Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Great Depression All Over Again

The Great Depression- Mean Things Happening

On tenant farms of the Arkansas Delta and in the steel factories of America's industrial heartland, men and women battle landowners and factory managers for the right to join a union.Nowadays the Corporatocracy still shafts the worker by, for example, getting their Cronies in DC to adopt so-called "Free Trade" agreements, which have nothing at all to do with free trade, but have everything to do with preventing decent wages & retirement packages and with exporting jobs out of this country. At the same time, the puppet politicians protect the too-big-to-jail Oligarchs at every turn. Millionaires see their wealth increase; the rest of us go down the toilet. SSDD

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Gun Control: Leads to More Violence

gun free zones were the tool used for the the problem that they created ,now its clear every mass shooting was in a gunfree zone except one .its clear now there using these places as a tool to futher there anti-gun agenda .These false flag events like Colorado/Sandy Hook CT. r back-firering on the dark cabal as gun sales sky-rocket in the days after so called lone gun man take the lives of soooo many. I can C the masses awakening 2 the fact that tyranny is in control of our Government!

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - December 21st, 2012

It is a horrific situation here in the US! False Flag? YES!!! The political response is too obvious. Just a few fake sorrow statements quickly changed into an all-out campaign to disarm us. The preppers and militia is blamed because the mother was a prepper (the reason she had guns). We have armed military on our streets and the entire US being filled with heavy armor. We should be looking at the police and military becoming thugs of martial law! Years ago they were peace officers. We should be looking at our officials war crimes…war gun and armor sales…women, children, unarmed civilians killed ..the mental health of our troops who are never the same when they return…media promoting violence…war “games” for children to “play”…the lack of help for medical mental help or treatment…poisoning of our bodies and minds.

The Road to World War 3

We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil, and the real motives behind the wars of the past two decades.

The US is used as a front for elites to further their ideals of a world govt. Eventually if they succeed we will end up in a NIGHT of hyper controlled global technological fascism from which there will be NO DAWN, NO END, NO AWAKENING. The gorgeous potential an wonderful voluntary tapestry of the human mind ,of the human condition, of diverse human society, will be snuffed out eternally for ALL TIME. All to permanently feed the vampire elite who wish to raise themselves above all else. america is rigged to blow. the kill switches are already in place. starting with the san onofre power plant. along to the hoover dam. and so on. we pray for all americans to do the right thing. peace and love for all gods creation

A War is Coming that will Kill 2.3 Billion Human Beings

Founder of End Time Ministries, Rev. Irvin Baxter, discussed biblical prophecy, and why he believes many signs are in place that were foretold in the Book of Revelation. "A war is coming that will kill 1/3 of mankind-- 2.3 billion human beings," he warned, adding that the Bible says that the war will start from the Euphrates River (which runs through Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq, countries that currently have much tension). "I will be shocked if we don't see this war in 2013, but that's not a prediction, because I don't know," he declared. In the event of such a catastrophic war, the surviving populace might be willing to accept a microchip implant in the name of a security, Baxter noted, and this would likely be the prophesied "Mark of the Beast" (view related video clip).

Baxter believes that the Antichrist is alive now, and that he will eventually be possessed by Satan. He will then try to realize his ambition-- having everyone on Earth worship him through forcing them to pledge their allegiance to him or they won't be able to buy or sell-- "that's what the Mark of the Beast is all about," he said. Whoever is the Pope during the time of the Antichrist will be known as the "False Prophet," the last Pope, he continued.

During the time of the Antichrist, there'll be a one-world government, one-world religion, and one-world economy-- this "Master Plan of the Dragon" was launched 100 years ago with the start of the Federal Reserve, Baxter stated. He also spoke about how current events could be strong indicators of prophecy, such as turmoil in the Middle East, as well as his planned Jerusalem Prophecy College.


Irvin Baxter Jr. is the editor of the most widely circulated prophecy magazine in the world, hosts the daily radio broadcast, Politics and Relgion, and is the author of several prophecy books and Bible studies.He founded Endtime, a non-profit corporation.

Before committing himself to full-time work with Endtime Ministries, Irvin Baxter, Jr. served as pastor of the Oak Park Church in Richmond, Indiana for approximately 32 years.In November of 2005, Endtime Ministries moved from Richmond, Indiana to Garland, Texas. In addition to Endtime Magazine and Politics and Religion, Endtime Ministries produces numerous Bible Study resources and sponsors prophecy conferences and Bible studies throughout the world.

The Book of Revelation, often simply known as Revelation or by a number of variants expanding upon its authorship or subject matter, is the final book of the New Testament and occupies a central part in Christian eschatology. Written in Koine Greek, its title is derived from the first word of the text, apokalypsis, meaning "unveiling" or "revelation". The author of the work identifies himself in the text as "John" and says that he was on Patmos, an island in the Aegean, when he "heard a great voice" instructing him to write the book. This John is traditionally supposed to be John the Apostle, although recent scholarship has suggested other possibilities including a putative figure given the name John of Patmos. Most modern scholars believe it was written around 95 AD, with some believing it dates from around 70 AD.

