Saturday, February 22, 2020

Global Crop Failures locusts In Africa , Worst Crops in Australia -- Economic Collapse 2020

Global Crop Failures locusts In Africa , Worst Crops in Australia -- Economic Collapse 2020

Global food production is being hit from seemingly every side. Thanks to absolutely crazy weather patterns, giant locust armies in Africa and the Middle East, and an unprecedented outbreak of African Swine Fever in China, a lot less food is being produced around the world than originally anticipated. Even during the best of years we really struggle to feed everyone on the planet, and so a lot of people are wondering what is going to happen as global food supplies become tighter and tighter. The mainstream media in the United States is so obsessed with politics right now that they haven’t been paying much attention to this emerging crisis, but the truth is that this growing nightmare is only going to intensify in the months ahead. In Australia, conditions have been extremely hot and extremely dry, and that helped to fuel the horrific wildfires that we recently witnessed. And everyone knew that agricultural production in Australia was going to be disappointing this year, but it turns out that it is actually going to be the worst ever recorded…

👉Jim Rickards Warns : Coronavirus Slams Chinese Economy -- Economic Collapse 2020

👉Jim Rickards Warns : Coronavirus Slams Chinese Economy -- Economic Collapse 2020

Jim Rickards Warns : Coronavirus Slams Chinese Economy -- Economic Collapse 2020 How bad is the coronavirus pandemic in China? It’s worse than the Chinese government knows and worse than the world believes. Here are the official statistics on the coronavirus (technically COVID-19) as of today: There are 75,685 confirmed infections worldwide, with 98% of that total in China alone. Of those cases, 82.5% are in the single province of Hubei, mostly centered in the city of Wuhan, with 11 million residents. Coronavirus has reached pandemic proportions in China. Over 60 million people are locked down, which means they cannot leave their homes except once every three days to buy groceries. Streets are empty, stores are closed, trains and planes are not operating. The Chinese economy is slowly grinding to a halt. These statistics barely scratch the surface of what is happening with coronavirus in China. There is good reason to believe that the actual incidence of the virus may be five–10 times the official numbers.