Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Canadian Authorities Linking Iran with Al-Qaeda is RIDICULOUS

US-led Canada falsely blames Iran

An analyst says that groups in the US has pushed Canada to announce a false Iran & al-Qaeda link when in fact it is the CIA that controls al-Qaeda terrorism. In the background of this Canada has made the claim that Iran is associated with al-Qaeda suspects seized in Canada. The Al-Qaeda suspects were intercepted in a foiled plot to derail a passenger train in Toronto. An Iran spokesperson Mehmanparast has dismissed the allegations as part of Canada's anti-Iran campaign and it's attempts to create an atmosphere of Iranophobia. Historically, Iran has never been linked to any al-Qaeda activity while on the contrary it's rhetoric and religious ideology have always been opposed to terrorism. Mehmanparast denounced proven Western and Arab support for al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria who are attacking the innocent civilian population there and called for the end to that support. Press TV has interviewed Mohsen Saleh, political analyst from Beirut about this issue.


  1. The whole world has gone crazy! What are we supposed to do about it? It's apparent that we have no voice in the matter!

  2. Tell me again how is it that the Canucks are now claiming Al-CIA duh as there own

  3. The fact that they can continue to run Al Qaeda BS like this indicates that they have no respect for the intellect of the majority of Americans (and Canadians). The lies become more preposterous with each passing day. Never ever trust the government, plain and simple. If we don't start putting libertarians in office we are truly doomed. Republicans = Democrats = slaves to the NWO.
