Friday, June 7, 2013

Former FBI Special Agent On NSA Phone Monitoring Program

Former FBI Special Agent On NSA Phone Monitoring Program

John Guandolo, Former FBI Special Agent that now is a National Security Consultant and President of Guandolo Associates, joins Steve to discuss the NSA monitoring of phone calls.


  1. the monitoring has been going on for years at vast costs to the tax payer! There are two questions to be answered
    ! if this is so important and effective how come the mass shootings the Boston Bombings etc were not picked up and stopped?
    2) Were these acts therefore government sanctioned acts of violence?
    These are the only two possible explanations!
    Either the security bull shit does not work or these were false flag events!

  2. Bull shit pal we know you record everything without a warrant. This ability to record is shown to be hard wired
