Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rioting Puts Pressure on Swedish Government

Swedish authorities are coming under pressure after rioting in Stockholm continued for the fourth night. WSJ's John Stoll reports that residents are now taking to the streets to try to stop the vandalism by disaffected youths. Photo: AP


  1. What a bunch of politically correct BS. This is the fruit of Islam and the weak kneed commentators and politicos can't bring themselves to state the cold hard facts

  2. Well, why not just tell it like it is. This is the result of a mindless immigration policy. The areas are dominated by muslim immigrants, due to the mass immigration from muslim countries. Sweden are taking in more so called asylum seekers than any other country in Europe, and the governement are hellbent on continuing this policy, which is the most efficient way to create social and political instability. This fits in perfectly in order to obtain the long term objective of the European Union, which is to dissolve the nation states and replace them with one totalitarial neo-feudal European state.
