States exists in the majority of the lower and middle class. And right now, the majority are hurting. Great swathes of Americans are struggling, with any dream of prosperity a far off fantasy. And in the meantime, the people who need the LEAST amount of help; the powerful elite who will never worry about having a roof over their head, or where their next meal will come from, are being further enriched on the backs of every American who does have to worry. The word I have in mind is evil. This is pure, unadulterated evil playing out in front of us. I don't CARE where the money is coming from. Trillions upon trillions of support are being fired at the stock market to prop it up to give the illusion of a strong economy. Imagine if a PORTION of that were funneled into healthcare, education, poverty. This is evil. And those lucky enough to participate in this Fed-fueled rally are too blinded by greed to see or care. It's time to wake up and ask when did this country morph into something so grotesque? When did the free market die, and why did we let it happen? Why are we celebrating an elite few siphoning up all the wealth? In the coming years, the rally cry won't be against systemic racism. It will be against the concentration of money and power into the hands of the few. That is where the real battle lies. Now, if only the stock market was related to the average citizen. Unfortunately, this strong market is an indication of a lower standard of living for most citizens. Inflation is apparent to anyone who does their own shopping. A dollar doesn’t go as far, and most of us still aren’t getting raises equal to inflation. Eventually, they have to stop printing money, and putting it on the taxpayers, coupled with inflation or Wallstreet, will be a boom while the rest of us can’t pay the bills. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

👉 The Stock Market due for a Crash , Facebook releases Libra , The Fed behind the Robinhood App !!

👉 The Stock Market due for a Crash , Facebook releases Libra , The Fed behind the Robinhood App !!

There are no investors in the stock market; there are only gamblers. The only reason you buy a stock is because you think the price will go up, and the only reason somebody is willing to sell you that stock is because they believe the price will go down. One of you will be wrong, but by the time you figure out who is right and who is wrong, one of you will have cash in your checking account, and the other will have a piece of paper called a stock certificate. Apparently, every generation has to learn the hard way about stock market bubbles, and now it's Generation Z's turn while they're stuck in lockdown with their Robinhood app. But, this stock bubble is exceptionally obscene when the real unemployment rate is over 20%. Always arriving but somehow, never getting there. It is a sucker's market, folks. It is rife with amateurs buying bankrupt companies, companies heavily in debt - all in the middle of a Recession (more like a depression), under the belief, that you buy low and ride the crest to the top with this supposed, "V" recovery coming! Meanwhile, the seasoned investor is out there, knowing fully, that all hell is going to break loose and it is going to be an "S" recovery, with a highly "juiced" (by the Fed) S&P to give the appearance, that a recovery is in full swing. Run the other way, or you WILL LOSE your shirt! The Federal Reserve is what really propping up the markets. They went on a buying spree to purchase billions in corporate bonds to save corporate America, mostly through ETF's. In fact, Blackrock, Inc. recently came under scrutiny for its cozy relationship with the Federal Reserve, who has bought more stocks through them than any other asset management firm of its type. Now they started buying corporate bonds through ETFs.This will most likely turn like Japan, where the Fed is buying stocks. Stimulus money always ends up in the market. Corporations are buying their own stocks with the free money. The FED just injected 5 trillion and bought every failing asset in the US. The Fed can basically do whatever it wants with no consequence to the Fed. The consequences will fall on the rest of us. What else is new? Nepotism. The US taxpayers will be responsible for paying the trillions in additional debt. Why has the stock market soared? Because originally, the Fed has supplied cash to bolster the economy. However, stray cash is going into the stock market. Also, human beings' greed has been overriding all kinds of concerns about the dismal economy. Greed has created rampant speculation. Therefore, all gloomy economic indicators are meaningless to people. Actually, they have intentionally turned away from the gloomy data, seeing what they want to see. This is why the stock market has been skyrocketing, even without the recovery in the economy. The oversupplied cash and greed have separated the stock market from the economy. The Fed's prime directive is to maintain inflated high stock market prices to continue the Trickle Down Economics, while publicly denouncing the trickle-down concept. I look at buys on these companies. No way individual investors can buy 100000 shares of these stocks. The money involved has to be from institutions. How anyone can't see that is beyond me. Fed working low volume at night bidding against themselves. Your tax dollars at work. People have figured out the pattern buy at closing sell in the morning. Just to be clear, we are still in a bear market. We just had the bear market rally. Implied P/E on DOW is almost 25. We have a long way down to go. Everyone knows the market can't go up another 10% this summer, the Fed stimulus is factored in, and so this will all die off, and we'll start seeing the more typical market actions with the occasional pop and drop on some news. The stock market is amoral and has no care for anything except profit. I just cannot see how this is sustainable when it’s fuelled by a Ponzi scheme. If the market keeps going up, then I would bail out in October before the election. It just feels like something is going to pop a relief valve this year. It looks like it is finally time to short the market. Robinhood is probably none other than The Fed and their magic money printing machine. A clear sign we are on the verge of The Great Reset. Bizarro Robinhood App is rigged to steal from the poor and give to the rich through stealing their trade data and selling to Wall Street to further manipulate on their Not Level Playing Field. These commission-free trade apps are designed to steal from the poor and give to the rich by selling their data to Wall Street. How do we know the Fed hasn't figured out a way to open a million individual trading accounts with Robinhood? Buying stocks directly now, are we?... The Robinhood meme is being used to generate FOMO. Don't be fooled by the propaganda. It's a honey trap. When the elite let you into their rigged game, it®s because they need suckers before the plug off. All these retail gamblers will end up squeezed. This is what happens 90% of the time to gamblers: tiny win, win, win, big win, huge loss. GAME OVER. Thanks for playing. The Fed is propping 401K and retail. This time the suckers are winning. As of June 10, the S&P 500 was up nearly 1,000 points since its low in late March. There's a lot of economic uncertainty abounding these days. The US market had soared about 30 percent since the trough, driven in part by record amounts of the central bank and government stimulus, leading to worries the rally had become too detached from economic reality. In the face of a breathtaking disconnect between Main Street and Wall Street, largely based on overconfidence in free money, my sense is that there remains a crisis ahead that will emerge ‘gradually and then suddenly. Things go up until they don’t. I’m more bearish than ever right now. So if the momentum changes, there will be nothing to support these overpriced stocks. In other words, get out before the rest. Never try to call the top or the bottom. We are much closer to a top than a bottom, so the greatest risk is to the downside. They NEED MORE TAXPAYERS MONEY TO BURN IN SPECULATION AND SHORT SALES. THE HELP GIVEN RECENTLY ALREADY went up in SMOKE! We are in a recession already. Forty-two million filing for unemployment- bailouts for everyone. Five trillion deficit and plenty of failing businesses. The V-shaped recovery is no longer likely. I think reality will sink in around the end of the 3rd quarter when the extra unemployment benefits run dry, and unemployment is still high. I think real estate is in for a big shock between now and year-end. Logic has left the market when people think Hertz is still a buy. Fabulous and permanent losses coming for inflated B.S.market. It is going to be catastrophic for we the people, as every 401K in the country is tied to these stocks. Not to mention the Pension Funds in general. EVERYTHING in this market is RIGGED FOR THE RICH!!!!! WAKE UP AND LOOK!!! THIS IS NOT A FAIR MARKET IT