Saturday, January 12, 2013

Michael Savage - Flu Shot is Useless and Dangerous Government Hoax with CDC - 1/11/13

Dr. Michael Savage Dedicates his Whole Show on January 11, 2013 to the Danger and Lies involved with the Flu Shot, New York just declared a state emergency because of a "flu epidemic"

1 comment:

  1. Savage usually annoys me with his anti-Martin Luther King holiday nonsense stance and his past demand for Americans to take loyalty oaths in support of Bush and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but he is coming around and seeing the light on many issues now and is on the money when it comes to the gigantic scam known as the flu shot and the enrichment of Big Pharma. He still ties things to liberals/democrats, however, which is completely silly. Big Pharma is run by conservative voters, but we should really just call their lot fascists.