The book spans three literary genres: epistolary, apocalyptic, and prophetic. It begins with an epistolary address to the reader followed by an apocalyptic description of a complex series of events derived from prophetic visions which the author claims to have seen. These include the appearance of a number of figures and images which have become important in Christian eschatology, such as the Whore of Babylon and the Beast, and culminate in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The obscure and extravagant[1] imagery has led to a wide variety of interpretations: historicist interpretations see in Revelation a broad view of history; preterist interpretations treat Revelation as mostly referring to the events of the apostolic era (1st century), or—at the latest—the fall of the Roman Empire; futurists believe that Revelation describes future events; and idealist or symbolic interpretations consider that Revelation does not refer to actual people or events, but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil.

The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic document in the New Testament canon, though there are short apocalyptic passages in various places in the Gospels and the Epistles.

The Great Deception: Obama and the Coming War

A must see for all truthers, Christians and Muslims alike. Please help in sharing this video before it gets taken down. The world is being set for the next false flag event, a nuclear world war! Of which, Barack Obama (the Leopard) is the one orchestrating it. For many, the truth may seem stranger than fiction, but my hope is that this video may open the eyes of you who are in darkness and to provide those who are awake the answers you are looking for. Be prepared, the FIRE is about to RISE and the man of perdition is about to be REVEALED! "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places." - Ephesians 6:12

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Manimal

"Some" people are putting the same sourced video as "HD". It's like putting lipstick on a pig or encoding an mp3 to wave... what's the point??? "Science has made major breakthroughs in drug research and transplant technology by experimenting on "chimeras" -- human/animal embryo hybrids. But these seemingly noble goals may be covering up a much more nefarious purpose -- to create half human, half ape super soldiers, paving the way for a real life Planet of the Apes showdown. Jesse and his team storm the Yerkes Primate Research Center, hidden in the backwoods of Georgia, to find out the truth about "humanzees" -- who may already be walking the earth!" Originally aired December 10, 2012. It's obvious the source for this was pretty bad. Manimal or not, animal testing should be banned.

Friday, December 21, 2012

David Icke on The Alex Jones Show (December 21, 2012)

David Icke is a one man wrecking machine against the satanic elite.He has exposed the crown of London for what it was,global tyrants that infiltrated Christianity and used it to hide their true agenda.

Life After December 21 2012

Life After December 21 2012

Ian spoke with Marie D. Jones about what we can expect in 2012 and what it may be like in the year 2013. Jones went through some of the common worst case scenarios (asteroid impact, pole shift, supervolcano eruption) for December 21, 2012, and Ian invited callers to phone in with their theories about what will happen on that date. Jones said she does not think any naturally-occuring, world-ending event will take place in 2012. For Jones, the worst case scenario will be human driven, possibly a nuclear war. Jones and Ian also talked about the discrepancy between the Mayan calendar and the Gregorian calendar.

Jones envisioned what life may be like in the year 2013. She expressed concern about the continued acceleration of technology and how it could interfere with our ability to connect with each other. She also discussed the threat of global climate change and the role of traditional western religions in the future.

The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs according to which cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on 21 December 2012. This date is regarded as the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae have been proposed as pertaining to this date, though none have been accepted by mainstream scholarship.

A New Age interpretation of this transition is that this date marks the start of time in which Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era. Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world include the arrival of the next solar maximum, an interaction between Earth and the black hole at the center of the galaxy, or Earth's collision with a planet called "Nibiru".

Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of such cataclysmic events occurring in 2012. Professional Mayanist scholars state that predictions of impending doom are not found in any of the extant classic Maya accounts, and that the idea that the Long Count calendar "ends" in 2012 misrepresents Maya history and culture
Astronomers and other scientists have rejected the proposals as pseudoscience, stating that they conflict with simple astronomical observations and amount to "a distraction from more important science concerns, such as global warming and loss of biological diversity"

Geomagnetic reversal

Another idea tied to 2012 involves a geomagnetic reversal (often incorrectly referred to as a pole shift by proponents), possibly triggered by a massive solar flare, that would release an energy equal to 100 billion atomic bombs. This belief is supposedly supported by observations that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening, which could precede a reversal of the north and south magnetic poles.

Author Graham Hancock, in his book Fingerprints of the Gods, interpreted Coe's remarks in Breaking the Maya Code as evidence for the prophecy of a global cataclysm. Filmmaker Roland Emmerich would later credit the book with inspiring his 2009 disaster film 2012.

Other speculations regarding doomsday in 2012 have included predictions by the Web Bot project, a computer program that purports to predict the future using Internet chatter. However, commentators have rejected the programmers' claims to have successfully predicted natural disasters, which web chatter could never predict, as opposed to human-caused disasters like stock market crashes.

