Wednesday, December 19, 2012

NDAA 2013 - Indefinite Detention without Trial is back

NDAA 2013 - Indefinite detention without trial is back .Take away the 2nd amendment, declare Martial Law, then arrest everyone that the government wants. We are on the buffet tables people...For the government to eat up and then destroy..figuratively speaking. we're so screwd it doesn't even matter. Any resistance will be swiftly swatted like a fly on the wall. They've had all the practice they need in controlling foreign populations..our local population will be child's play. Kinda makes me hope the Mayans are right and the world ends on Friday!

1 comment:

  1. It is the gun toting idiots of America that are all about detention without trial. The same people who opened Guantanamo. The same people who exterminated the Indians. The same who mass murdered the Philippinos. The same who murdered a large percentage of the population of Vietnam. The same lynchers of black people and worldwide rapists. It is no wonder that the most raped women on earth are women serving in the US military. Being raped by other US soldiers is ten times more likely than being attacked by a terrorist.

    America is anti- freedom and the most incarcerated people on earth. Up to a third of all prisoners worldwide are in US prisons. It would be nice to see the entire US military incarcerated in something like Guantanamo. It would be pay-back time for the rest of the earth and they would be somewhere they could not spread their poison.

    What use is the US Military? It is good at oppressing civilians but is incapable of fighting real soldiers. It could not defeat North Korea and was defeated by North Vietnam. What a bunch of effeminates who like to boast all the time about their imagined prowess.