IS RIGGED FOR THE RICH!!!! AND STUPID PEOPLE SUPPORT IT! If you hold any of the stocks, you better sell them fast. I would stay clear of this market. They will steal your money. It is all digital. They see you, worse than a casino. You are not in the Illuminati insider trader mafia; they will steal your money. Charts change direction as soon as a pigeon (non-mafia person) “invests” with the market scam. IOW, all of the 'algos, quants, BTD, data analysis, charts and graphs, ad nauseum' were horse manure. Only really long involved and huge money players like Warren Buffet and Carl Icahn and their ilk who occupied the rarefied atmosphere of finance ever made any real money. And that was because of their longevity, their access to insider information, and their reputations as 'financial geniuses' and finance-world A-listers. Kinda like how Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg are Hollywood A-listers, whose longevity, records of success, reputations, power, etc. give them access to the money and resources for movie-making that some bit-part actor could never achieve. IOW, the whole finance game has for many years (since the cabal gained total control over Wall Street and our government) been a rigged casino game in which only the A-lister power-players win. And the rabble retail investors in fly-over country lose. The 'data analysis, algos' and all that other horse manure were just bright shiny objects to make the rabble think that the game was clean and not rigged and that they had a chance in the investment game. I have one tulip-bulb that I will sell for two riverside town-houses!! Everyone seems to have bought into this "Fed will save everything" and "it will be a repeat of 2008" mindset. The issues I have with that are, in 2008, the Fed stuffed money down the throats of big business and fattened up already fat accounts so that their books looked good. Once the crises were deemed over, those corporations used that money for buybacks and various other schemes to boost the stock and enrich the upper management. Today the environment is much different. Instead of fattening up accounts, the Fed money is being used to keep corporations solvent, and much of it is being rapidly spent. Corporations are taking in massive amounts of debt to add to the already massive amounts they racked up with their self-enrichment schemes. All this debt will weigh heavily on earnings well into the future. Bottom line is, if "Investors" are "betting the house" on a Fed fueled explosion after this is over, they may be disappointed, as the money to do that has already been spent... People say that the market is a forward-looking indicator and always rallies six months before an actual turn in the economy. The truth is that it is almost perpetually in rally mode, and like a broken clock ( hit and hope), it eventually gets it right. We may still find ourselves testing the bottom. The main driver of stock prices is supposed to be earnings and revenue. This year's earnings for most companies will have a significant decline. Many company's earnings in 2021 will be lower than their earnings were in 2019. In the near future, the big players will reverse and start shorting the market and push stock prices down. Spikes in every state reopened, and we have yet to see the effect of the mass protests. Earnings are the core driver of stocks over the long run, so this short-run speculative bubble that has been created will soon pop. Hopefully, you did what a lot of people did on Friday and take some profits and put some cash on the sidelines. I wouldn't want to be a margin trader in this market, and no, just because you defy all logic and your stock still goes up, that doesn't mean you're good at picking stocks. That just means other gamblers are playing the same losing bet. No bear market. No bull market. This is a kangaroo market. Pullbacks and rotation by those faceless criminals! Where is SEC now? The only way to stop robbing pullbacks is to investigate and arrest those criminals (the worst kind - those big trade firms) behind selloffs and meetups. So-called market is the kind of Ponzi scheme, as old and dirty as, if not more than prostitution. Our whole market is smoke and mirrors. Stocks of bankrupt companies going bananas despite companies being broke. USA service economy, will not give real jobs to real people. Businesses aren't paying their rents; landlords aren't paying their mortgages. Fed is propping up the banking system while forcing everyone to pay their debt. Forbearances are coming to an end soon. Let the banks fall and restructure them later. We need a debt jubilee. We are running out of options. Rebuild the middle class and give them some wealth by letting them stay in their homes. This is the reckoning of over 30 years of stagnant wage growth, stagnant purchasing power, the destruction and outsourcing of good-paying jobs, industrial de-investment in the U.S., debt pyramiding, market manipulation, central bank planning, speculative stock investing, the ability to borrow money on the cheap, massive wealth consolidation in the form of inflated stock and asset prices..... All leaving our economy in a fragile state and the average worker most vulnerable to the pain of a collapsing economy. The world's wealthiest and most powerful country (we keep telling ourselves that) couldn't figure out a way to keep 40 million people employed. What an embarrassment. Aside from that, If you want to ride the madness and make a buck out of it. Facebooks Libra coin just got released 1 hour ago! You should get some fast because they have a sale at the moment, but it could be over soon because everyone is buying in. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Where would the market be if companies' policies not dictated by stock price, no stock buybacks could be done, and QE was not 6-10 trillion dollars, and some type of common accounting practices were actually used. I want to say the market would be around SPY: 40-60. I think its like 300 now. Got as high as 330. Just kept going up and up and up. No chance to ever get in. Because when it does go down two seconds later, they come with the firehoses and dump a shitload more money on it. You have like 2 minutes to make a buy before its right back to where it was. No thanks! Rigged Casino, with algos, front running bid and ask. How can it even be called a market? It doesn't even resemble one. It is just some tainted fake ATM that just spews out fake cash nonstop. The heart of the problem lies back in the '70s when the Fed, along with Republican and Democratic senators pushed bank "reform," which just repealed major acts that regulated the banking industry, monopoly laws, etc. Along with this came the removal of the gold standard in 71, which then started the printing frenzy, and the stock market exploded (alongside gold, unlike now). The QE/Stock buybacks/TARP is just what happens when the tide rises, and the rats start to flee the ship. It is essentially the beginning of the end of the US dollar as a global hegemonic currency. If you got rid of the buybacks, QE, etc. you would just prolong the inevitable by a few decades, but the rot is still there. The FED still has complete control, still unelected, still deciding how much money to pillage from future generations to keep the system solvent. The algos and High-Frequency Trading are just one way the large institutions can further steal down the chain. The Fed steals and sends the money to the banks. The corporations steal by getting credit with little interest, pumping corporate paychecks, and paying 0 taxes. The algos steal even more blatantly by getting essentially premier access to the stock market. If you think Forbes 100 is correct, think again. I'm 100% certain there are individuals walking in the US today whose net worth eclipse Bezos and Gates, yet no one knows about them. Think about being in control of where $5 TRILLION goes to. How easy it would be to send just 1% of that money through various entities to a private bank account in the Bahamas. COVID 19 is about engineered economic collapse meant to accelerate bringing in the new monetary system. The new system is not currency; it is a credit system that will give the elite even greater control. The goal is control, whereby humanity is transitioned from freedom to slavery. If you know anything about the present financial system, you know that is already the case; however, the new system will be many many times worse. By cooperating with the COVID narrative, we are accepting a slave system that the vast majority cannot even comprehend at this point. The next President will be blamed for our out of control debt, the high unemployment, etc. If I were Biden, I think I would say no thanks for the opportunity, but I'll pass! Let Trump deal with the mess that he has created! Many have fought the Fed; few are still alive to talk about it. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

👉Sovereign Debt, Matters : We are in a Fat Ugly Monster Bubble !!