Also, the 2012 date has been loosely tied to the long-running concept of the Photon Belt, which predicts a form of interaction between Earth and Alcyone, the largest star of the Pleiades cluster. Critics have argued that photons cannot form belts, that the Pleiades, located more than 400 light years away, could have no effect on Earth, and that the Solar System, rather than getting closer to the Pleiades, is in fact moving farther away from them.

The 2012 phenomenon has been discussed or referenced in several media. Several TV documentaries, as well as many contemporary fictional references to the year 2012 refer to 21 December as the day of a cataclysmic event.

The History Channel has aired a handful of special series on doomsday that include analysis of 2012 theories, such as Decoding the Past (2005--2007), 2012, End of Days (2006), Last Days on Earth (2006), Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (2007), and Nostradamus 2012 (2008).[136] The Discovery Channel also aired 2012 Apocalypse in 2009, suggesting that massive solar storms, magnetic pole reversal, earthquakes, supervolcanoes, and other drastic natural events may occur in 2012. In 2012, the National Geographic Channel launched a show called Doomsday Preppers, a documentary series about survivalists preparing for various cataclysms, including the 2012 doomsday.

The Gun Ownership Debate

Research scientist John Lott talked about various issues related to gun ownership. When you have a ban on guns, it's the law-abiding citizens who turn in their guns, not the criminals, and "rather than reducing crime it makes it easier for criminals to go and commit crimes because they don't have to worry about...citizens able to defend themselves," he argued.

The big benefit of having a gun is to keep the criminal away, he continued, especially for those who are weaker physically, whom criminals tend to prey on. He also noted that in the UK (where there is heavy gun control) there are significantly more burglaries when residents are at home, as opposed to the US, where criminals case out a place to make sure no one is there, as they don't want to risk getting shot at. Lott was critical of alternative weapons such as mace or a taser, citing their unreliability.


John R. Lott, Jr. is a Senior Research Scholar at the University of Maryland. Lott has held positions at the University of Chicago, Yale University, Stanford, UCLA, Wharton, and Rice and was the chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission during 1988 and 1989. Lott has published over 100 articles in academic journals. He is the author of six books including: "More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws", "The Bias Against Guns", and most recently "Freedomnomics." Opinion pieces by Lott have appeared in such places as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and The Chicago Tribune. He has appeared on such television programs as the ABC and NBC National Evening News broadcasts, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and the Today Show. He received his Ph.D. in economics from UCLA in 1984.

The issue of firearms has, at times, taken a high-profile position in United States culture and politics. Mass shootings (like the Columbine High School massacre and Virginia Tech massacre) have continually ignited political debates about gun control in the United States. According to a 2012 CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, 10% of Americans support banning all guns except for police and authorized personnel, 76% support gun ownership with some restrictions, and 10% support gun ownership with no restrictions.[88] Michael Bouchard, Assistant Director/Field Operations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, estimates there are 5,000 gun shows annually in the United States.

In 1959, the Gallup poll showed that 59% of Americans supported banning handgun possession. In 2011, the Gallup poll showed that 26% supported banning handgun possession. In 1990, the Gallup poll showed that 78% of Americans supported stricter laws on gun sales than were existing at the time, 17% felt the laws were fine as they were, and 2% supported less strict laws. In 2011, the Gallup poll showed that 43% supported stricter laws on gun sales, 44% felt the laws were fine as they were, and 11% supported less strict laws. In 2001, the Gallup poll showed that 51% of Americans preferred that current gun laws be enforced more strictly. In 2011, it was 60%. A 2009 CNN/ORC poll found 39% favored stricter gun laws, 15% favored less strict gun laws, and 46% preferred no change. CNN reported that the drop in support (since the 2001 Gallup poll) came from self-identified independents and Republicans, with support among Democrats remaining consistent.

There is a sharp divide between gun-rights proponents and gun-control proponents. This leads to intense political debate over the effectiveness of firearm regulation.[verification needed] Democrats are more likely to support stricter gun control than are Republicans. In an online 2010 Harris Poll, of Democrats, 70% favored stricter gun control, 7% favored less strict gun control, and 14% preferred neither. Of Republicans, 22% favored stricter control, 42% favored less strict control, and 27% preferred neither

