Sunday, January 13, 2013

CFR Meeting Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening

Zbigniew Brzezinski once again discusses the global awakening taking place all across the world. I originally posted the video "CFR MEETING - Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening" more than a year ago on my old channel where Brzezinski at a CFR meeting in Montreal, talks about the fear he has because people are waking up politically. He states we need to build an international system or world government if we are to live in peace in the future. This speech took place at a Speakers Conference a few weeks ago that Brzezinski attended.


  1. he seems like a brilliant and shrewed old man

  2. Zbigniew Brzezinski is one of the representatives of Hidden Evil Power.

    1. wanting to create a international agreement amongst nations if that is evil will i think it is better than rambo policy of kicking ass doctrine which has caused this country to sink and decline from vietnam to iraq to our financial crises in 2008

    2. It is possible that you are not stupid. Maybe you're just entirely uneducated on the subject of world politics! It's the Brzezinski crown that is BEHIND all those "Rambo" wars and the financial crisis you're talking about. We could all be destroyed because ignorant people don't know what's going on. GET EDUCATED before you say scary stuff like that.

      Look at his hands. The hands of a woman. He has a "little man syndrome" complex. Trying to assert his strength and power through tyrannical control methods. Napolean complex.

  3. I agree; Zbigniew Brzezinski is evil, thinks evil, orders evil and will die evil. He is part of the New World Order in which they want 90% of the world's population gone. We are just
    "useless eaters." This sustainable living idea and Agenda 21
    is to make life more pleasant for these aging and feeble men
    Carbon taxes are a hoax; H.A.A.R.P. and chemtrails in the sky
    work together to cause calamities such as tornadoes, hurricanes
    and droughts. By streaming chemicals down on populations, they also are able to cause illness, kill crops and poison water. If this isn't EVIL, I do not know what is.

    1. maybe our future as the human race is immediately dark, but on the long run after the tribulations and suffering we will have a world government when we have matured and grown up spirtually. greed, selfishness rule right now. so if you tell a child to understand and solve calculas they will a temper tantrum and accuse of it being mean , and evil. our perspective as the a world citizen and the consciousness for it has not evovlved. we are the cave men, however we have progressed tremendously in the past 100 years materially, so we can also grow the other sides of our perspectives.
