Friday, May 24, 2013

The Fall of the British Empire ~ What Lessons for America

The fall of the British empire shows just how fast the tables can turn.
The US needs to return to peace and compassion. It has become the monster that is claims to fight against so is divided and crumbling. The only way for it to stand again is to return to the values of the past... pre 1920's , It has destroyed the very democracy it claims to uphold in the world. Via hidden enemies of democracy within the Administration and Corporate world.

1 comment:

  1. the British empire did not collapse,however it is collapsing now, and will disappear as such, however the English language will continue to dominate it is just the financial domination, ideology and military might which is collapsing, just like the washington empire collapse permanently from 9/11. and now you just see the ripples of the 2001 collapse. america today is still a servant of the city on what banks and finance are concern..
