Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Euro-Zone Crisis (documentary)

The euro-zone crisis (documentary)

The financial management of European governments has significantly worsened by the credit crisis. Due to the negative growth in tax revenues declined, while spending increased by conditions such as rising unemployment benefits and costs of bailouts of banks and other companies. As a result, increased the public debt as a percentage of gross domestic product, significantly.

Bill O'Reilly Points Out ALEX JONES For Political Hate Speech - 5/29/13

(May 29, 2013) - Bill O'Reilly tonight had a rather unique Talking Points Memo tonight, mostly covering Facebook's newly announced policy on sexist hate speech, and why the site's definition . O'Reilly used Facebook as a jumping off-point to criticize political hate speech of any kind, even using it as an explanation for why the IRS targeted Tea Party groups. But when O'Reilly teased the segment in the intro section of his show, he ran a clip of conspiracy hound Alex Jones flying off the handle, with the words "HATE SPEECH" right next to his name.

O'Reilly declared there is "plenty of hatred being spewed" on the internet and on talk radio, and credited Facebook for its new policy of taking down posts promoting sexist hate speech. O'Reilly said it's disturbing how "commonplace" and "acceptable" hate speech is, mostly attributing the level of public hate speech to the internet.

O'Reilly also included the IRS tea party targeting scandal, noting how "some people inside the IRS apparently hate conservatives and want to hurt them." He said what the IRS did went beyond internal hatred and was an active "demonstration of malice."

O'Reilly did criticize Facebook for limiting its scope of hate speech to specific groups, arguing that "hate speech is not a difficult thing to identify." He noted that "there is an audience" for hate speech, though he did not call out any individual for promoting hate speech, least of all Jones. O'Reilly did conclude by saying that "hate speech and those who traffic in it should be rejected and shunned."

Daniel Estulin - The Octopus Deception, WikiLeaks & Bilderberg ~ Red Ice Radio

Red Ice Radio - Daniel Estulin - The Octopus Deception, WikiLeaks & Bilderberg

Daniel Estulin is an investigative journalist who has been researching the Bilderbergers for over 14 years. He is the author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and the host of a show on RT (Russia Today). Daniel joins us to discuss real life key elements from his novel Octopus Deception, based on the work of Danny Casolaro. We'll discuss Operation Lily and the war loot stolen in Asia by Japanese forces during World War II, ultimately ending up in the hands of The Black Eagle Trust, of which controls the world economy and governments. Daniel talks about the planned destruction of the economy in order to maintain the system of control by international bankers as a new form of empire. He explains how money has nothing to do with economy. We speak more on the strong dollar policy, financial terrorism and the central banking warfare model. Later, we discuss Daniel's book "Deconstructing Wikileaks."He gives us his take on Wikileaks, Julian Assange, the Occupy movement and Anonymous. We end on Jim Tucker, the trailblazing journalist and author of Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary, who, since 1975, has focused on the Bilderberg Group. Daniel explains how the Bilderberg Group isn't the seat of power as many believe. The same goes for the Rockefellers who serve as a lackey to the real power who we never see or hear about.

Donald Trump on 2016 Presidency: People 'Desperate' for Leadership, It's Me or Somebody

USAToday. The New York Post story over the holiday weekend had an eye-catching headline: "Trump Researching 2016 Run."

No, Donald Trump has not made a decision about a White House bid. Yes, he spent more than $1 million for research on what it would take to run for president. But the document was compiled in 2011, when Trump was seriously considering a 2012 challenge to President Obama.

Michael Cohen, executive vice president and special counsel to Trump, said Wednesday the research document "remains relevant for 2016" if the real estate mogul decides to run for president.

Trump's speech May 21 to the Oakland County (Michigan) Republican Party got the ball rolling. He told attendees at that Lincoln Day dinner that he is frequently encouraged to run for president and wished Obama was doing a better job.

Trump is set to make more speeches that could spark political chatter, including at a Faith & Freedom Coalition event June 14 in Washington. This year, he addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference — a gathering of activists that included Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., among its speakers.

Trump gets these invitations because he "provides straightforward, no-nonsense solutions to fixing problems in this country," Cohen said.

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (5-29-13) Mark Dice & Adam Kokesh

The Alex Jones Show :(Commercial Free Audio) Wednesday, May 29 2013: Mark, Luke, & Adam

Today 5/29/2013
Kissinger confronted
On the Wednesday, May 29 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down globalist operative and frequent Bilderberg attendee Henry Kissinger's grotesque list of war crimes, as noted in We Are Change reporter Luke Rudkowski's on-camera confrontation with the Rockefeller protégé. Alex also continues hitting on Obama's array of scandals, while his administration tries to find ways to continue funding and arming Al-Qaeda in Syria. On today's show, political activist, radio talk show host and former marine Adam Kokesh joins Alex to discuss last week's arrest at a Philadelphia marijuana legalization rally and how it could affect his planned armed, but peaceful, march on Washington D.C. on July 4th. Also today, Alex welcomes author and activist Mark Dice to talk about his undercover videos exposing America's walking zombie-like mentality and utter state of apathy with anything political.