👉Sovereign Debt, Matters : We are in a Fat Ugly Monster Bubble !!

Total U.S. debt reaches $55.9 trillion amid significant increases in corporate and government borrowing. Total domestic nonfinancial debt jumped by 11.7% to $55.9 trillion, the Fed said in its quarterly statement on domestic financial accounts. The debt had increased by 3.2% in Q4 of 2019. The biggest debt gain comes on the business side, rising 18.8%, while federal government debt also jumped 14.3%. Total federal debt recently passed $26 trillion. We have raised 96% of that debt ($24.5 TRILLION debt) since 1981 or less than 39 years ago. It took the US over two centuries to accumulate its first trillion dollars in federal debt, a number which was surpassed for the first time in the fourth quarter of 1981. What is stunning, however, is the recent pace of increase: total debt was "only" $23.5 trillion on March 23, the day the Fed unleashed unlimited QE, meaning that in two and a half months, the US has added $2.5 trillion in debt. And the punchline: the US added the last trillion dollars in the shortest time on record, achieving this remarkable feat in just one month, since May 4, when the total debt was just under $25 trillion. We added an extra trillion in just last month. That means the debt will double by 2022. Imagine if the average middle-class American planned on doubling his debt by 2022. What could be bought with money totally another mortgage balance, student loan balance, car loan balance, and credit card balance. We're talking $500,000 or more plus salary, to spend in just two years! The COVID effects are starting to snowball down a hill. Wait until the forbearance period runs out, and housing gets sucked in. The roller coaster is just getting started. Fiat bugs and mutants who say debt doesn't matter are going to find out the hard way that debt does indeed matter. The new slogan, sovereign debt, matters! We are 26 Trillion dollars in debt. The government has agreed on a stimulus of 5.5 Trillion dollars and another 3 Trillion dollars next (8.5 Trillion dollars so far). This basically means that our national debt is going to be in 30 Trillion dollars range. Household debt rose 3.9% due in large part to an increase on the mortgage side of 3.2%. Consumer debt rose 1.6%. Only Private-Citizens with Student Loans get NO BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION. I give it a couple of months when the credit cards of the people who are already maxed out stop working, and there's no new income to pay off the minimum. Meanwhile, food will be more expensive, and EBT benefits will not rise in tandem. From 2016-2020 we have tripled our budget deficit and increased our national debt by 20%. Future generations are going to have to pay for this. It's very clear that EVERY President keeps adding a few Trillion dollars, and more specifically, Trump and CoronaVirus are adding a lot of Trillions of dollars to our national debt. This debt is like an ever-heavier weight spread across a population that isn't growing, and eventually, the policies of avoidance will crush whatever is under it. There is NO WAY we will pay off the national debt. We will simply pay the interest until we can no longer even afford that; then it's a complete collapse. The big cities will go first and hard. Supply chain disruptions will be massive, and the cost of living is off the charts, so people will get behind the eight balls almost immediately when the people who are living above their means suddenly lose their income. Then come the street gangs. There is a reason Trump is activating National Guard on the east and west coasts, and it's not because they are fighting the virus. The Collapse is inevitable. No politician has the guts or brains to save the current system. The time to protect whatever wealth you have is now, as stagflation and eventually, hyperinflation will wipeout whatever value is left of the U.S. dollar. It will never get fixed until the system collapses. Talking tax increases and benefit cuts does not win you votes. Trump wants to be re-elected if that means financial collapse and the middle class destroyed, so be it. Maga! He said he was the King of Debt, and he ain't lying. Winning! Which is why there is exactly NO alternative to saving in gold. "Investment" is dead anyway. Return on Investment has been reduced to zero under a flood of printed paper credit. Bank accounts are certificates of confiscation. There's zero yields anywhere unless you are prepared to accept the enormous risk, and real-terms, organic "economic growth" has been gone for years, never mind what the useless "GDP" data releases blurb out. Just put the debt into the stock market like the rest of us. No risk and unlimited money! We're ALL gamblers now, bettors because that's all that is left. The Weimar Republic will look like paradise compared to what's coming. Extraordinary to me how the average Joe really has no clue about the epic seriousness of all this. Printing still requires supplies and labor; computer digits don't. And that, my friends, is significant. Fun Fact: By mid 1923, Germany's central banks were using more than 30 paper factories, almost 1,800 printing presses, and 133 companies to print banknotes. And don't forget about the $250 trillion in unfunded liabilities boys and girls. That is debt, no matter how you slice and dice it. America is $250T in the hole, but everything's going to be alright, folks, not a problem. That includes the unfunded promises for Medicare and social security. It’s unfunded even though our employers and we sent the money in - because corrupt congress stole it. So they will have to borrow to make the payouts - which seems like we paid twice. Now we see why smaller government is better government; They stole more than our social security payments. They undermined our life's work into nothing and made us pay for the weapons they will use to shut us up. The US economy to debt ration is equal to that of Greece’s ten years ago, and that is using a US pre-Corona economy. The next six months will be interesting. The rate of U.S. Debt growth has gone parabolic! There is no turning back from this insanity. The only out is through a smoking pit of disaster, crawling out the other side to start over. The federal government has a huge balance sheet. Oil and gas leases totaling more than $150T for starters. It must be nice to leave your fiscal mess to someone else. Politicians only know how to spend. The nation is bankrupt. Sooner or later, we will have to declare bankruptcy; or borrow from an unknown source to pay the debts. Then whoever we borrow from will pretty much own the US. If the government continues to print money, then money, in general, will start to be worthless. All the people who worked hard and saved and lived within their means will see that money’s value decrease because of over-saturation. I cannot honestly believe some people don’t understand that if you receive money for doing nothing, then it needs to be repaid. It was not enough to hold the markets up. They needed Unlimited QE, i.e., another 2 trillion dollar injection now. What they got is a slow drip, while Jerome sounded like he was the candyman to equities. He did say markets should price in risk, meaning no PPT saves and let the markets fall until they find a now Limited QE medium. Robinhood traders will get slaughtered, and the Fed looks good. That was just to bail out the 1% who own stocks and bonds. It is going to cost a bit more to keep the other 99% from burning the country to the ground. Until the GOP Manifesto for "Tycoon-Tax-Freedom" is firmly dealt with, and "Fair Share Responsible Taxation is restored and a Wealth Tax on the 1% Oligarchy