Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Global Financial Collapse Is Coming 2013

The republic is dead, and was anyway based on fallacies from the beginning (as if members of Congress could ever "represent" disparate views). It's already too late to save this republic. There has to be a collapse... a falling down and a cleaning before it can stand again. Time to move on to something else. Secession and subsidiarity and panarchy are coming . I'd rather have 50 diverse Americas, than one massive centralized power attempting to rule the world.Stock up on Silver while you still can. The ones who stock up in precious metals now are the ones who are going to be loaded when the dollar fails


  1. So many are soooooooo "WORLDLY," that they are unable to "WRAP THEIR BRAINS AROUND" the idea that America is gone! Hell, we crossed that bridge some time ago, but the "Band Played On." Maybe I haven't done enough to prepare the ones that I love to get on their knees, and BEG GOD for His mercy. We MUST repent as a nation, or it will only get worse.

  2. It's got fuck all to do with God and repenting, it's all about criminals ignorance and lack of morality

  3. By the name GOD, are you referring to Evelyn de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, George Herbert Walker Bush or the lovely Henry Kissinger?

  4. Too few did all they could and more, but, too many did nothing at all. Who needs to repent? Those that intentiaonally created this situation. It's not the victims that are guilty. Rape victims aren't the guilty ones. It's the rapists that are the guilty ones. The blood stains on their hands will never wash off. They will remain unforgiven. They are the children of darkness and will never see light. They will hide in their caves, their souls dead forever, God wills it, so be it Amen.
