Saturday, February 16, 2013

Proof Meteorite Was Shot Down Over Russia !?! Coincidence? Missile?

Proof Meteorite Was Shot Down Over Russia !?! Coincidence? Missile? A close look at the footage shows the object was hit by an missile or something , at about the 1:25 mark something definitely struck that thing from behind and broke it up.The object did not come from the appears to be coming from the side and slightly behind it; It looks like a UFO


  1. dude what a crock of shit

  2. Not so. the man has a point.

  3. Have a listen to a caller (from Russia) on C2C (Richard Hoagland 2/15/12) at about 20 minutes. And remember that there were some Russian nuclear jets flying in American airspace over Guam about a week ago. I think all you naysayers who insist that this is a meterorite have not done your homework.

    Obama just blew off his balls.