who have accumulated 50% eliminate "Greed-Breed" entitlements. We can start by closing the tax loopholes for huge corporations and remove the roll-back of the taxes they paid. Thirty-five percent may have been a bit much. However, thirty percent would still afford the big corporations to make profits and produce millionaire/billionaire CEOs. Twenty-one percent is obscene. Must close the loopholes. Everyone should expect taxes to increase, both federal, state, county, city, and of course, when there is a budget deficit, the first thing to go are social programs and education. This is how wealth transfers happen in the US. The Fed bails out airlines, Hedge fund companies, banks, etc. etc. i.e., their buddies mega corporations without needing to pay it back. The fed makes money off the interest for hitting some keys on a computer creating fake currency, and the hard-working Americans via taxes pay it back. So we pay for extremely wealthy people to get even more wealthy. Meanwhile, small businesses only hope they can qualify for a loan (most won't get one), and they have to pay it back with interest. The FED exists to support greed and irresponsibility, simple as that. The US, Japan & Euro zones all need to man up and accept the mistakes they've made. Put greed aside, and let markets/economies clean themselves out. Stop this money printing bailout mentality and return to free-market roots. Otherwise, this thing will just keep going on, and reward for effort will be a thing of the past. Stop rewarding stupid & corrupt behavior! Stop corporate welfare end wall st, and the stock market that way companies have nothing to do with their money except investing in their workers and their companies, not their stock prices. Start collecting taxes from them. American business mentality is to borrow egregiously and make very risky bets. Then when everything goes wrong, deflect the negatives of the risk by having the Fed bail you out or game the system. How much longer can moral hazard be ignored, rewarding these inefficient and dangerous business practices instead of punishing the ever wealthier executors? Americans like living on debt, but the party is over. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The market bubble doesn't turn my stomach as much as the debt bubble. Unless you've bought recently on margin, a correction might sting, but it won't bankrupt you. Debt, however, needs its payments made. And if you've got one low payment too many, it gets ugly fast. Add a few trillion here to the debt and add a few trillion there to the debt and pretty soon, still, nobody gives a damn, because everybody knows that in order to keep the shithouse's walls from imploding, there will have to be another few trillion added here and another few trillions added there. That is called Ouroboros economics. Until now, it has been a discussion about billions. Now we shall hear a discussion about trillions. Three zeros difference. Zero is nothing until you keep adding them to the end of a number. And with the dollar devaluation coming, it will be quadrillions. Forget trillions. This is the Buzz Lightyear economics: To infinity and beyond. Well, at least we are in good hands. Our current president is the best president in American history...in handling bankruptcies. He has a lot of experience, and that's what we need right now, one with experience. And now I understand what he was saying when he said, "I am the chosen one." Who else would be able to handle this pending, greatest bankruptcy in the history of mankind? After all, he's gone through 6 bankruptcies already. And America will become his 7th. The USA is a Republic run by Big corporations. Therefore, it is actually an Oligarchy. Elections will not stop this as it gets worse every time. The top 0.1 % of the Super Rich have decided who wins through gerrymandering and by keeping this antiquated Electoral College system, both favoring the top 1% of the population. Compared to the EU countries, the USA hard-working citizens do not have any universal health care system, no six weeks/ year paid vacation, no 38 hours of work, no nothing European citizens have. Why is that? Well, the taxation system is much fairer, military expenses are far lower, so Eu can afford to make laws favoring the interest of their voters. In the EU, the politicians are afraid of the voters; in the USA, they are afraid of Big Corporate America! There is no money in the banks. Your bank accounts reflect a measured value of somebody else’s unbridled power. We are allotted credits by the secret elite that allow us to live falsely believing they have not enslaved us. Capitalism is simply what communism sees in the mirror. Nothing is going to happen to fix our deficit because both parties (and people) are addicted to debt and never-ending GDP growth. There is no way out this other than inflation. It is not possible politically to cut benefits and raise taxes sufficiently to make any meaningful headway on the national debt. It is just too big, and the political and social forces against deep cuts and big tax increases are too entrenched. Fix the problem by cutting politicians' entitlements, politicians' luxury spending, and stop giving tax breaks to wealthy, who need to pay taxes on all income. Stop stimulus pay to big companies and to those who make over $90,000 a year and to noncitizens with green cards. Cut multiple living expenses to presidents with multiple security to adult family members. Now, that is a good bog start to boost our economy. Cut Federal salaries by 50 %. Cut Federal benefits by 80 %. Cut Federal Holidays by at least five days. Cut Federal pensions by at least 50 %. Cut congress pensions by 100 %. They do not deserve a pension for two years of doing nothing. Cut congress medical to the same the retired people get. Watch the budget balance in a hurry. - The Fed counterfeits dollars by the trillions, destroying their purchasing power and driving up prices. - Funds endless wars and welfare. - Creates massive and artificial economic booms, that must be followed by painful busts. - Bails out the politically-connected, creating an economy riddled with zombie corporations. Central planning is (as always) a disaster! The FED will bail till it cant bail anymore, complete economic warfare followed by the destruction of society. Post-Coronavirus, the situation will be two times or five times or ten times worse. Global depression is imminent and will continue for an indefinite period as depopulation, deleveraging, and decline are the natural state of things. Cast off the lifeboats...the Titanic is going down, and we'll be in small boats on very rough seas from here on. This was going to happen. Eventually, Coronavirus has just accelerated the timeline." 3 D's. Depression. Depopulation. De-dollarization. It's the New World Order. Serfdom. Destroy middle class, small business, pensions (public and private), 4o1 ks. Doctors can't even perform surgeries right now unless they are emergency surgeries. Virtually every business is suffering. When the formerly comfortable middle class loses everything, the government will come in to "save us," with public benefits and police state. No honor among thieves. The greed pandemic is upon us. The real looters are living in wall street, and they're looting our money by the trillions. I personally hold the Globalists and their Federal Reserve accountable for this Global Depression scenario. They are responsible for inflating the currency and all bubbles, enabling criminal behavior, and destroying the economy in the process. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Friday, June 12, 2020

👉Bankrupt Hertz Stocks up 50% -- Day Trading Madness !!