200,000 Year Old Annunaki Cities Discovered in Africa

200,000 Year Old Annunaki Cities Discovered in Africa

Publisher and producer Michael Tellinger discussed his study of ancient ruins at the southern tip of Africa, which he believes were associated with a vanished civilization that ET visitors, the Annunaki, brought together over 200,000 years ago, when they came here to mine gold. The ruins, which he's investigated along with Johan Heine, consist of thousands of stone structures over a large area. The structures show evidence of their extreme antiquity through erosion and patina growth, he detailed. One of the most important ruins he referred to as "Adam's Calendar," a monolithic stone calendar that could mark time out by the day. The Annunaki tinkered with human genetics to make their mine workers, Tellinger said, referencing the work of Zecharia Sitchin. Among the ruins are hexagonal shapes clustered together like honeycombs, which he speculated could have been used as cloning tanks. Further, he suggested that many of the structures, made out of stones that contain quartz, were used as energy devices to power the large settlements. By studying the area using aerial maps, Tellinger determined there were three great cities, some 60 x 60 miles each, one of which included Great Zimbabwe. Among the ruins, the first pyramids can be found, and details carved into some of the rocks include the Ankh symbol-- thousands of years before the Egyptian civilization used it, he reported. Biography: Michael Tellinger is a scientist in the true sense of the word, never shying away from controversial issues and scrutinizing every clue meticulously. After a 30-year long obsession with the origins of humankind and the genetic anomalies of our species, he wrote Slave Species of God. When Johan Heine exposed the mystery of the stone ruins of South Africa to Michael in 2007, they began an irreversible process of research that led Michael to some startling scientific conclusions and the completion of two more books, Adam's Calendar and Temples of the African Gods. The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e., Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian). The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning something to the effect of "those of royal blood" or 'princely offspring'. Their relation to the group of gods known as the Igigi is unclear — at times the names are used synonymously but in the Atra-Hasis flood myth the Igigi are the sixth generation of the Gods who have to work for the Anunnaki, rebelling after 40 days and replaced by the creation of humans. According to later Assyrian and Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods, themselves the children of Anshar and Kishar (Skypivot and Earthpivot, the Celestial poles), who in turn were the children of Lahamu and Lahmu ("the muddy ones"), names given to the gatekeepers of the Abzu temple at Eridu, the site at which the creation was thought to have occurred. Finally, Lahamu and Lahmu were the children of Tiamat (Goddess of the Ocean) and Abzu (God of Fresh Water).

Obama to Use Executive Order to Ban Guns ~ Mike Rivero

The bankers & corporations control the government, they are attempting to fully convert the u.s. into a socialist culture & society, Once a majority of Citizens accept 'DEPENDENCY' on government (socialism) it is full speed ahead with TAXES & POLICE. government today is a silent form of a monarchy. They will increase government employees to an insane level, county state & federal. It is present day form of SLAVERY for the white man & everyone else ,once they take away the average citizen's guns the country & society fast tracked to the acceptance & compliance to federal centralized government. They know that in order to complete the full conversion of the u.s. Citizens to accept and comply with socialism they MUST have a significant portion of the u.s population surrender their guns! Once this is accomplished the u.s. will convert to socialism / corporatism almost OVER NIGHT!!

WORLD NOT ENDING 12-21-2012! 05-15-2015 last chance!

WORLD NOT ENDING 12-21-2012! 05-15-2015 last chance! Nothing happened today, nothing happened the past (who knows how many) times. Nothing will happen on May 15, 2015. These are just things for people to believe in for fun.survived 2012 proceed to next challenge

SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS globally are predicting and expecting that today , all life on Earth may well come to an end. Some are saying it'll be we humans that would set it off. Others believe that a natural disasterous phenomenon will be the cause. And the religious folks are saying it'll be God himself who would press the stop and restart button. The following are some likely arguments as to why the world would end by the year 2012. Go through them and leave your view in comments. Reason one: Mayan calendar The first to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things — building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and sacrificing virgins. Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it's likely they've got the end of the world right as well. Reason two: Sun storms Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery. Our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic and it's supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the earth with lot of radiation energy. It's been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse and calculations suggest it'll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012. Reason three: The atom smasher Scientists in Europe have been building the world's largest particle accelerator. Basically, its a 27 km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it's properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They're predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball. Reason four: The Bible says it If having scientists warning us about the end of the world isn't bad enough, religious folks are getting in on the act as well. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between good an evil, has been set for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese Book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings. Reason five: Super volcano Yellowstone National Park in United States is famous for its thermal springs and old faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple — it's sitting on top of the world's biggest volcano and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we're many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang. Reason six: The physicists This one's case of bog — simple maths mathematics. Physicists at Berkely University have been crunching the numbers. They've determined that the earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event. Even worse, they're claiming that their calculations prove that we're all going to die, very soon. They are also saying that their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 per cent; and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs. Reason seven: Earth's magnetic field We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that shields us from most of the sun's radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call North and South have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so — and right now we're about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30 kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is under way, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cat and Mouse and the Fiscal Cliff, Show 24 Dollars and Sense

Modern economics is a game of cat and mouse. The problem is the mice now have too much debt and even the cat is worried.The Bankers are the type of people who give you an umbrella on a sunny day and ask for it back when it begins to rain.These banksters are creating money out of nothing through Fractional Reserve Banking System. Then robbing us via the usury/interest with these virtual money they had created. Robin Hood tax is just begging your own robbers to ask for little of your money back to live. Use your intelellect man...

"Sandy Hook" Name Seen on 'Dark Knight' Map

Saw more videos of the BATMAN map thing - It's true. Alex Jones Actually took others truthers info on this one.Also anyone else find it odd that both the hurricane and the school was named "Sandy". Sandy can be short for Alexander or Cassandra. In the case of Cassandra Wiki says: "Cassandra is also from the Greek ("she who entangles men"). Cassandra is known in Greek mythology, as the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. She was loved by Apollo and given the gift of prophecy but when she did not fall in love with him, he placed a curse on her so that no one would believe her predictions."

