Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Michael Savage Covers Benghazi-Gate, Update on Charles Ramsey, Mentions Jodi Arias

Potential Whistle Blowers Are Being Threaten By Obama Admin Benghazi Gate State Dept Withholding Benghazi Documents - Whistleblowers Threaten By Obama's People?Hopefully, this will break wide open, and then we can impeach Obama. How long is America going to put up with this tyrant and his destruction of American? He is a joke and by far the worst mistake America has made. He has no leadership skills, he doesnt care about the people, only his own well being and agendas. He is a liar and is destroying America and taking away our freedom and the morality of America. We are looking like a weak joke to the rest of the world. He has already bankrupted this country.

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