Friday, January 4, 2013

Dennis Kucinich On Obama signing the New NDAA

The US administration openly calls for a New World Order of governance led by the IMF & agreed to joining the North American Union without the consent of the people. The (IMF) Patriot Act & the NDAA, Torture/Waterboarding, are directives that are without the consent of the people. The mindset of your governance when it comes to foreign policy is Regime Change by force, so what makes Americans believe this mindset will not be used against them at home ???


  1. Why did the USURPER sign NDAA after saying he would not? Simple answer: 'Cuz he's a LIAR.

  2. What a sham. Who voted for him? Please proudly raise your hand.
    It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

  3. He's the Antichrist. He is untouchable for now.
