Friday, January 11, 2013

Pack Your Bags by James Yeager, Tactical Response To Obama Executive Order On Gun Ban Control resulted in his Gun carry permit suspended

This video, before Mr. Yeager edited it, resulted in his CCW Permit being revoked just hours ago. Channel 5 in Nashville has reported that the Tennessee dept. of safety and Homeland Security stated the following: "The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately." James Yeager gains attention from YouTube rant - Gun carry permit suspended


  1. Mr. Yeager, you blew it big time and let your mouth outrun your brain. No matter how valid your cause when you espouse bloodshed and threaten to shoot people in public you show your too immature to be allowed to carry a weapon, Now you have alerted the powers that be that you are potential threat. Too late to apologize. You will have to live with your mistake. A wise general does not let the enemy know of his plans beforehand. He who can not control his mouth may not be able to control his trigger finger.

    1. Couldn't agree more. Last thing we need right now are hotheads like this Yeager and Alex Jones popping off about civil wars and threatening to take the first shot. That idiot on the last video doesn't help matters either. Talk about diarrhea of the mouth with his talk about how to make thermite or heat seeking missiles. The only way we gun owners have any chance of keeping our rights is if we keep the moral high ground. If at some point push comes to shove, then it really needs to be the government that takes the first shot. Not only do we retain the ability to claim the right to self defense, but there is much truth in that in a fight, the side that takes the first move usually loses.

  2. I seem to recall many Black Panther rants about killing white crackers and babies. People are getting sick and tired of this Bullshit double standard.

  3. Yeah, Yeager could have chosen his words more carefully, but his point is well taken. Everyone with sense knows that this country has GONE OVER THE CLIFF, FINANCIALLY AND SPIRITUALLY. As far as contacting elected officials, who do you think started all of this? The politicians are OWNED by the corporations, who are the ones that want the public disarmed and call ALL of the shots, so to speak. Oh, and FYI, you don't do yourself any favors by using the Lord's name in vain or using the F word.

  4. The guy with the "Coon Skin Cap," seriously! Sighting the "Catholic Church" as having more pedophile clergy than any other religion. Obviously, he hasn't done his homework. Why does ANYONE think that the "Catholic Church" is constantly berated by the lamestream media? Could it be that it's God's church? Oh, and I consider myself a PRE-Vatican II Catholic. That was before the Communist Homosexuals' infiltrated the church.

  5. Lance
    That is what the patriots etc et are all about. Their idol in their hearts is being exposed..
    We in New Zealand do NOT want these 'mad as rattle snakes', coming into our country with their gun rights to endangeer our people..
    Alex Jones with his 50 (FIFTY) guns and Jessie Ventura on another utube he said he is going to kill people.
    People in NZ, Australia, and Britian are gasping with open mouths, and wondering what the hell is being exposed in the hearts of these mad gun owners, who think they have to have assult weapons and many of them
    and thousands of bullets.
    What happened with one gun to defend your family, or a gun each one for the wife and the husband.
    Oh no they have to have MANY machine guns.
    And they will kill anyone who says no.
    THESE are the most DANGEROUS people.
    This is the real American idol.
    and the result of PRIDE and AROGANCE of being above the rest, and better than anyone else.
    Entitlement. Its our right.
    I remember Sean Hannity rabbiting on about how exceptional America was.
    "We are the only nations that this and that, and I thought, who the hell do you tink you are...many nations are Christian and are part of the Body of Christ...
    American does not have the only right,
    how puffed up with pride.
    Maybe somebody needs to watch the utube of Glenn Beck interview Jonathan Cahn part 1 and 2.
    BEFORE it is too late.
    And do NOT come to New Zealand, we do NOT want you, with that passion for machine guns, and killing people in your hearts.

  6. Well annon You speak of the threats of the Black Panters...I grew up hearing of the ACTIONS of the KKK, who didn't bother threatening, they actually slautered MANY for YEARS.
    And YOU moan about words. Grow up
