Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Jim Marrs ~ Secret Societies Want Depopulation

Jim Marrs is an award-winning journalist and has over 30 years experience with several Texas newspapers. In 1999, he began teaching a course on UFOs, perhaps one of the first university level UFO courses in the nation. Jim also investigated the U.S. Army's remote viewing program three years before it was publicly acknowledged by the CIA and then produced "Alien Agenda." In addition, his book, "Rule by Secrecy," has been termed an "underground best-seller".

Jim Marrs (born 5 December 1943) is an American former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover ups and conspiracies. Marrs is a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone's film JFK. He has written books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens, 9/11, telepathy, and secret societies. He was once a news reporter in the Dallas--Fort Worth Metroplex and has taught a class on the Kennedy Assassination at University of Texas at Arlington for 30 years. Marrs is a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth


Since 1976, Marrs has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, was published and reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992. It became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the film's screenplay and production,Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy.

Beginning in 1992, Marrs spent three years researching and completing a non-fiction book on a top-secret government program called the Stargate Project involving the psychic phenomenon known as remote viewing, only to have the program canceled as it was going to press in the summer of 1995. Within two months, the story of military-developed remote viewing broke nationally in the Washington Post after the CIA revealed the program.

In May 1997, Marrs' investigation of UFOs, Alien Agenda, was published by HarperCollins Publishers. Publishers Weekly described Alien Agenda as "the most entertaining and complete overview of flying saucers and their crew in years." The paperback edition was released in mid-1998. It has been translated into several foreign languages and become the top-selling UFO book in the world.

In early 2000, HarperCollins published Rule by Secrecy, which claimed to trace a hidden history connecting modern secret societies to ancient and medieval times. This book also reached the New York Times Best Seller list. In 2003, his book The War on Freedom probed the alleged conspiracies of the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath. It was released in 2006 under the title The Terror Conspiracy.

Marrs has been a featured speaker at a number of national conferences including the annual International UFO Congress and the annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference, but he also speaks at local conferences, such as Conspiracy Con and The Bay Area UFO Expo.[8] Beginning in 2000, he began teaching a course on UFOs at the University of Texas at Arlington. Marrs usually also gives a book signing at Brave New Books in Austin, Texas at least once a year.

Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, The Discovery Channel, TLC, The History Channel, This Morning America, Geraldo, The Montel Williams Show, Today, TechTV, Larry King (with George Noory), and Art Bell radio programs, as well as numerous national and regional radio and TV shows.

In October 2011, Jim Marrs started his own radio program, "A View from Marrs" on the Jeff Rense Radio network airing three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3 p.m. Central time. Marrs has on his show a wide variety of guests and dedicated the entire month of November to the latest information regarding the JFK assassination. He also has subject matter on UFO research, survival tips, and much more.

Gary Aguirre SEC Whistleblower exposes Wall Street Crimes

The criminals are in charge. methinks that the U.S. of A. is being run by a gang of criminal bankers & complicit government. Catherine Austin Fitts says that a financial coup d'etate has taken place in this country & trillions of dollars have been moved out of the country. p.s. moved out of the country = stolen.

In 2005, Gary Aguirre was senior council at the Securities Exchange Commission. He investigated a case involving insider trading at a major hedge fund, Pequot Capital Management. After a little digging, it became apparent that the soon-to-be CEO of Morgan Stanley, John Mack, was involved. Mack also happened to be a major campaign contributor to George W. Bush. Mr. Aguirre's supervisor warned him that Mack was untouchable due to his political connections. So Pequot's attorneys met with the SEC Director of Enforcement. The result? The case would be -- first "narrowed" -- then Mack's testimony was delayed. The statute of limitations for Mack eventually ran out, and Mr. Aguirre complained about Mack's "political clout." Big mistake. Because he was promptly fired. Bob speaks with Gary Aguirre about his experience at the SEC.

Bob asks why records of preliminary investigations were simply destroyed at the SEC, as a matter of practice. Was it to protect the big names on Wall Street? Bob talks with Mr. Aguirre about one of his current whistleblowing clients, Darcy Flynn. Mr. Flynn was helping to manage the SEC's records and found that the practice of destroying investigatory files at the SEC had been going on since 1993. He alerted the authorities at the National Archives, and then the whitewash began.

Ron Paul supports whistleblowers

We need whistleblowers! When the government is doing something horrible, shouldn't we know about it? If somebody in the government knew that the Obama Administration was about to pull a false flag by nuking Los Angeles, should the worker really keep his mouth shut? It amazes me how many people out there would actually call such a whistleblower a traitor and want to destroy him. Governments have to be kept in check just like the masses. We need whistleblowers.

Retired Marine Issues Dire Warning About DHS 'Building A Domestic Army'!

Peter Martino is a citizen of the State of New Hampshire. Mr. Martino is a Colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve who has been mobilized three times. During his military career, he commanded an infantry platoon, company, and battalion. He was also the senior U.S. adviser to an Iraqi Army brigade. Mr. Martino has had a successful civilian career providing training, consulting, and program management services to private companies and to state and federal agency contractors. Mr. Martino presently holds a top secret security clearance.

NSA Scandal - Smartphone Surveillance - Showdown Over Warrantless Cell Phone Searches

NSA Scandal - Smartphone Surveillance - Showdown Over Warrantless Cell Phone Searches

It's much worse than that...
Top NSA whistleblower William Binney – the former head of the
National Security Agency’s global digital data gathering program, and a
32-year veteran of that agency who was a “legend” among NSA workers –
says that the NSA database is used to harass and even frame anyone the government doesn’t like.

The chief technology officer of the CIA, Gus Hunt, made the following shocking admission back in March: “We fundamentally try to collect everything and hang onto it forever.” He followed that statement up with this gem: “It is really very nearly within our grasp to be able to compute on all human-generated information.”