Saturday, February 23, 2013

Russell Targ ~ Inception of Remote Viewing & The Reality of ESP

Red Ice Radio - Russell Targ - Hour 1 - Inception of Remote Viewing & The Reality of ESP

Russell Targ is a physicist, scientific researcher and author whose pioneering contributions to laser and laser communications has earned him two National Aeronautics and Space Administration awards. He holds a B.S. in Physics from Queens College and did graduate work in physics at Columbia University. Targ has published over a hundred scientific papers on lasers, plasma physics, and ESP research. In 1972 Targ cofounded and worked for the innovative CIA-sponsored Stanford Research Institute (SRI) where psychic abilities were tested for two decades. Targ retired as the senior staff scientist from Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Co. in 1997. His latest book, The Reality of ESP: A Physicist's Proof of Psychic Abilities, comprehensively details the recently declassified data collected at SRI, as well as serving as a guide to allow everyone to tap into their own psychic potentials. He teaches remote viewing workshops worldwide, and has coauthored eight books on the topic of psychic abilities. In this program we cover the inception of the remote viewing program at SRI and the reality of extra sensory perception. Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann were two talented remote viewers that Targ worked with in the early days. He also talks about Werner Von Braun at NASA and the CIA's interest in the concept of psychic spies. In the second hour, Russell asks Henrik to describe an object he held in his hands during the first hour. Also, we discuss psychic defense, healing and hurting from a distance. Later, Targ talks about his interest in theosophy and describes how early scientific discoveries was made by utilizing remote viewing. (Note: This program was recorded one day before we heard about the passing of Ingo Swann.)

Europe on verge of Economic Apartheid

An analyst says if European central banks continue to act on behalf of bankers and wealthy institutions rather than the whole economy, Europe will soon face an 'economic Apartheid.' The European Commission says the eurozone will witness another year of recession in 2013 as the economic output is slated to decline by 0.3 percent following a 0.6-percent contraction in 2012.

The European Commission said on Friday that the unemployment rate across the 17-nation bloc would also rise in 2013. The EU's winter economic forecast said that the jobless rate in the euro area would hit 12.2 percent for 2013. Press TV has conducted an interview with Brent Budowsky, a columnist from the Hill, to further discuss the issue. The program also offers the opinions of political and economic expert Chris Dorsey and Secretary General of the CIPI Foundation Paolo Raffone.

Max Igan ~ Programming and the Predator Mind

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - February 22th, 2013

Individual achievement and self respect don't seem to have any place within collective ideology. To serve others or creation as you put it without realizing there are real human predators out there who will feed off your energy seems a little naive. The collective mind could be a myth because humanities achievements have historically stemmed from individuals ideas, an individuals determination to solve a problem we all face?

Friday, February 22, 2013

ASTEROID APOCALYPSE ~ Professor Michio Kaku

It's impossible to see every rock that's flying around in outer space. The larger ones are pretty easily spotted but the smaller ones are most of the time more or less invisible until they're really close.Professor Michio Kaku speaks about the increasing need for an early warning system due to the inevitable event in which Earth is struck by another large asteroid.

meteorite ural russia crash | Michio Kaku, a physics professor at the City University of New York, explained on "CBS This Morning" that, though based on video evidence the European Space Agency has not seen any direct relationship between the house-sized meteorite and the asteroid, "asteroids occur in swarms" so "it's very possible that there's a swarm of asteroids around DA14." The DA14 -- an asteroid a half a football field across, traveling at a blistering 4.8 miles per second -- is expected to pass within just 17,200 miles of Earth on Friday, a record close encounter that will carry it well inside the orbits of communications satellites. Faced with questions about the asteroid and safety on Earth, Kaku pointed to the moon's pockmarked look as a sign of what's spinning around in space: "The moon is pockmarked because there are a million objects of that size near the orbit of the planet Earth." He added, "The Earth is moving in a cosmic shooting gallery."

Donald Trump : Sequester Cuts Don't Go Far Enough, Without Cuts There Will Be Big Fat Explosion

Trump to Greta Van: Sequester Cuts Don't Go Far Enough, Without Cuts There Will Be Big Fat Explosion

2/22/13 - Donald Trump stopped by On The Record to share his thoughts on the impending sequester with Greta Van Susteren. Trump dismissed the hypo over the spending cuts, saying that they should be much deeper, and predicted that if the government avoids making any serious cuts for the next few years, there will be a "big fat explosion and it's all going to come to an end." Trump said "not a lot is going to happen" as a result of the automatic sequester, dismissing the "over-exaggerated" alarm and added that the cuts do not go far enough. He told Van Susteren that the nation is going to have to endure far deeper spending cuts in order to get a balanced budget. Van Susteren asked Trump what would happen if the U.S. government resists the urge to cut spending. Trump predicted that if this happens, then in a few years there will be a "big fat explosion" in the nation's economy and "it's all going to come to an end." He acknowledged that action should be taken to make the United States great again, "because it's not that great right now." He attributed the nation's economic woes to both incompetence and partisan politics. Trump allowed that it was a widespread problem in government, but ultimately "the president is your leader," blaming President Obama for being unable to fix the broken economy in his first four years. He predicted that in 2016, China will become the dominant economic superpower, and they will have done it "on our back." Van Susteren ended by asking if Trump has any presidential aspirations in 2016. Trump said he does not, adding that he loves the United States and would be happy if the president could make the country great again, but said that's not likely to happen any time soon.