Sunday, August 18, 2013

Police State ~ UK Using Big Brother Bin To Snoop On Public

Already at the center of a global surveillance maelstrom a new privacy scandal is erupting in the UK. This one over rubbish bins. High-tech trash cans in London can now identify passers-by by scanning their smartphones apparently in the name of advertising. RT's Polly Boiko reports.

Russell Targ ~ The Father Of Remote Viewing on Coast to Coast AM

Writer and physicist Russell Targ discussed the early remote viewing program, including his work with the 'father of remote viewing,' the late Ingo Swann. "Ingo taught us about the whole idea of remote viewing," he said, recalling early experiments in which Ingo was able to raise the temperature of different thermos bottles on a random schedule. In the summer of 1972, Swann came to work with Hal Puthoff at Stanford, and showed that he could psychically slow down sine wave frequencies of balls spinning in a vacuum. When Targ began to work with them, NASA asked Swan to view Jupiter (around one million miles away). "He sees a belt of shiny crystals as he zooms in, surrounding the planet, and no one had ever seen that before because they're too faint to see from Earth," he recounted, adding that we now know that when people do remote viewing, they see the target in real time at the distant location, which violates the notion of relativity.

One of the most valuable uses for remote viewing, Targ suggested, is as a tool for self-discovery. "As you get familiar with remote viewing, you realize your awareness fills all of it's clear that you couldn't possibly be just made of meat and potatoes," he commented. He also talked about different aspects of psychic gifts and ESP (his free ESP Trainer app is available on iTunes). Interestingly, he noted that the late renowned psychic Peter Hurkos only became psychic after he fell off a ladder and banged his head. As a tribute to the recently deceased Ingo Swann

Russell Targ is a physicist and author who was a pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications. He was also co-founder of the previously secret Stanford Research Institute's investigation into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s. His work in this new area, called remote viewing, was published in Nature, The Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Russell did graduate work in physics at Columbia University, and is co-author of six books dealing with the scientific investigation of psychic abilities. In 1997, he retired from Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Co. as a senior staff scientist. He now pursues ESP research in Palo Alto, California, and is also publishing special editions of classic books in psychical research.

Dollar Collapse Warning & States Gold Price May Rise To Infinity!

Dollar Collapse Warning & States Gold Price May Rise To Infinity!

Keynesian economics worked to rapidly grow the US standard of living to heretofore unseen heights. The problem isn't malicious leaders who hate your freedom. The problem is that they were too responsive to your ill informed [and heavily manipulated] demands. You wanted greater wealth over environmental protection. Cheap products over safe products. You wanted fast GDP growth over sound long-term thinking.
Democracy failed the US people only after they failed to be meaningful contributors to democracy. Even the ancient Greeks knew that Democracy fails once the population exceeds 150 or so...

Jesse Ventura Interview on Corruption and Howard Stern in 2016

Former Minnesota governor and professional wrestler Jesse Ventura joined Piers Morgan tonight for a lively discussion ranging from the big scandals in Washington to the trial of Bradley Manning to whether Ventura would finally dip his toes in the presidential water after sitting out for the last two cycles. Ventura bashed the Obama administration for overreach in the IRS and AP scandals, while declaring that public trust in parties is so low, a third party candidate like himself could easily win in 2016.

Ventura first reacted to the day's big Supreme Court ruling allowing police to collect DNA samples for anyone who gets arrested, not just people who are convicted of crimes. Ventura decried this as an "assault on our bill of rights."

On the Bradley Manning trial, Ventura praised the ex-army private as 'necessary whistleblower" who got important information to WikiLeaks, thereby bringing it to the public's attention. Ventura admitted that there are things that the government can't reveal, but "after it's all over," documents should not be labeled top secret and withheld from the public, declaring that taxpayers have a right to know what the government is up to. Morgan challenged Ventura, saying that Manning potentially put people's lives in danger. Ventura shot back with a question: "If you're seeing something that you deem to be murder, how do you sit on that?"

In the second segment, Ventura said that 2016 "would be the year" to finally run for president, since there's no incumbent in the race and people are hungry for a third party candidate. Venture said that enough people are "completely disgusted by both of these political parties" so they would welcome an independent candidate.

After a brief discussion about the IRS tea party targeting, Morgan then turned to a slightly sensitive subject: Ventura's lawsuit against the widow of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, who was fatally shot at a Texas gun range earlier this year. Morgan confronted Ventura over whether he thinks it's at least "slightly uncomfortable" to be suing a dead man's widow. Ventura argued that the lawsuit is about clearing his name after Kyle accused him of starting a fight. Ventura said he feels "totally fine" going to court with Kyle's widow, saying that he couldn't possibly run for political office in the future with this hanging over his head.

Volcano Erupts! Japan's Sakurajima Has Largest Eruption & Ash Plume Seen in Decades!

Volcano Erupts! Japan's Sakurajima Has Largest Eruption & Ash Plume Seen in Decades!

Volcanic smoke billows from Mount Sakurajima in Kagoshima, Japan, Sunday, Aug. 18, 2013. Sunday's eruption marked the 500th eruption this year at the mountain, which is one of Japan's most active volcanoes
Sakurajima, one of Japan's most active volcanoes, experienced one of its most powerful eruptions in decades Sunday, sending an ash plume thousands of feet into the air.
The volcano, located in the far southwestern part of Japan's mainland on the island of Kyushu, began to erupt at 4:31 p.m. local time Sunday (3:31 a.m. EDT U.S. time). The smoke plume eventually reached a height of 5,000 meters (approximately 16,000 feet), according to the Kagoshima Local Meteorological Observatory. Public broadcaster NHK reported it was the volcano's tallest ash plume since records began in 1955.