Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The US Dollar will Collapse Disaster Coming

Even with this recession and stagflation for most of us, the wealth of the top 1% (especially top 0.1% and above) has increased dramatically over the last few decades. So a solution is to raise the historically low taxes on the wealthiest, end corporate loopeholes and tax havens, a small tax on Wall St. speculation, cut military spending, then invest this revenue in creating millions of jobs in green energy, education, infrastructure, health, etc. We have a jobs crisis, not a debt crisis.


  1. O'Reilly, I'll be DAMNED if I'm taking responsibility for the PIECE OF EXCREMENT IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!! I was smart enough NOT to vote for him, but, then again, it didn't matter anyway. He was placed in office, just like many before him. And pleazzzzzzzzze don't compare yourself to Paul Revere! You are a TURD, Paul Revere was a TRUE PATRIOT!!!

  2. Oh man you are so full of it we followed a man that promised change did the media inform us he was a foreigner or that he was a communist? NO we had no information then when the second term came vote fraud fixed that. Get real I blame the media most for if we ever got the truth or saw anything close to investigative reporting well, that would change everything. We are very grateful we do have a media that informs and you and your other news outlets hate it.

  3. The 2 headed monster president. Be it Bush or Obama. The 2 most destructive presidents I have seen in my 54 years of life. Bush got us stuck in 2 wars that had nothing to do with terrorism, Obama is destroy the financial and moral structure of this country.
