Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Housing Market is CRASHING in 2020

The Housing Market is CRASHING in 2020

The Housing Market is CRASHING. The warning signs are everywhere. Foreclosures are ticking up, bankruptcies slowly increasing, subprime auto about to go critical, add in credit card debt, government overspending causing property taxes to rise, and banksters going nuts. Then you have the formula for nice, sweet 30% correction at a minimum in prices in the hot markets; in some cases 50%. Nationwide, housing peaked in late 2017. Prices have been falling ever since . The bubble has popped, folks... Harry Dent is back predicting property prices will "fall 50%". Harry is absolutely right. Double bubble real estate is one of the top ten biggest ripoffs in the world today. Stay away from bubble real estate at all costs. All a house is is some drywall and two by fours, and a lot of headaches. What a laugh. But warning the real estate players they are in a bubble is like telling smokers that smoking causes lung cancer (90% of lung cancer deaths are in smokers)."Smoking will kill you" is printed right on every pack. And yet they don't listen. The smokers just keep right on smoking because they are so very addicted to it--they like that nicotine buzz--just like the RE players are addicted to that easy free money for doing nothing. Greed has blinded participants in this (and most other) markets for about the last five years. With the reduction in capital expenditures, refrigerator boxes are in high demand. Prices fell 40%+ during the last minor correction, and the Fed couldn't prevent it.

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