Showing posts with label Rev. Douglas James Cottrell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rev. Douglas James Cottrell. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Rev. Douglas James Cottrell Prophecies for The Coming Years

Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Amazing discovery - the 7-sealed Jordan codices . This is an audio Deep Trance Meditation (DTM) session by Rev. Douglas James Cottrell set to images and subtitles to help summarize and convey the meaning of the words. If you are unfamiliar with Rev. Douglas' work, he is a trance intuitive in the same vein and style as Edgar Cayce. Search on his name for other videos or visit his website ( for further information.

Douglas James Cottrell is one of the most well known, documented intuitives in Canada. He is best known for his "deep trance meditation" sessions, during which he has shown with remarkable accuracy the ability to access information on anyone or anything at any time period: past, present, and future. He became interested in exploring intuition when, in 1975, he and his wife sought out an American intuitive for answers to their questions about their handicapped daughter, Cheri-Anne. Mainstream medicine at the time had all but given up on her, and she had been institutionalized. Cottrell was so impressed with the information that the intuitive was able to give - not only how Cheri-Anne sustained her physical and mental disabilities, but what could be done to help her - that he determined to learn if he, too, could demonstrate that same intuitive ability, to the same level of accuracy. His website is