Saturday, February 2, 2013

Andrew Basiago Dulce Underground Bases

Andrew Basiago Dulce Underground Bases

Aired on Jan 30, 2013 Sepia Radio Network , Part of DARPA's Project Pegasus as a young child and now a practicing attorney, Andrew D. Basiago claims to be one of America's early time-space explorers. Appearing in the latter half of the show, he discussed his involvement with the CIA's Mars visitation program in 1980. The program, he said, was started in the 1970s, and transported people from a "jump room" (an elevator in El Segundo, CA that served as a kind of portal) to the surface of Mars. According to Basiago, Maj. Ed Dames taught a training course to several of the participants about what to expect in terms of humanoids and "predator species" on the Martian surface (Dames briefly appeared in the 4th hour and denied his involvement with the program).

Bible Prophecy , End Times and Antichrist with Hal Lindsey

End Times and Antichrist

Date: 11-30-05
Host: George Noory
Guests: Hal Lindsey

Bible prophecy expert Hal Lindsey discussed how current events are shaping up to what looks like 'end times,' which will lead us into a world war or Armageddon. Among the biblical prophecy indicators, he pointed to the increase in earthquakes and superstorms. Wilma, Rita and Katrina have been among the most powerful hurricanes on record, he noted.

The Bible does not name the United States as one of main powers during end times, leading Lindsey to speculate that something catastrophic could befall America, such as an attack by Islamic terrorists. "I believe we're going to get hit again and hard," he said. The Bible does speak of a 10-nation revived Roman Empire, which Lindsey indicated was the original members of the European Union.

Lindsey outlined the path of the Antichrist who he said will be a great political and/or religious leader associated with the EU: He'll receive a mortal wound probably via an assassination, but then he'll come back from the dead, in what is perceived as a miracle. However during this time, he will actually become possessed by Satan and then exhibit extraordinary powers. He will team up with the "False Prophet" and 3½ years into his rise, he'll declare himself to be God. At this point war will break out with Russia joined with a Muslim confederation against Israel.Will Lindsey be around to warn people of a specific Antichrist? No, he explained, as the Bible has predicted that true believers in Christ will be mysteriously taken off the planet in the "Rapture," before the Antichrist is revealed.


The past is connected to the present. Most of humanity has been living in a created alternate reality which has been ramped up through technology, and so is the populations evidenced from 911 to the most recent event. They got torn apart in days not years, that's got to be concerning them a bit. either they were deliberately sloppy, or so many are on to false flags that they couldn't get away with it. if they didn't intend for it to be this easy to expose...they will surely try to make sure the situation is more controlled next time. of course if they don't allow live coverage and interviews they can't exploit the situation as much because they won't have as much public interest.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Alex Jones ~ The Draconian Agenda 21 Plan for America

Alex Details The Draconian Agenda 21 Plan for America , Here is a detailed presentation on what is really in Agenda 21 and the sustainable development movement as defined by the UN. How it will ultimately compromise your property rights.. The name A21 refers not only to the actual book, but to the entire sustainable development movement as defined by the United Nations dating back to the 1970's through today. That is why it is important to not only listen to the entire video, but research on your own to gain more information. Since this presentation was completed vast new volumes of information have been compiled. Check the sources in the back of the presentation and the United Nation's own websites to draw your own conclusions.

Webster Tarpley on Hillary Clinton's disastrous legacy in the State Department

Hillary is so bad even Republicans want her as president. They seriously do. Given what other Democrats are available Republicans would gladly throw the election if it meant a Hillary win. Then there will be a Democratic faction fight and then a split. Hillary just won't give up. She wants to be president. Damn it all to heck. She will get it no matter what. She is just plain bat crazy though. Been a long time Webster. Unfortunately, even RT can't handle what Webster has to disseminate.