Showing posts with label Michael Savage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Savage. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

Michael Savage on Boston Terrorist Cover-Up: The Whole Thing Stinks to High Heaven!

Michael Savage on Boston Terrorist Cover-Up: The Whole Thing Stinks to High Heaven!

This was an easy case of the manipulation of two young men to increase the police state revolution to strip free peoples of their dignity and civil rights. The two youths were easily targeted, easily manipulated, and easily deployed. The father now comes down with health problems and cannot come to america now… …you can’t make this stuff up ! someone does not want these people in america, nor do they want the kid to talk anymore. also, guess who turns up on the terror watch list? the mom

Monday, April 22, 2013

Michael Savage Exposes Reality Behind Boston Terrorists, Attacks Mom, Brokaw, Immigration

The Obama administration said it had no choice but to prosecute Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the federal court system. Some politicians had suggested he be tried as an enemy combatant in front of a military tribunal, where defendants are denied some of the usual constitutional protections. But Tsarnaev is a naturalized U.S. citizen, and under U.S. law, American citizens cannot be tried by military tribunals, White House spokesman Jay Carney said. Carney said that since 9/11, the federal court system has been used to convict and imprison hundreds of terrorists.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston Bombing ~ Michael Savage Mad at Press Conference Ignoring Pictures Question

Obviously terror and fear was what it was all about. They might of been told that after they ran they would not be caught. Regardless, the government is the only one that benefited from it as they implement a switch from a Constitutional Republic to a godless socialist State. Sure Muslim people are being driven to hate others. Obama’s murdered 4,700 of their men women and children and nothing is said about it. Their the other part of divide to conquer. They don’t fit nicely in a one world order headed by Zionists. its a witch hunt for someone to be made a scapegoat...everybody deserves to see where they claim the perps lay down a backpack containing a bomb...not holding my breath but i expect a burial at sea.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Michael Savage : The Two Boston Bombing Suspects are Navy Seals

Michael Savage Digs Deep into Mystery of Boston Bombing, Gun Control, Immigration - 4/17/13
Anyone notice they are all wearing the same boots which are agency issued and same pants military or cop style and same black jackets with same white square patches .
The two military looking guys, are most likely US Military. The one is wearing a Craft International hat. This is the company founded by Seal Team 3 member Chris Kyle (RIP).
The back of the hat (shown in the photographs above) says ” Violence does solve problems”.
These guys are just looking out.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Michael Savage ~ AlQaeda did it Again but The Government will blame the Tea Party & White Supremacists

Michael Savage PISSED OFF Over Boston Marathon Bombing and Dumb Police State - 4/15/2013

The US Government has long passed the point of having any form of plausible credibility... But if it was someone claiming to be a patriot then we can expect to see an INCREASE in not only gun grabbing but also also "snitching" on anyone who is pro-Constitution.....Also our glorious leader will also implement a ban on buying, selling or owning precious metals false flag or not it's coming

Monday, March 25, 2013

Michael Rivero vs Michael Savage over Israel

Michael Rivero Rebukes Michael Savage , Plus more on China & Russia making deals, economic collapse underway, gun control, and Mayor Bloomberg of NYC. Air date 3-25-2013, 2nd hour : Sensational emotion is driven by human action or the objective form of reality, as well human perception and action is based on their environment or surroundings. Perfect example is the Jewish people always brings backed the Holocaust or the invasion of Ancient Israel but they become the mirror of the actions of their enemy.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Michael Savage calls Hugo Chavez a Filthy Pig

Michael Savage on the Death of Hugo Chavez Venezuelan Dictator - 3/5/13

President Hugo Chavez, the fiery populist who declared a socialist revolution in Venezuela, crusaded against U.S. influence and championed a leftist revival across Latin America, has died at age 58 after a two-year battle with with cancer. During more than 14 years in office, Chavez routinely challenged the status quo at home and internationally. He polarized Venezuelans with his confrontational and domineering style, yet was also a masterful communicator and strategist who tapped into Venezuelan nationalism to win broad support at home and abroad, including in Cuba, Belarus and Iran. It was only four months ago that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez won his presidential re-election and on Tuesday he was pronounced dead after an ongoing battle with cancer. Chavez claimed victory with 54 percent of the vote in 2011 and RT's Lucy Kafanov was there when it all went down. She joins us now to recap his passing and gives us some insight as to who his successor might be.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Michael Savage on Obama's I AM NOT A DICTATOR Comment and Lies

Radio Commentary by Michael Savage Aired on March 1, 2013

In a press conference on Friday, President Obama addressed the media on the looming sequestration that would see budget cuts across the board in an attempt to curb America's deficit. The Commander-in-chief explained why a deal hasn't been made with lawmakers and also proved he is no Sci-Fi buff.The President doesn't know his Jedi from his Vulcans. I think its a Divide & Conquer Illuminati plot to divide Geeks into Star Wars & Star Trek factions

