Sunday, March 3, 2013

Webster Tarpley ~ Beppe Grillo is a Right Wing Demagogue

Italy Elections: Anything but Austerity| Interview with Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley is a hard-core keynesian. Develop infrastructure, create jobs, print money. How can one create infrastructure by printing money. May work for a few months but will eventually result in a disaster, hyperinflation, etc. Tarpley started to become obvious of his who he is. Literally everything he's saying here is either statist or backasswards from reality. Grillo's NOs show that Grillo is against Agenda 21... while Tarpley turns the meaning upside down while he lists all those "jobs" that can be created BY AGENDA 21 projects! It's Tarpley who is FOR Agenda 21. But he doesn't explain with WHAT FUNDS all those Agenda21 jobs will be payed for. Also, Tarpley calls immigration restrictions, racism. Very disappointing.