Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pattie Brassard ~ Planet X, is the Thriller, but Fukushima, is the Killer!

If you compare one threat with another, you can then choose between the two, but we have three to choose from
Aren't we lucky?
The biggest threat of all isn't Planet X, it's Fukushima
Listen carefully to what Pattie Brassard says
It makes sense and if you understand her, when she is talking about Fukushima and the radiation that is leaking out, you will understand what I mean when I say, Planet X is the Thriller, but Fukushima, is the Killer!

Mid-East Prophecy Update, August 18th, 2013 ~ what's happening in Egypt

Mid-East Prophecy Update, August 18th, 2013 . Pastor JD talks about what's happening in Egypt, and why it matters to us.

Interview With Ginny On EMP/Cyber Attacks Power Outages

In this interview Ginny discusses EMP blasts, cyber attacks and the effects of a power outage.

Ginny's Bio

Several years designing training for the Dept.of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Emergency Operations Training Academy. For over a year of this time, I was "on loan" to the Air Force, designing a Fundamental Risk Management course. Some of my DOE courses included:

Webster Tarpley: Gen. Sisi Quells Armed Wing of Moslem Brotherhood...

Gen. Sisi Quells Armed Wing of Moslem Brotherhood as Egypt Defies Obama and Kerry; 5 Million Jobs, 4 Million Homes, Second Nile, Cairo to Cape Fast Rail Now Urgent.

The Alex Jones Show - Sunday, August 18, 2013 (Full Show)

The Alex Jones Show - Sunday, August 18, 2013 (Full Show)

 On this important Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the rapidly escalating trend of society and cultural norms melting down and how this disastrous shift in civility will get worse over the short term. Along with dissolving civility and the dissolution of cultural norms, Alex looks at the alarming prospect of imploding birth rates and exploding death rates. He also covers the quickly moving situation in Egypt as that strategic North African country erupts in violent anarchy and civil war. Other subjects on today's worldwide broadcast include the mass drugging our troops by the government, new and expanding attacks on free speech by the politically correct regime in the government and its corporate media propaganda machine, and the scary prospect of a larger and far more deadly and portentous Fukushima disaster.