Monday, January 21, 2013

Max Velocity ~ Preparing for Disaster Survival

The economy is about to collapse and they want to be able to say they did EVERYTHING they could to prevent what is to come....history is repeating istelf, and just like last time with Hitler, the American public fawns over Obama and sides with his tyrany. Will enough people wake up and band together in time? or will it be too late, and we will all go to FEMA camps?


  1. "And just like with Hitler,the American public fawn over Obama and sides with tyranny." Who do you know that is fawning over this DEMON? I mean seriously, who do you know that actually likes this "Wolf in Sheeps Clothing?" He is from the "BOWELS OF HELL," and ANYONE that is not in a coma knows it!

  2. Problem is... there are a whole lot of people in a coma and we're all going to pay for it.
