Thursday, May 9, 2013

Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Could Be Prosecuted Over Benghazi Testimony

Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Could Be Prosecuted Over Benghazi Testimony

Judge Andrew Napolitano is going on the record saying that if Hillary lied, yes, she could be prosecuted. Since we know she has lied, it's time to prepare to charge her. Here's the relevant quote from the interview: "Lying to congress carries the same criminal liability and the same punishment as lying under oath to congress. I'm not suggesting that Mrs. Clinton lied, but I'm saying that a case could be made out, either legally in a courtroom if a prosecutor wanted to, and certainly politically in a public sphere should she decide to seek higher office."


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  2. the global dysfunctional government keep increasing irrationality, and somehow depicts that the globe was held together by washington up to 1989, the moment the Berlin wall collapse, washington begun its rapid decay, however it had the perception it was on its ultimate conquest, as the book the end of history depicts, "fukuyama" the fact is it is the inverse that took place, and today the disintegration of washingtons reasoning is coming to a close, as wall street science fiction media propaganda goes hand in hand with fox news, CNN, etc media brainwashing, sitcoms and hollywood trash. and other private global conglomerates. therefore the Elites executed a faulty plan than rather than giving them more power has giving them chaos, meaning those elites are not very bright in fact they could be quite dangerous and "doctor strange love is just around the corner" so to avoid that find the wise men soon..
