Wednesday, April 24, 2013

URGENT - Is This Woman The Boston Bomber?? Was She Even Person Of Interest??

“Nothing to see here, move along, move along.”
“If you see something, say something” – except if you see:
- A false flag – we’re calling those positive flags now, so they’re fine
- Military undercover agents along the street – its called your tax dollars at work
- 1000s of police and swat teams asking to invade your privacy – in that case, welcome them in for the sake of security
- Agents letting people on a plane without a passport – don’t worry, he’s only wearing underwear!
- The banks making bad bets and loosing billions, we’ll just have you bail them out later
- Bomb sniffing dogs not finding anything – they’re just looking for food!
- Violations of the Constitution Of the United States of America, the highest law in the land – times have changed since that was written, rights are so passee now, times have changed, the governments sole purpose now is to tell you want to do, what size cups you can carry around, take your taxes, and soon, confiscate every thing you think you own. You think you own that? You don’t own anything, you owe someone else for everything you think you have.

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