Tuesday, April 16, 2013

North Korea Threatens Retaliation Without Warning For South Korean Insults

China, which supports North Korea economically and politically in the past have shown an increase irritation to the aggressive rhetoric and actions by Pyongyang, calling it "regrettable." Beijing is believed to have sent private messages Kim Jong Un urging caution. North Korea, however, receive support from one state - Iran. Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, the deputy chief of the armed forces accused of tension in the region to "excessive demands by the United States ... and her tightening the noose on North Korea. Independent countries are not for American adventurism." Both Iran and North Korea to the UN Security Council sanctions for its ballistic missile and nuclear programs. 2011 UN report said that Tehran and Pyongyang is suspected of sharing ballistic missile technology.


  1. ...breaking news...

    US military chopper crashes near N Korea border with 21 personnel on board....

  2. hmmmm strange...thats happened one day ago, no breaking news on tv...
