Friday, January 15, 2010

Olbermann vs Limbaugh And Robertson on Haiti Comments

MSNBC is angry to say the least after Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh's comments on the Haiti Earthquake , the first blamed the earth quake on what he called a pact with the devil Haiti had , and the second blamed communism for the bad luck that is hitting Haiti

Mikey the 8 years old Terrorist

Travel is a hassle for an 8-year-old Cub Scout from New Jersey, that's because Mikey Hicks shares the same name of a person who has drawn the suspicion of the Homeland Security Department. (Jan. 15)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

John Stossel on Crony Capitalism

John Stossel elaborates on the strange case of a windows making company the Seriouse Materials , its case is odd to say the least

Haiti Quake Images

Images of Disaster: Haiti's Worst Day

Estimates of the number of dead from yesterday's quake in Haiti are now running into the hundreds of thousands. AP photographers have captured the devastation. (Jan. 13)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Iranian Nuclear Physicist Killed in a Blast

An Iranian nuclear physicist has been killed in Tehran - a killing the government is placing squarely on the shoulders of the US and Israel. The US has denied this calling it absurd. Massoud Ali Mohammadi was leaving for his job at Tehran University, when a bomb placed on a motorcycle near his house went off. Al Jazeera's Alireza Roneghi reports from Tehran (12 Jan 10)