Newfound Writings Debunk Maya Doomsday

December 20, 2012—In the ruins of the Maya city Xultun, a National Geographic explorer has uncovered written calculations that contradict the prediction that the world will end on December 21. 2012 National Geographic

The 3 Secrets of Fatima ~ The Definitive Revelation of Our Time

Fatima Secrets ; The Definitive Revelation of Our Time :

Catholic priest, Fr. Nicholas Gruner of the Fatima Center discussed his research into the Third Secret of Fatima. He declared the alleged visitation by the Virgin Mary in 1917, and her message imparted to three young children, to be "the definitive revelation of our time."

Based on his research, he said that it is a misperception that the Virgin Mary bestowed three separate secrets. Instead, he claimed that the message is a sequential series of events with the infamous "third secret" being the conclusion. Detailing new information which suggests that the "official release" of the third secret by the Vatican in 2000 was actually incomplete, Gruner revealed that when Sister Lucia wrote down that portion of the prophecy, she divided it into two parts. "One is the words of 'Our Lady' and one is the vision," he said. According to him, the Catholic Church only released the description of the vision and not the words spoken by Mary.

Gruner talked at length about the suspicious treatment of the longest living survivor of the Fatima visitation, Sister Lucia, who died in 2005, nearly 90 years after the event. He asserted that "no other nun in the history of the Church has been so closely controlled as to who she saw." As evidence of this, he pointed out that she was not allowed to conduct any public interviews after 1957. He also cited testimony from Lucia's own sister, who said that the famous nun was never allowed any private time with visitors and could only speak with close family members.

Advising people on what to do if they want the third secret to be truly revealed, Gruner said they should pray, inform themselves of the Fatima story, and contact the Vatican (via the Pope's email address: to ask for them to release the complete message. He was optimistic that the third secret would be revealed in the not too distant future, theorizing it could be as early as a few months from now or as far out as three years.


Father Nicholas Gruner is a priest in good standing, ordained more than 26 years ago. He has his degree in Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University. He received his S.T.B. (Bachelor of Sacred Theology) and S.T.L. (Licentiate of Sacred Theology) and has successfully passed all his courses with highest honors in his studies for the S.T.D. (Doctorate in Sacred Theology) from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

The Three Secrets of Fátima consist of a series of visions and prophecies allegedly given by an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three young Portuguese shepherds, Lúcia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto, starting on 13 May 1917. The three children have been visited by a Marian apparition six times between May and October 1917 (evident through the witness of thousands of people & the news agencies at that time). The apparition is now popularly known as Our Lady of Fátima.

According to the official Catholic interpretation, the three secrets involve Hell, World War I and World War II, and the shooting of Pope John Paul II.

On 13 July 1917, around noon, the Virgin Mary is said to have entrusted the children with three secrets. Two of the secrets were revealed in 1941 in a document written by Lúcia, at the request of José da Silva, Bishop of Leiria, to assist with the publication of a new edition of a book on Jacinta. When asked by the Bishop of Leiria in 1943 to reveal the third secret, Lúcia struggled for a short period, being "not yet convinced that God had clearly authorized her to act." However, in October 1943 the bishop of Leiria ordered her to put it in writing. Lúcia then wrote the secret down and sealed it in an envelope not to be opened until 1960, when "it will appear clearer." The text of the third secret was officially released by Pope John Paul II in 2000, although some claim that it was not the entire secret revealed by Lúcia, despite repeated assertions from the Vatican to the contrary.

Third Secret controversy

The Holy See withheld the Third Secret until 26 June 2000, despite Lúcia's declaration that it should be released to the public after 1960. Some sources, including Canon Barthas and Cardinal Ottaviani, said that Lúcia insisted to them it must be released by 1960, saying that, "by that time, it will be more clearly understood", and, "because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so." When 1960 arrived, rather than releasing the Third Secret, the Vatican published an official press release stating that it was "most probable the Secret would remain, forever, under absolute seal." After this announcement, immense speculation over the content of the secret materialized. According to the New York Times, speculation over the content of the secret ranged from "worldwide nuclear annihilation to deep rifts in the Roman Catholic Church that lead to rival papacies."

Lindsey Williams ~ The Americans will be Forced into Debt Slavery


Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners,&quot ; he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to information documented in his eye opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.

10 Doomsday Predictions That Didn't Come True

We brought together all the previous predictions of apocalypse that didn’t quite work out, from Millennium Bugs to aliens and black holes. Still, who’s to say this time we’ll be wrong as well? for example in year 1000: Pope Sylvester II brought panic upon Europe when he predicted the world would end in the year 1000, now known as the Y1K bug.

Michael Savage ~ They are Not Liberals! They are Bolsheviks!

