Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This presentation is just the "tip of the iceberg." Other US cities where NATO exercises either have been or are currently underway include but are not limited to, Detroit, Chicago, Boston, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Tampa Bay, Ft. Colins Colorado, Minneapolis, Idaho and etc.... Moreover, train and truck loads of military hardware have been spotted in Tennessee, Georgia, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Kentucky, Oregon, Montana, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Iowa, Arizona and etc., etc... There is just to much information to cover in 20 minutes. It would take hours to document the extent to which these actions are now taking place in the USA. Get ready to rock 'n' roll!
GEO LINK TO: Jacksonville Airport.

1 comment:

  1. Steve Quayle has been telling EVERYONE FOREVER that the Russian and Chinese military were here en-masse, but the "BAND PLAYED ON," and nobody seemed to pay much attention, that is until recently. Now that it's in EVERYONE'S FACE, there can be NO DENYING!!! Get on your knees brothers and sisters and BEG God for protection and repent with your whole heart and soul.