👉Bankrupt Hertz Stocks up 50% -- Day Trading Madness !!

Hertz stock went up over 50% after the company announced on Thursday its plans to sell up To $1 Billion In new bankrupt stock. After announcing the opportunistic sale of newly bankrupt shares, "investors" are bidding the rental car company's stock up 50% this morning and back above its pre-bankruptcy levels. You CANNOT make this stuff up. Beyond corrupt and out of the box insanity. Peak Stupidity and Insanity. Hertz up 25%+ next week, bet on it. Robinhood Autists will buy it with both fists. This is a bet that stupidity exceeds infinity, and one guaranteed to pay. This will be epic. They will clean out the stockholders, dump 80% of the cars, all the insiders will pay themselves handsomely, then the debt will get a restructure, and fresh stock will be issued again at $20 / share IPO (of course after the insiders give themselves a large chunk of that fresh stock block). And the public will buy it with both fists. If a consumer ran up a debt on a credit card knowing they're about to claim bankruptcy, that's fraud and can be prosecutable. But Corporate Welfare Socialists get away with whatever they want with Wall Street and the Banks. Every big corporation is now literally "Too Big To Fail" and "essential." Total Corptocracy is what the USA has devolved into. Absolutely no moral hazard or accountability for anyone but the sheep. Nothing changes until the guillotines roll. We are in a bubble right now; the only thing that looks good is the stock market. But if you raise interest rates even a little bit, that's going to come crashing down. We are in a big fat ugly bubble. And we better be awfully careful. We have a Fed that's doing political things by keeping the interest rates at this level. The Fed is not doing their job; the Fed is being more political than Secretary Clinton. By the way, those were the words of candidate Trump in 2016, not of today. Stocks are up because our counterfeiting Federal Reserve keeps digitizing dollars and that trillions of newly "coined" currency have to go somewhere. Well, it goes into the stock market - pure and simple. What a grand scheme. Seriously, has no one noticed that Trillions were just stolen from citizens and handed to the bankers? The Fed knows we are screwed. So blow bigger bubbles to try and make this mess go away. Why the hell do you think it's going up?. The FED robs from the poor to give to the rich. They gave the common man $1200 to look the other way. This market such a joke. So many of us have our retirement funds and 401k's invested in this joke of a market. The stock market is no longer about anything. Hertz files bankruptcy, and people are still trading their stock. It was up 888% in 3 days, then down 60% in a day or two, and now it's up to 50+% today. The robin hoods are buying Hertz, hand over fist. I think that they think that Chapter 11 is the one after Chapter 10. The same thing with Chesapeake energy. Another bankrupt company that saw its stock jump from $17 per share to $72 per share in a matter of a few hours only to drop right back down to $17 in a day. With days like yesterday, a week's worth of gains is wiped out in a day. I just don't see how equity buyers see any value with the debt so high. The bondholders are going to take a haircut too. Until the Robinhooders are gobsmacked by reality, this lunacy will continue. What if the FED is doing this with its own Robinhood account? Anything is possible in this crazy world now. I see the fraud is widely prevalent in the system. There were 100s of bankrupt companies kept trading after filing BK11, and eventually, it became 0. There are many companies insiders manipulating stock prices ( maybe shorting their own stock through 3rd party, spread the bankruptcy rumors, cover it at the bottom for pennies) In many cases, there retailers trying to fight out this nonsense ( without any oversight in this wild west ) to pull their tail out of huge losses somehow. Hence they buy up stock to cause the shorties to cover at higher prices. There are literally 100s of companies stock manipulated like this in the past while SEC is sleeping at wheel or watching. Come on now. What fun is left in the world if you can't pretend to be a bigshot day trader investing in bankrupt companies that are issuing stock! Truly the world has gone crazy. The greatest economy in the world, 100% backed by retail bagholders and funny-money wizards. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This market is not normal. DJI went up 4000 points in a month. That's a lot of profit to take off the table. After yesterday, people are going to take profits on any bounces. Markets are still overpriced. The old pump and dump surely to happen. The rich got all their losses back and knew when to pull the plug. Super fishy market going on. There was no stopping this market a few days ago. A classic market manipulation, how do you think they're stealing your meager capital. The America I knew, has rather changed. Now it seems that the horn of plenty is only open those who own stocks. I once remember the horn of plenty was open to hard-working Americans, who held down jobs for decades. Issuing endless debt, taxing capital, and consuming it, and printing “wealth” out of thin air definitely works. Definitely, it does not matter what they do - because the real economy is not recovering. And they can't continue to print money at this rate without making the dollar worthless. You cannot use sand as a currency when you live on the beach!! The Fed is, was, and will continue to prop up markets. Right now, you've got day traders pumping things up due to low volume, and you've got qualified investors cashing in to close out positions and banking profits. The large scale investors have far more money and shares invested, so the stock drops much faster when the big boys start cashing in. Can the Fed really fight this massive exodus from equities and keep it propped up artificially? Everything is possible, even the impossible. Bankruptcies are the new growth industry, so why not take advantage. This market is not for those who believe in fundamentals. The economy NO longer matters ... NOR does the real economy ... NOR sky-high unemployment. All that matters is that wall street reelects trump. He is "The CHOSEN ONE." You can fool some of the people some of the time, and that's enough to make a decent living. Ever since the Dow was DOWn around 18k, the FED PRINTING PRESS has been in OVERDRIVE. Awarding stock market gains to the wealthy by way of taxpayer debt. Anyone surprised?? How long can this game go on? Stocks should keep moving higher unless the fed's printing press breaks down. It’s all about Program Trading. The stock market is not the leading indicator of the economy anymore (that's now an old economic theory). It has been taken over by the algorithm-driven program trading (Math/AI models), controlled by 20-30 major financial services companies (hedge fund, brokerage, private equity, etc.). These models decide the daily swings of the market. When the models are in tandem, the market generally stays up all day long (as was the case today); when they conflict, some wild swings come into play. Obviously, the central news and events are heavily weighted in those models. Of course, while the other professional