Saturday, April 20, 2013

US desperately hides rising Poverty

Anyone who thinks that the US economy is not collapsing hasn't been to the USA recently. The "infrastructure" is collapsing everywhere: bridges and roads are in disrepair and crumbling, the major cities are infested by roving gangs of jobless youth, secondary (manufacturing) industry has been chased overseas by the unions and the welfare state, and droughts and agribusiness have wreaked havoc with domestic food production..This is the prize you pay if you vote ( only vote if your vote actually means something, such as direct democracy ). The idea that your future is better off if it's in the hands of some others ( politicians ) is naive. Your future is better off if it's in your own hands. Central planning doesn't work at all. The idea that others know what is best for others is insane. You as an individual knows what is best for you. There is no freedom in EU, its a bank union, soviet union 2.0 on steroids...

1 comment:

  1. Those statistics are outright lies. Approval of Obama and his handling of the economy are much lower. MOre lies.
