Monday, August 5, 2013


In this exclusive interview with Ann Barnhardt, founder of the former Barnhard Capital Management, Barnhardt exposes the blatant fraud in US financial markets, the recent IRS scandal, the financial enslavement of the American people, and whether Obama is conspiraring to collapse our economy! As the most popular "Finance and Liberty" interview to date, stay tuned for a shocking ride behind the scenes of the true America and how we can possibly win our country back!


  1. Ann Barnhardt is such Digressive Tripe.

    America will not turn back to the Old Christian Values of: White Males running everything with an iron fist, Blacks as Slaves and Negro Porters with Satan Preachers Misinterpreting the Bible saying it's ok to treat Blacks like trash, Latinos as Invisible with Satan Workers in the Church saying it's ok to treat Latinos like trash, the Bible's Anti-Religious Mixing Policy taken advantage by Racists and Satan Preachers who turned it into False and Satanic Anti-Race Mixing Teaching, stupid ass Banker's hours for all businesses, women treated as slaves instead of women and their customs and roles being treated as equal, and the rampant back door immorality that existed in this country from day one.

    What America along with the World needs is a bottom up house cleaning of the church into a New World Christianity in the hearts, minds, and spirits of men.

    No, I say destroy America, and every other nation including China. Give the Global Elite their One World Satanic Government.

    Let the people see the consequences for following a Satanic Global Order, and they will as it says in Revelations bow at the Feet of Christ, begging for his One World Government.

    The people will realize that Man isn't supposed to rule a country, or this world under Man's Law, Man's false Liberty, and Man's false Justice. The World is meant to be ruled by the Iron Fist of Despots, then the Iron fist of the Antichrist, and then the Iron Fist of Christ.

    I say bring it, I can't effing wait, man.

    - The Black Man

  2. Your blog is the most racist thing I have ever read. You portray white people in snippets of white supremacists and treat everyone else in kind while spewing some gospel about peace. You preach the New World Order which is kinda why this whole site exists as being the solution. This is how dictators rise. And you have the nerve to rally for women after not even going to their aide when they agree with you. Please, if you're not propaganda, get help. Don't blame the pink stranger or this will never end. Your problem is fear and hatred of your fellow man. See us as men and stand up against those who think their gods or their God - which concept has murdered millions - is the answer. Peace.

  3. And my God, what pray tell do you have against the wise Asians? Have they not suffered enough?

  4. Oh wait, no. You're one of those New World Christian do-hickies with the megachurches and the money. You're part of the network. Oh, then you can just leave.