day traders play along with the trend, they hardly influence the direction of the market anymore, contrary to the conventional wisdom or belief. There are people who buy just to be buying. No fundamentals left, just roll the dice. That what I see people doing. The market has been overvalued since 2015. I think if people ever start looking at the company's data and start following the market fundamentals and taking a realistic look at the economy, the market will fall over the summer. Never in history has stock prices been this disconnected from the value of the underlying companies. At some point, the reality is going to set in -- and it isn't going to be pretty. Gotta be crazy to put money into the market right now with the first little blip of a second wave of coronavirus cases right around the corner. All physical Retailers and theme parks and restaurants and hotels and airlines and cruise lines and theaters and sports are all toast. Most small businesses that require people are toast. The market price is in the ionosphere, and most companies, 90% or more, will see revenues and earnings decline for many years. Its just reality, and there are few places to hide now. There is not one good reason to buy stocks or bonds. The pace of unemployment historically high, FED and Government debt at all-time highs, household debt at all-time highs, FED forced to bail out banks (again) with unprecedented QE and Repo Loans, civil unrest in the country with protesting, looting, rioting, and killing, after limping through the weakest recovery and expansion in history. The U.S. economy is sinking deeper into the abyss. This is what the FED has created. Donald Trump has not drained the swamp. He has made it deeper. What the Fed has not mentioned is the precarious position banks are in right now. Bankruptcies are coming, and some big banks are going to lose their shirts. Remember Lehman Brothers? Get ready for round 2. I am looking at a run on most of the US banks, especially if this COVID-19 increases starting this summer & Fathers Day & huge riots in the large cities. Already took out everything from the safety deposit box - not covered anyway by FDIC. With the Money Market Reform Act, you won't even be able to withdraw what little money you may have left in your bank, savings, or retirement accounts. It is not a matter of if it is when is the only question. The titanic is getting set the music is playing, but we are hitting a solvency iceberg. Debt unwinding is coming. The America, as we knew it, no longer exists. Get right and sit tight; the worst is yet to come. This is worst than in 2008. We have many more unemployed. Car loans, mortgages credit card debt are all going to be in trouble. That means banks and car dealers and so on and so on. I see a recession for 2 to three years. The market can never survive normality again - it will just be FRAUD until there is NO market! Fraudulent, open blatant corruption, and shameless cheating. The stock manipulators do what they know how to do. They add nothing to the wealth of our nation. Crazy speculation works until it doesn't. Calls Puts Naked shorts are a life of their own. The curtain has been pulled down on the Wizzard in the emerald city. The economy is gutted. We are on the verge of war with China. Our cities are being torn apart. And nothing will stop this meteoric stock market rise until November 3rd, 2020. Then comes the trump dynasty. It kind of am reminds of the Romanoff's, and we all know how that ended. The whole stock market is complete utter trash fabricated to benefit only the wealthy and screw the poor. They get the laser speed trading while poor puny bastards are using 4G internet trying to catch up like Robinhood. Front run every trade! A few cents times, billions of trades per day adds up! Computer programs run the markets. Not you. All they care about are making money and making money. You are who they make money from. They're not going to let you go anywhere. The Markets have morphed into video games. This is a nothing market. The only way to win is not to play. Only a moron would play this casino. If we went back to the gold standard, we wouldn't be trying to spend all our time speculating. We would be inventing stuff. Our economy became financialized by fiat - imagine all the Wall Street jobs that would go if we returned to the gold standard. Robinhood won't order fill unless you are a cent above ask and a cent below bid. Better yet, they then sold their order flow to HFT players, lock their players into dark pools, and then block withdraws. Oh, did I forget their clients are not even buying real stock. Their just buying a digit inside Robinhoods computer. Their trades don't even go out to any exchanges. Oh, this one even funnier they just shut down selling while the market routs and their indexes are like 2% off the real market. The rest of the brokers are probably blue with envy that their frauds are modest in comparison. That's the power of free. Save your commission. Oh, just in case you want to make it even better, you can invest in a company that's bankrupt, like Hertz. What a deal! This is how the scam works. YOU buy say one share of a company - $1300, which is fine. But the order never gets to an exchange, and you never owned the stock. As the price climbs on the aggregate across 1000's of share buyers, millions of dollars flow into Robinhood. Then they simply watch the futures and shut down while the market corrects. Because nobody can sell while the price falls. Robinhood keeps the arbitrage spread of the price fall. That's why they'll always shut off while the price falls. Once the price falls significantly, the trading is reopened, and the client is now staring at their losses. So they sell. Robinhood credits them the difference (loss). Plus, they also squeeze the client a penny spread above ask and below bid, which is more % in their pocket. Aggregated over the 10's of millions of traders, they are making 100's of millions off this. Oh, if that's not insulting enough, the HFT's see your order flow and their algos squeeze a penny here and there out of the whole thing. Surely the SEC will get after them for their accidentally on purpose shutdowns? Just kidding. The fine is never as high as the money they make off the crime. Isn’t that what they say on Wall Street? I have never witnessed such blatant corruption in my life. What a disgraceful situation these bankers have created. Buy land, silver, or gold. I am trying to get out. Stocks are not worth at all. You can lose all of your money, definitely not investment. It is worse than gambling since it is all digital; the Mafia sees your hand and steals your money. Gun and ammunition stocks. That's about it for now. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Monday, June 8, 2020

👉The Dow is taking off like a SpaceX Rocket Ship !!đŸ˜†đŸ˜±đŸ˜ƒđŸ˜„

👉The Dow is taking off like a SpaceX Rocket Ship !!đŸ˜†đŸ˜±đŸ˜ƒđŸ˜„

