Sunday, April 14, 2013


The USA is falling into the hands of an angry God.
Almighty God gave us the prophets and the bible for direction and the Nation of Israel as our End Times Alarm Clock. As we watch Israel we see the signs of the end times for the world.
Almighty God has guaranteed the continued existence of Israel with an oath that can never be broken. Any nation or person that attempts to divide Israel must suffer as the enemy of Almighty God.
Now that Almighty God has restored Israel as a nation, destruction of the enemies of Israel by a World Wide earthquake is inevitable. The USA will soon be judged and sent crashing into the dark ages.
The Lord Jesus Christ warned us of numerous end time events. The biblical signal that these events would soon happen is that Israel would be restored as a nation in One Day, and the generation that saw this happen would not die before many of the horrible end time judgments come upon us. (Matthew 24)
That event occurred on May 14, 1948, as a fulfillment of the prophesy of Isaiah (66:7-8). First the birth of the restored nation then the birth pangs. When Israel declared its independence, the prophetic birth pangs started immediately as the armies of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria invaded, sparking the Arab-Israeli War. Israeli forces defeated the coalition of criminal nations and signed the 1949 armistice agreements. The birth pangs continued as Israel was attacked by its neighbors. With each victory, Israel expanded its borders beyond those established by the United Nations partition plan. In 1967 Israel won the Six-Day War, and took possession of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria.
God has not forgotten His oath to defend Israel in over 64 years of Israeli wars and terrorist attacks. The political borders of Israel have continued to change with the continuous birth pangs from the attacks of its criminal neighbors.
There were many prophesies concerning the restoration of the nation of Israel that have already been completely fulfilled in my generation, beginning in 1948.
As we watch Israel for the signs of the times, we see the next major manifestation of prophetic events rushing towards us like a horrible storm.
This is a soon coming End time event that will affect us here in West Virginia.
Roughly 2680 some years ago, the prophet Ezekiel was given a message from the Lord that would be fulfilled only after the restoration of the nation of Israel (May 14, 1948). Ezekiel chapters 38-43
I summarize the chapters to say: That Russia, Iran, Turkey and a few other criminal nations will be baited, hooked and dragged by the Sovereign God into a war attacking Israel. Then God, in HIS ANGER will send a world shaking earthquake that begins in the mountains of ISRAEL, but affects every person on earth.
Seeing the earthquake and the anger of God, the criminal nations will turn their weapons on each other and annihilate each other. Judgment continues as Almighty God, sends fire unto the Mediterranean nations and the criminal nations that attacked Israel.

"Prophecy " politics war Time End economy news World ISRAEL TURKEY RUSSIA IRAN 666 ANTICHRIST BIBLE CHRISTIAN GOD JESUS LORD PROPHESY PROPHET EZEKIEL 38 europe states ISRAEL "United Nations" "United States" Brazil European India Africa army


  1. north korea will send a missle or iran will upon israel... then its on from there. the birthing pains are what America feels , because its the prostitute of all nations... and yes.. Jesus is already here... people dont want to accept it. and the plagues are upon America... mostly the white people because they have played god to many nations and have lived by the sword, and judged and condemned many for the same things they are guilty of.

  2. one thing is government and other citizens folks people, so far there is a need for one at the top and most below,however that configuration should be honest, just and for evolution, not to keep one privileged caste "Indian style" and them the lot underneath. moreover the current zeolites are unwise they do not perform as they should and rather than guiding nations they destroy them.

  3. more precisely washington portraits to americans and the world as a democracy, while it is a dictatorship, of power. "military power just like hitler", they use the military as a sword of democracy while it is the opposite,"hitler acted just like it" it is possible that the future, dictator is on the democratic realm rather than the opposite as they say, the antichrist, is in fact deception. and israel is not the land of faith and good but evil and deceive. so the modern evil hitler is a well planned scheme from before the war "2" strange but it can be real. as it does have some logic to it.

  4. what this means is a reverse of perception, Kerry and the lot, are in fact the danger, while the North koreans are the peace chance.( action and display) however the media and what most believe what democracy is all about portrait north korea as the axe of evil, while the axe of evil is the other side the washington kerry realm. in conclusion the west could have manipulated minds via main media, while it hides the truth to its own citizens it exposes a lie,as a truth good reality "a false truth" to his own citizens. and condemns the enemy as being evil while in fact they are the evil ones. a kind of upside-down truth.

    1. It's the game of the day black is white,up is down,hot is cold, but then what can you expect from people who still believe in fairy tales.
