Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Slavery By Consent ( Full Version)

Now guess why "The Elite" has built all those bunkers? The Elite have built them so they can try vanish. Cut all electrical power, All shop's banks etc etc collapse and vanish too. Humanity left in chaos Them who are not in touch with nature. When the food runs out and the famine has depopulated 80% of the population then the 13 elite family's Reemerge and take Control!!


Remember the truth movement if there is such a thing is largely dominated by people that just wish to see a better world. To give a bit of life to the masses of people that live in poverty. Not a pocket full of hope these useless politicians fill. There is enough for everyone times ten. Lots of people have too much and lots have none. And that my friend is good old fashioned greed.That's not a conspiracy.

http://www.pienmashfilms.com A hard-hitting emotionally charged 60 min documentary by Bill Maloney (Award winning independent film director) who's family were all brought up in the UK care system. It covers Maloney's visit and interpretation of Jersey, Channel Islands, following the ongoing child abuse investigations of the children's care home 'Haut de la Garenne'. It highlights connections with the Sea Cadets and children being brought from London care homes for 'sailing holidays' on the Island. The documentary contains strong language and strong opinions. Due to his and his family's experiences of Establishment care homes Maloney felt compelled to see first hand the response of Islanders to the alleged abuse claims and their general feeling for the Governing States. A mixed response of silence, anger and insensitivity is catalogued from this island of geographical beauty with an ugly underbelly. The film includes mainstream news reports with Jeremy Paxman, Stuart Syvret, Lenny Harper, Esther Rantzen and Frank Walker. It is the opinion of Bill Maloney that if a child was required - Haut de la Garenne was the venue; if an adult was required - St Saviours Mental Hospital was the venue.

The Purpose of the Israeli Attacks On Gaza, The Antichrist & The Ruins In Madina By Sheikh Imran Hosein

The Purpose of the Israeli Attacks On Gaza, The Antichrist & The Ruins In Madina By Sheikh Imran Hosein

The Purpose of the Israeli Attacks on Gaza, the Antichrist & the Ruins in Madina By Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein K-News January 2013 Sheikh Imran Hosein talks about the purpose of the Israeli Attacks on Gaza - Palestine and the UN - Ruins in Madinah and the Antichrist - Advices for Muslims Living in the Cities. Video By KN-OW.COM Held on 3 Muharram 1434H, 16 November 2012

Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best- selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an. Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.

David Icke ~ We Are Living inside an Egg Shell

No government wants individuated true consciousness to flourish, because with a mass conscious awakening government automatically becomes irrelevant. However, we won't get there as long as we are causing the suffering of others via 'tradition' and inertia. Human conscious evolution has as prerequisite the abandonment of carnism. It seems like a big step but it is very easy, and soon the dead flesh of animals is seen as the revolting aftermath of bloody callous indifference.

Why The White Collar Criminals are Free Untouchable and Never go to Jail ?

Why The White Collar Criminals never go to jail ? Those of power and influence never pay for their crimes because they control the justice system. We don't have a democracy, we have a plutocracy that is ruled by those who accumulate the most wealth and are able to influence($) every branch of "our" government

"The structuration of Crime - Criminal acts are committed according to class" -Dr. Amos Wilson

The pace of white-collar crime investigations and prosecutions in 2011 showed no signs of abating. The Securities and Exchange Commission promoted the filing of a record 735 enforcement actions in the past fiscal year.

The Justice Department and S.E.C. continue to aggressively pursue overseas bribery cases under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, while the demise of futures brokerage firm MF Global generated a multi-agency investigation of the loss of more than $1 billion in customer money.

The S.E.C. has been criticized for not being aggressive enough in pursuing cases from the financial crisis. The one area where it has been largely immune to criticism is in its pursuit of insider trading. Hardly a week goes by without an announcement of a new case, with 57 actions filed in the last fiscal year.

For years, white collar criminals routinely received a "slap on the wrist" - sentences of probation, or at worst a prison term measured in months, not years. A current sentencing regime is a reaction to that, and to the damage that major fraudsters do to the economy.

Without a doubt, they erode people's faith in the financial system. When people fear that they're investing in a scam, they're a whole lot less likely to invest at all.

In the wake of corporate scandals at Enron, World Com, Tyco and Global Crossing, there's little doubt that serious corporate crime warranted serious sentences that could deter future fraud of that magnitude.

Watch this video on our website: http://www.presstv.ir/Program/281230.html