Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Greece on The Verge of Implosion and Civil War

Europe is like a nuclear bomb at the present time...United States is playing with fire (sadly), choking us in Europe, the European crisis actually comes from washington, and its monetary restriction policies (Credit crunch). America you are playing with innocent people , I love your country but this is deadly serious , If Euro collapse , then there WW3 and this is about nuclear warheads flying everywhere. Rusia is Europe Too.


  1. It just goes to show, EVERYBODY has to BLAME someone else, usually the most vulnerable, for their problems. Yes, we can by ALL MEANS blame the "Banksters," but it's much more than that, it's a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM. Until we address this, NOTHING will change.

    1. I agree with you there Ron , we are going to see more and more blame game going on , and those who are going to be blamed most are the most vulnerable : the foreigners the immigrants may be even the Jews o the gypsies etc ....I think it is the whole system that we should blame and the first to be blamed are ourselves because we are allowing this system to continue by believing in it supporting it and complying passively or actively with it ...that should CHANGE ...

    2. This is what happens when economies tank.Xenophobia, hatred and racism rear their ugly head. Even if some of the things he is saying is true, Greece because of its greed, got itself itself in this hole, and would be facing the same problems without the migrants. It is always hard to look inside , and face reality.Unfortunately, Greece does not produce much , and does not have much resources. This kind of thing we already saw in germany in the 1930s, and lead to the holocaust.

    3. Easy to say this about Greece and other countries, that they are in this situation because of Greed. I wonder how many people will be as ready to point the same finger at our own country when we are in the same situation. And we will be. Guaranteed.

    4. we will alos face the same issues down the road as greece. however, this guy is not the solution to the problem. this whole fiancial crises is enginereed. however, it due to a spirtual crises were worship of mony and materialism has become the norm. better learnn to treat other better, and help each other than blame.

  2. Why on earth do the Greeks owe these parasites anything?
    If they tried this in Mexico they'd end up doing hard labor.

    1. who knows what is exactly is going on? for that matter it can be true or fabrication on his part. anyways, they get people to come to their country to do the work they are not willing to do during good times, so when jobs get scarce the kkk comes out. this guy i agree with ron has some spirtual issues , he loooks disturbed and might not be getting laid