The Collapse of America is bullish. America is collapsing, but The stock markets are roaring up, and the Dow shoots up to the moon. What a bizarro world are we living in! Nothing surprises me anymore. The bankruptcy rate of small and medium businesses is going ballistic. The US Bankruptcies Soar 48% In May, The most since the financial crisis. The trade deficit continues to expand. Millions of Americans are out of work. Nearly 43 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits during the pandemic. For 11 weeks in a row, jobless claims have been in the millions. The "unexpectedly strong" US jobs report actually admitted that it was fake. The national debt has hit $26Trillion, and the tax takes are falling off a cliff. Debt to GDP is sitting at 130%. But if you include state and local debt, the total Debt/GDP ratio is 146.5%. And should be heading for 300% soon. Soon to exceed Japan's ratio. And The US stocks are hovering near a three-month high, The stock markets are up, oil prices almost back to their old, and Trump is tweeting the hell about it. Don't understand how the Saudis can raise the price of crude when there is no demand. These Markets are on Crack. We have now entered the Twilight Zone. The Dow is taking off like a SpaceX rocket ship. This rally is as organic as a bag of Cheetos. Bankruptcy news can apparently send your share price flying 825% these days. The Stocks are all that matters. Nothing that free money from the federal reserve can't fix. After all, they are zillionaires. The inmates have taken over the asylum. If we’re talking in terms of numbers, yes, the markets have recovered to almost their All-Time Highs. In terms of logic and sense, it went the opposite way. It recovered based on absolutely NOTHING. The bad news was good news. The Fed fell asleep with the finger on the 0 button. They started with 1, and the 0’s kept going. This is the only reason markets went up. I bet we would be below 10,000 on Dow if they didn’t pump it. THE FED and the government have been the spender of last resort. Debt to infinity, or there is nothing left to pay. The breakdown and tipping point is in the past, in early 2020. Now we watch it all unwind back to the Middle Ages. You won't have to blink many times before you will see the marines in the streets. A total descent into chaos is on the cards. Money can be printed. Wealth cannot. There is no chance this rally is not orchestrated. I mean completely orchestrated. Bears will have to wait for another shock. As long as the ALGOs can make their midday snake channel, this will go on for a long time. For that, the volume must be kept relatively light. The ALGOs are masters of that. "The stock market is NOT the economy." War, natural disasters, pestilence, they have no effect on stocks. The "Capital Impairment" of the US is real and not going away. It's been caused by picking apart the US infrastructure, private tangible productive capital, and pretending that "made up" substitutes like "Knowledge/Service Economy" are drop-in equivalents. They aren't, and we've seen how much they aren't with COVID in terms of the total inability to respond to it because we no longer make fundamental things. How quickly the Potemkin "Knowledge/Service" economy collapsed, and How quickly the supply chains of "real products" from overseas have collapsed. Just like in 2008, people left the market. Especially older people. Liquidity goes down; manipulation is easier and cheaper. So yes, the economy in the shitter, and the stocks up. Riots in your city defund police. Basically, the algorithm is anything that's extreme and doesn't make sense. That's what's profitable. Fake economy and fake stock market. Those large companies with their stocks at all-time highs will now buy all the bankrupt companies for pennies! All part of the plan. Never let a crisis go to waste. The stock markets, and all the markets for all we know, are being driven, not by normal investors, but by free money from the federal reserve. They give free money to the banking system, and they buy up all the stocks with this free money, as ordered. And this is just the stuff they are doing openly. They've been manipulating everything financial in secret for decades now. This is why they don't want us to see their "secret" books. In the old days, we had the expression, "It's the economy stupid." But that has been replaced with "It's the FED stupid." They are at the controls, not us. The unemployment rate could go to 100 percent, and markets would still go higher as “the Fed continues gifting trillions of dollars to America’s overlords who use the money to fund their cartels. It's just insane. So far, the central banks are winning at their game again. Can't last forever, but right now, they have proven everyone wrong. When it does go bust, it's going to be one historical event. If a 2000 tech bubble is worth over -50%, you can be sure that global economic dumpster fire is worth a hell of a lot more than -35%. It's why the Fed is pumping in the first place, and why the data is being falsified. The more Central Banks money printing neither helps inflation (beyond the stock market) nor employment (as any money corporations get will go into buybacks). So, why in the world are Central Banks printing money, besides helping out the global elite. The FED is not 'supporting the markets'; the FED is gifting their crony friends with stolen money. Wealth confiscation via the inflation tax. The Fed is robbing people with insider trader scheme. The money printing goes to zombie banks, zombie companies, and bank cartels that put it in their pockets. The productive part of the economy is starved of cash and dies. Central Banks are doing illegal money printing for the wealthy. It's only pushing more and more poor and middle-class people towards socialism. Central Banks have murdered the free market. This endless money printing for Wall Street is fueling this stock market bubble. It's pissing people off and pushing poor and middle class to say effe it, bring on socialism! All part of the plan. Just imagine in a few years an AOC type as President getting a hold of the Fed's money printers!. It’s All Fake, It’s Rigged, and It’s an epic Criminal Fraud. And the consequences will be historic for the armies of unconscious Dolts that cheer it on. Yet, the Wall Street degenerates continue to gorge [enrich] themselves on public-funded debt (Welfare for Wall Street), unabated. Meanwhile, the tax slaves ultimately on the hook for Wall Streets free-ride & easy money are burning down their businesses & communities. It seems all is well in Slavelandia. The tax slaves are too busy protesting or quarantining while the Wall Street elite are in Martha's Vineyard or the Caribbean (must stop at the Cayman Islands to check on accounts) cheering on the protests and giving sound bites on Bloomberg about social justice. People really are stupid. With the US economy dead since 2008, the only thing left for the Fed is to print trillions of dollars in debt. No one with an ounce of common sense is going to invest in this market. The valuations don't even make sense, assuming a full return to pre-COVID economic activity. We are watching a market completely detached from fundamentals. I don't know why the FED would think this is healthy. Maybe they can't really control where the money goes, and they feel it necessary to support the various markets they are shoveling money into? After all, What good is an inflated stock portfolio if you live in a poor and divided nation. This system doesn't have a "few years." This action is to keep the economy alive until after the election, and then we get the reset and new system. Whatever the hell that is going to