People need to wake up but in my opinion it is too late. The nation has struck the iceberg and the boiler room is flooding. The bulk heads only extend to 10' above the waterline. "The ship will sink, it is a mathematical certainty. There are only enough life boats for about half the passengers". People we are in deep trouble and don't let these nitwit Obama lovers convince you otherwise because they will just drag you down like any drowning person. It is best to get clear of the sinking ship.

Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.

NEW - STEALTH MISSION CURIOSITY: Confirming Ancient Intelligence On Mars ~ Richard C. Hoagland

NEW - STEALTH MISSION CURIOSITY: Confirming Ancient Intelligence On Mars - Richard C. Hoagland LIVE : Discover the facts behind the Governments secret mission "Stealth Mission - CURIOSITY," and the legitimate validation of ancient intelligence on Mars. However much of what was learned during this mission still remains a secret. This presentation includes the most up to date images and telemetry from over six probe missions providing the widest coverage possible of the Martian surface.

The Merchants of Death ~ The Military industrial complex

Via PressTV : Of the 100 companies on the list, 44 are based in the US, including Boeing, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin. The American companies account for more than 60 percent of arms sales revenue of the 100 manufacturers. Seven of SIPRI's top 10 are American, one is British, one is Italian and one is a multinational EU conglomerate. The US federal government has contract deals with all seven American companies. These seven are among the top 10 US federal contractors by amount procured, according to the government's Federal Procurement Data System.

Mike Rivero ~ War Declared on 2nd Amendment - Gun Confiscation Agenda Media

Vote with your wallet and buy more ammo and mags ASAP. Organize,arm, equip and train as a Militia/team ASAP. The shiesters and their meat puppet mouth pieces don't like that so we know it is good. Ban Prozac and it's sister drugs and arrest the pushers of these murder drugs.fed knew about the 76% PROBABILITY of an extreme violent act.Court case in 2006 brought this out. Fed tried to block info coming out. Slave or free? Liberty and 1775 is the answer. War is coming and we will surrender nothing.




Experts on the subject (scientists and others) give us important information about what should happen after December 21, 2012 and beyond ... December 21, 2012 is not the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it, for a new world, a new era. We can realize that the final "Apocalypse" (which in greek mean "revelation") (we are in it since a few years) mentioned in the bible, coincides with the end of Mayan calendar and prophecies of various ancient civilizations whose knowledge were very advanced. We can also realize that all these prophecies information and scientific data, all converge to the same date, there is no hazard. the Event that will occur from this date is called in various ways depending on the source: Awakening, revelation, the shift, ascension, zero point, window of opportunity, The Coming Singularity, the return of the gods ... etc. something good is going to happen for all humanity on Dec.12,2012,think positive thoughts and good vibes and that is what we will create,happiness and abundance for all.happiness contains all the elements that it takes to fulfill your life, so that you will truly live and be happy(everything) REMEMBER THAT

What will 2013 look like?

A pictorial look at what 2013 will look like, from The Economist's political cartoonist, Kal Kallaugher, at The Economist's World in 2013 Festival on December 8th 2012.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Inside the Saudi Kingdom (BBC Documentary)

USA , and UK are the strongest supporters of Saudi Arabia .. like ants protecting aphids on a tree.. Saudi Arabia is a piece of theotard police state ruled by a bunch of misogynistic and gynophobic, homophobic sexually repressed insecure paranoid of their wives cheating on them controlling pathetic loser thug blue balled minute men who can't even satisfy a woman in bed. A bunch of losers who cowardly hide behind religion to use as a pathetic excuse for their barbarism. Wow !! This is Heaven On Earth !! Everything is just perfect and great. O' BBC it was Too good to be true ,but why not ? as far as your pocket is full of black diamonds.



"Peter, on Pentecost day 50 days later, did not speak to the crowd as a man who knew he was proclaiming a lie, but as one conscious of the undeniable fact that Jesus Messiah had risen from the dead. That was the main theme of his gripping message. Nobody could contradict him. No one attempted to deny it. The evidence of Jesus' resurrection swept on, to close pagan temples, to cast down idols, to lift men into nobility, and bring hope to a society in despair. "Jesus had said, 'I am the resurrection and the life.' Let me ask you, my friend, Could YOU say that?" "Yes, I could say that!" "But could you make anyone believe it?" There was silence. This greatest of all miracles was universally believed throughout the entire confines of the early Christian movement. A powerful impact was felt because the immediate followers of Jesus who had SEEN HIM PUBLICLY EXECUTED and PUBLICLY BURIED, these same people had even WALKED AND TALKED WITH HIM AFTER HIS RESURRECTION. A forceful, firm belief in all that he was, and in all that he claimed to be, has gripped men, delivered them from the power of enslaving habits and accomplished miracles of transformation in human lives, for multitudes in each generation ever since. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, there would never have been Christianity — nor the New Testament writings.

