Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bob Baer : Osama Bin Laden is alive he is in the tribal area in Pakistan , we cannot get to him though

Osama Bin Laden Will Not Be Captured

Osama Bin Laden Will Not Be Captured , Bob Baer former CIA Officer admits that Osma Bin Laden is alive , he is in the tribal areas in Pakistan , but cannot get to him though , it is too tough up there , you will have to fight a major war to get into these areas , the tribal people are protecting him , the only way to get him is by a missile ,he is going to get on the phone one day and we are gonna send a missile down that signal , GPS right down the signal , a missile right down the signal when he picks up the phone ...he will make that mistake some day says Bob Baer
March 17, 2010 CNN