be. I doubt it's going to be "better" for anyone watching this. How is it that our politicians on both sides and the entire media conspire to help the big banks and big companies, calling them too big to fail? How can America yearly spend a trillion dollars more than it takes in, and it just is ok? But if an individual does it, they go broke! The middle-class Americans, seeing their standard of living, evaporate, yet the stock market comes soaring back. The disconnect is deafening. Zimbabwe is the template. In the end, they will say, "We did all we could, but the US dollar died anyway. But we do have this New One World Currency we would like to introduce the world to. Try it; You'll like it (since we left you with no other choice)". Everything is moving along as planned. The U.S. dollar’s days as the world’s reserve currency could be numbered. World history tells us all fiat paper currencies head to their true fundamental value eventually. ZERO. In the last 570 years, there have been 6 World Reserve Currencies, each lasting between 80-110 years. The US $ is now in year 100, and many textbook distress signals are now in place. Will the 2020's be 'The Last Hurrah'? WHAT ARE THE DISTRESS SIGNALS? WHERE ARE WE? 1) Sky High Debts that can NEVER be repaid. 2) 0% Interest Rates. 3) Rising Unemployment. 4) Panic buying & Supply shortages. 5) Social Unrest. 6) Government Bonds Yields at record lows. 7) Endless Helicopter Money Printing propping up economies. ENDLESS MONEY PRINTING will CAUSE ZIMBABWE, WEIMAR REPUBLIC, ARGENTINA, VENEZUELA STYLE RUNAWAY INFLATION !! The elites know this system has reached its end, and the dollar needs to go away for the simple fact that they want more control by using digital currency. If the dollar is dethroned as the world reserve currency, I would expect it to be replaced by some “global currency,” not by an individual country’s currency. That’s what the elites have been incrementally working toward for quite a while. America is circling the drain because we have had shitty leaders for three decades. Or even six decades with one or two exceptions. Trump has been pumping up the over-valued markets and convincing main street, the stock market is A. the economy and B. a good investment, despite the first being stupid and the second being even dumber. The market is soaking up the inflation of the recent money printing,$6 trillion at least. A devaluation to pay down debt. Debt that will keep the music playing. Fed debt and government debt are used to control the sheeple. Sheeple debt is different and has to be serviced, or the system collapses. As Venezuela melted down, they had the best performing stock market in the world for five straight years. We are melting down. The stock market is going to da moon.....to da moon. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. All that matters is our government's continued willingness to disregard the financial well being of future generations to keep markets lofty these days. Next month ought to be interesting, starting off with a huge correction in the BLS employment numbers, and also disastrous quarterly corporate reports starting to come out. And the lag effect of this economic downturn will start showing up in our economy. Defaults on mortgages should skyrocket unless the fed steps in with trillions of newly created dollars. But they won't bail out the individuals. They will only bail out the banks and the markets (for now, until the time the order is given to pull the plug on the markets). The individuals will be dumped on the side of the road and left for dead. But never mind all that, the economic downturn is over! Stocks have skyrocketed, we created millions of new jobs, everything is just great. Smoke and mirrors at its finest. Free money from the federal reserve is manipulating the markets higher, and now fake government stats have joined in on the delusion. In the old days, we only had to deal with fake news; now, our entire markets and government stats are fake. The Fed already tried raising interest rates gradually from 2015 to late Summer 2019, and the financial system began signaling imminent collapse by Sept. 2019. Go ahead, raise rates again, and collapse the economy before it has even begun to recover. Apparently, the current riots with looting and arson plus murder and assault are not an adequate reset! Everyone should wake up before they are dragged into an intersection and beaten to death. The 2008 recovery only really favored the few anyway, and 2020 is grotesquely more severe as many of the previous jobs never return and what new ones do appear will not cover the losses. If anyone at the Fed triggers ANOTHER Crash by raising rates before the fires are extinguished should have all their wealth seized. To have any sort of civil peace, many more trillions will have to be passed out annually. And to do that rates will have to be Zero- for 10, 20, or even the balance of the century. The game ends when markets are too big for the Fed to manipulate. In the meantime, nothing can stop this emerging bull market as everyone knows that when the next ginned-up crisis emerges that the Fed is going to monetize equity (buy stocks outright). So buy all the stocks you can because when the dung hits the fan, the Fed will make you whole. This rally is orchestrated. No real thing will turn the market down as long as the system of organized support does not fail. As long as the volume can be held down by the ALGOs, the uptrend can last until there is another shock. It is the same game everyday. If it opens down, stocks land in a waiting basket. Prices are then managed back higher. Goal one is always to close green for the day or secondly, well above the open if that is not possible. Stocks are frequently gaped higher. The same basic pattern ensues, and the goal is to close at the high for the day, if that is not possible, no black candles or thirdly up for the day. The basic pattern is the same every day. Deal with the sellers in the first 30 minutes. Make a snake-like low volatility pattern until the close. Trial rallies are attempted throughout the day. The close is always banged. Every now and then it doesn't work, but even then it doesn't do too badly, Will this pattern be present tomorrow? It always is. Why would tomorrow be any different? It is silly to attribute rallies like this to organic trading. That is ridiculous. The really big question is "when to cash in and then where to put the proceeds." The petrodollar Ponzi is kaput, trillions created with a mouse click, and backed by some lizard on TV. Digital wheelbarrows of money for just a measly single share. Good luck with that. If you're not stacking gold/silver and bitcoin, you're going to be eating gruel in the Bolshevik gulags. Hear me now and believe me later. And stack useful assets. A solid diesel truck. Housing. Some basic commodity company stocks etc. Ammunition, of course. Body armor. Get more Precious Metals while you can. They will be too expensive and unobtainium later. Junk silver (90%) is still cheap and available in 1964 or earlier US coins (halves, quarters, dimes), and Franklins and Liberties. :Bunkers,Bullets,Beans,Bullion,COFFEE,BOOZE,LAND,And MEDICAL SUPPLIES. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. 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