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alex Jones interviews Michael Savage - FULL INTERVIEW - 2/26/13

Alex Jones Interviews Michael Savage on his Radio Show on February 26, 2013

Radio talk show host and author Michael Savage is the guest today on the Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show. Savage and Alex analyze China's economic takeover of America, the federal attack on the Second Amendment and the ongoing effort to destroy the Constitution, and the ever-encroaching surveillance and police state as the global elite tighten their grip on humanity and the Supreme Court throws out a challenge to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Mr. Savage's latest book is A Time for War. Alex also runs down the latest news and takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Michael Savage - Flu vaccine barely worked in people 65 and older

Radio Commentary by Michael Savage Aired on 2/21/13, "Hospitalizations and deaths have been some of the highest ever recorded for the elderly.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Michael Savage - Majority of Americans Now Feel Rights Threatened by Government, Collapse of Radio

Michael Savage - Majority of Americans Now Feel Rights Threatened by Government, Collapse of Radio
I completely fear the government. This is why we "need" an ar 15. I keep hearing libs talking about "needs". I don't need the government telling me what I need. I'm not nearly as fearful of citizens with guns as I am fearful of federal law makers.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Michael Savage attacks Rush Limbaugh for supporting Marco Rubio

Illegal immigration is nothing more than slavery in our modern day and age that the democrats continue to perpetuate and support. We have a system to treat everyone as equals and to create an environment of success. Allowing people to walk over and plant a flag is treason. We need to control who comes over for equality's sake, to protect those that worked hard to get here, and to ensure that those are here get treated with respect. .

When Rubio was born his parents were not naturalized citizens. But this doesn't matter - Rubio himself was born in the U.S. and therefore a citizen by birth of right.He was born in Miami, FL. Although his parents immigrated from Cuba, Rubio is a natural born citizen. IMO, he will be President come 2016. Andrew Jackson's parents were immigrants from Ireland but he still became President

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Michael Savage on Obama Signing Gun Law Restrictions with Children, Bob Schieffer Comments - 1/16/13

Michael Savage on Obama Signing Gun Law Restrictions with Children, Bob Schieffer Comments - 1/16/13 There's no such thing as too much freedom. Even if there is, I'd rather have too much than not enough. Liberals have much more of a problem than a "mental block". They have no common sense, and an arrogant attitude that thinks everything they think or say should be the law of the land. . .Please someone explain to us how putting more restrictions on law abiding citizens will prevent more gun deaths? The ONLY thing that would've stopped Adam Lanza from killing those students/teachers is a gun. .Criminals don't follow the law, and the one thing that scares the shit out of them is a citizen with a gun

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Michael Savage - it is Not an Imperial Presidency, it is Government Anarchy! - 1/14/13

Michael Savage - It's Not an Imperial Presidency, it's Government Anarchy! - 1/14/13 Radio Commentary by Michael Savage Aired on January 14, 2013 --- Government Anarchy and Obama's Executive Orders --- If Obama gets away with this BS, Texas will be the first state to secede form the USA , guns banning is like martial law already. we got a dictator crystal clear already and these stupid liberals are too blind by their own stupidity. this is what they have voted for. serves them right.I refuse to suffer their lunacy.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Michael Savage - Biden & Obama Want Executive Order for Gun Control - 1/9/13

The so called 'public servants' of this country must never forget that it is ultimately the people in charge. As long as there is a gun behind every door they won't forget it. Joe Biden said that the gun issue is a morale issue. To me abortion is more of a morale issue than guns and far more lives have been lost to it than gun violence. The 52 million babies lost to abortion is what makes me sick. Joe Biden saying that guns are a morale issue, but saying that abortion is not is stupid. But that is the traditional leftist progressive liberals view.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Michael Savage ~ They are Not Liberals! They are Bolsheviks!

People need to wake up but in my opinion it is too late. The nation has struck the iceberg and the boiler room is flooding. The bulk heads only extend to 10' above the waterline. "The ship will sink, it is a mathematical certainty. There are only enough life boats for about half the passengers". People we are in deep trouble and don't let these nitwit Obama lovers convince you otherwise because they will just drag you down like any drowning person. It is best to get clear of the sinking ship.

Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Michael Savage : Sarah Palin is like Dolly Parton in her early days

Michael Savage on Sarah Palin and The National Tea Party Convention - February 9th, 2010

Michael Savage the conservative radio talk show host calls Sarah Palin The Dolly Parton in her early days
Michael Savage : Sarah Palin President ? Are you People Nutts ! says Michael Savage , although she has her heart in the right place and she says the right things but she does not qualify according to the controversial radio host Michael Savage