Friday, June 21, 2013


The American Dream is Dying : There is a group of ridiculously wealthy people who believe that 1984 isn't a cautionary tale, but rather a model of society where the powerless can never overthrow the powerful. That is not the type of dream I strive for.

I would go as far to say that the "American Dream" was still-born. TBH, let's face it: the American Experiment as a whole is a failure. Firstly, the country started off on the wrong foot: hypocritical racist physiocrats with confederalism at any cost versus racist crypto-monarchist Hamiltonians, the lone voice of reason Thomas Paine drowned out and labelled a fool. The America of today is the reaping of what was sown. Best to just burn the ground and plant afresh...


  1. Folks the American Dream is not dying, you just need to be asleep to believe it.

  2. A reform of capitalism is required. See my essay on the basic faults with capitalism at the truehumanrights web site. Also, the proper role of government in protecting every person's true fundamental rights should be brot about.

  3. Stop letting the Fed and the "war" complex dictate government, stop the bullshit terrorist crap, defend your borders from home, let the people have their freedom back, fuck the banksters off and the Fed and print your own money backed by gold, like the old days. The enemy is not the Middle East it is in your own backyard but no one has the balls to deal with it. No more puppet Presidents doing the business for the boys!!. Then and maybe then if the country has not exploded because the forces that be won't let that happen, you may get back what America is supposed to be.

  4. capitalism has collapse however that does not mean destruction but simply a change of management, in all forms. the BREN 25% silver can replace the dollar as a world reserve currency, meaning it becomes the global reserve currency for trade and energy, "end of petrodollars" having an independent reserve currency from all nations, will give the BREN 25% silver.. supervision of the planets fiat money as well, can correct the 700 trillions of derivatives. as is the end of the FED toilet paper, corruption and speculation as well; main advantage is that those that gamble will pay and those that very honest will not get their wealth stolen. it is the only option unfortunately. End the dollar dominion and save the planet..