Where The Muslim Brotherhood are Leading Egypt ? ~ By Sheikh Imran Hosein

Where The Muslim Brotherhood are Leading Egypt ? ~ By Sheikh Imran Hosein

Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specializing in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best- selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an. Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland

2012 Prophesy or Panic

December 21st, 2012. Is it the end of the world? Something more? Or nothing at all? On the surface it marks the end of the ancient Mayan long-count calendar and the Winter Solstice. But there's much more to it! It's also a very rare galactic eclipse which might also be timed with the weakening of the Earth's magnetic poles; an increase in the sun's solar flares; a mysterious 'Planet X' hurtling toward earth; and other ancient prophecies which point to something BIG happening on that very same day! Dozens of books, videos, articles and even a Hollywood Blockbuster movie have focused on the 2012 Phenomenon. The Bible makes its own fascinating predictions about the future. What is fact? What is fiction? Join world-renowned experts as they take an in-depth look at the original source Mayan materials, examine how all of it is affecting our world, and see how best we can prepare for an uncertain future!

NDAA 2013 - Indefinite Detention without Trial is back

NDAA 2013 - Indefinite detention without trial is back .Take away the 2nd amendment, declare Martial Law, then arrest everyone that the government wants. We are on the buffet tables people...For the government to eat up and then destroy..figuratively speaking. we're so screwd it doesn't even matter. Any resistance will be swiftly swatted like a fly on the wall. They've had all the practice they need in controlling foreign populations..our local population will be child's play. Kinda makes me hope the Mayans are right and the world ends on Friday!

#EndOfTheWorld ~ Gun Sales surge after School Shooting & Obama Speech

#EndOfTheWorld ~ Massive Influx Of Potential Gun Buyers After Sandy Hook Shooting The anti gun people really show how hypocritical they guy said how terrible it is that so many children where killed and it was terrible.I gets me mad that these people only come out of the woodwork when this happens.What about the millions upon millions of kids that are killed around the world because of American foreign one cares about that do they.If these people care so much about their fellow man don't just do it when it suits you

Obama Wants a Civil War in America

The elite engineered programs like: Multi-generational welfare families, The Great Society Social Spending, Affirmative Action, Diversity, Integration, and Political Correctness have not been the sweet heart deal advertised. In fact the results have been devastating and lethal, perhaps the death of America. Sad as it may be about some psycho kills young children with a gun, however if you think for 1 second, anyone in power is shedding tears over the tragic loss of life and the effect it has on their families, you are very wrong. 'They' are going to milk this for all it's worth to ban firearms... i wonder how many people are killed with knives or Hammers ect...does that make those things Dangerous?

Bible Prophecy & Underground Bases with Richard Sauder & Chuck Missler

Coast to Coast AM : Bible Prophecy & Underground Bases with Richard Sauder & Chuck Missler

In the latter half, author, evangelical Christian, former businessman, and Air Force officer Chuck Missler reacted to the May 21st Doomsday & Rapture prediction, popularized by Christian radio host Harold Camping. Bible prophecy is a field of study that "suffers as much from its enthusiasts as it does from its detractors," he commented, adding that Jesus repeatedly emphasized that "no man knows the day or the hour." Further, he noted that there's a doctrine in the New Testament that states there's no preceding event prior to the Rapture, so its time couldn't be calculated in advance. Missler also talked about fallen angels, the demonic nature of UFOs, and the Antichrist.
Underground Bases

Appearing during the second hour, researcher of underground & underwater bases, Richard Sauder, discussed who is operating these facilities and the concept of parallel civilizations. These bases are run with a combination of misdirection, illusion, and concealment by a variety of actors whom he referred to as "the organization." This stealthy group is extremely well-financed, and interfaces with a number of terrestrial human agencies, as well as some "off-planet" organizations, he declared. They likely have developed electro-gravitic and antigravity technology (such as seen in UFOs), which is being used behind our backs, he added.


Beginning in early childhood, Richard Sauder experienced first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena that have left him a bit puzzled and thoroughly persuaded that there is much more to the Earth and to human perception and consciousness than the mainstream American culture believes. Some of Richard's favorite research and reading interests are underground and underwater bases and tunnels, electronic mind control, Freedom Technology, human prehistory and remote antiquity, the Kundalini energy and alternative thought patterns. His underground and underwater bases and tunnels research commenced in 1992 and continues to the present day.

He has a B.A. in sociology, an M.A. in Latin American studies, an M.S. in forestry and a Ph.D. in political science. He is the author of three books, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? , Kundalini Tales , and Underwater and Underground Bases . In addition, Richard has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs, has spoken at several conferences, and his writings and interviews have appeared many publications.


Chuck Missler received a Congressional appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy and then served in the U.S. Air Force. After leaving active duty, he became Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles at Lowry Air Force Base. Chuck has earned a Masters Degree in engineering from UCLA and a Ph.D. from Louisiana Baptist University. Chuck has worked as a systems engineer at TRW, followed by a Senior Analyst position serving both the intelligence community and the Department of Defense.

