Sunday, May 19, 2013

Max Keiser - Bitcoin, Bernanke & Buffett | London Real

Max Keiser of Russia Today drops by to explain the genesis and implications of the digital currency Bitcoin, why The Federal Reserve and the banking system should apologise to the people for manipulating interest rates, how Warren Buffett is complicit in the Mexican drug trade by purchasing Wells Fargo, and Max's crazy times in the 1980s as a New York City stockbroker by day and punk-rock party animal by night.


  1. WOW, really? You know the "Markets" are rigged, right? As far as "Bitcoin" is concerned, what happened Max, I thought you were a Silver man? You know the saying, "If you can't hold it, you don't own it." Look what's happening to "Bitcoin" now! The "Feds" are shutting ALL the "Bitcoin" Traders down! Fess up Max, are you working both sides of the street? Side Note-Max, stop HOGGING ALL THE AIR TIME, let the other guy get a word in edgewise!

  2. Max, you REALLY NEED TO WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!! I wouldn't be talking about the Bible if I were you. You obviously KNOW little about it. To actually sit there and claim that the stories in the Bible are Porn!!! I'm SHOCKED God didn't STRIKE YOU DOWN THEN AND THERE! Then again, He is ALL MERCIFUL; good thing for you, huh?
