Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Obama Administration Arming both sides of the conflict in Syria

MCCAIN:"I know them,I've been there"...he is publicly admitting he supports al qaeda !?!?!?!

US and European arms, intended for Syrian rebels - are ending up in the hands of pro-government forces. Pictures have flooded the internet, showing Shiite militias, fighting alongside President Assad's troops - using Western weaponry. And that's fuelled concerns that Washington is unable to control where its weapons are ending up, as RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports.


  1. John Perkins in one of his books describing his role as an economic hitman did say that this was standard procedure, for instance in Congo to ensure that Coltan, and other natural resources could be gotten for peanuts due to the collapse of state and culture. Nothing new; same old cock.

  2. I don't see how Obama or any of his Ilk can live with themselves! Not only funding both sides, which has been done for MANY YEARS, but "Benghazi", "IRS," "NSA," "Libya," and the list goes on and on!!! Impeach the LOW-LIFE ALREADY!