He also worked for the Ford Motor Company where he established the first international industrial computer network. He has served as a consultant to the Board of Directors of Rockwell International for corporate acquisitions and has also participated in over 100 business ventures as a principal, strategic advisor, or turnaround specialist. During the past 30 years, Chuck has also served on the Board of Directors of over a dozen public companies, and was Chairman and CEO of six of them. In addition, Chuck is the author of over sixty publications, including Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, Cosmic Codes - Hidden Messages From the Edge of Eternity, and "Alien Encounters.

Steve Quayle : The Government has a Red List of Americans to be Terminated

Steve Quayle on Coast to Coast AM 12-15-2012 : The Government has a Red List of People to be Terminated that includes radio hosts bloggers gun owners preppers conspiracy theorists and anybody who does not drink the government's Kool-Aid

In the first half, author and researcher, Steve Quayle, discussed the coming worst-case scenarios approaching the world and how they are all interrelated. "We're in a time period like no other in the history of the world," he declared, warning that the proverbial 'end game' of the global elite, as foretold in the Bible, has arrived. He cited the amplified violence in society, manipulation of the world's economy, and extreme weather being controlled by HAARP as indicators of this agenda to take over the planet. According to Quayle, "UN globalists" see gun control in America as a key step towards fulfilling their plan and he claimed that "four star, active duty generals in special operations" have told him that there are nearly 400,000 NATO troops already in the United States.

Quayle also shared chilling details about the secret plans for FEMA camps in America. He cited a whistle blower from the EPA who told him "the real purpose of a lot of it." Quayle explained that there is a "red list" of people who are "deemed incorrigible" and includes talk show hosts, gun owners, veterans, and "people who are outspoken." These unfortunate souls, he said, are to be "terminated within the first 30 days" and, thus, will not end up in FEMA camps. The "blue list" are law enforcement and military personnel who carry out the plans for the people on the "red list." Finally, there are those on the "green list," who will reside in FEMA camps and are reeducated to be turned into "techno-serfs" for the global elite.

The War on Guns is a Lost Battle ~ Paul Craig Roberts

Congratulation my fellow citizens, you are now officially a sheep in a cradle. Soon, the USA is going to massacre its own citizens by obscure means and you bunch of defenseless folks will have nothing to protect yourself and your family. It is all too late, the world is leaning towards a total tyrannical government where only the 'chosen' ones will rule over our 'worthless' lives. Sad that most of us are so useless..

Inside A Survival Bunker

It's clear to see that only the wealthy among us will survive in these obviously expensive bunkers. Us worker bees are doomed. Rfid chip is the mark (greek carve effect) of the wild beast. HAARP along with Project Blue Beam are the embodiment (idol) of the dragon which gives power to the wild beast which is the nwo. 666 just means human made for six is the number for humans. Study revelation via scripture4all . Org to see the greek. Be led by the Spirit for those who arent will suffer worse from Gods wrath than Illuminati could ever imagine. Obey His Law and live.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;*16*

And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb

An EMP Attack on America in 2013 ~ LA Marzulli

"Researcher L.A.Marzulli discusses how a recent string of events validates notions of a coming great deception, as foretold in ancient prophecies. He cited the Myanmar cyclone, the Chinese earthquake, and other natural disasters, along with the Middle East tensions as being indicators that we're living in the time prophesied by Ezekiel, and in the Book of Revelation. Natural disasters are up more than 400% in the last two decades, he noted. Book of Revelation writes about a one-world government and religion, as well as the mark of the beast. Marzulli suggested that a terrorist attack involving suitcase nukes might be used as a pretext for people to get microchipped for alleged security reasons (the chip would be the mark that is prophesied). He believes that a war in the Middle East will be a supernatural trigger, leading to the appearance of huge spaceships (1-3 miles wide) in the skies. The ETs (who are actually fallen angels) will claim to be the progenitors of humankind and religion-- but this is the great Luciferian deception, designed to get everyone united in a one-world govt./religion, he detailed." While these ideas may sound hard to believe, I encountered them while I was in the occult from different sources.

LA Marzulli ~ Radio Liberty 12-10-12 : there is an implanting program going on (the mark of the beast ) says pastor LA Marzulli , the coming great deceprion in the form of falling angels mascherating as ET will manifest themselves in 2013 Dr. LA Marzulli, author of "Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural," has produced a spectacular DVD on the UFO phenomenon, one of the most confusing and unexplained mysteries of our time. Until now. Marzulli offers his own unique perspective on the subject and how this deception plays a part in end-time prophecy. When will the world meet these alien creatures in their flying machines? Is a face to face encounter right on the horizon? Marzulli believes we are being set up for a great deception. He answers a lot of questions on his DVD including What are those strange lights in the sky? What factual proof is there of UFO's? Are people interacting with UFO's now? Why do people feel the phenomena is benevolent? What other phenomena is going on? The Watchers then delves headlong into the unexplained phenomena including cattle mutilations, the abduction phenomena, and alien implants. Dr. Roger Leir, world expert on surgically removing alien implants, gives his most in-depth and chilling interview yet, with shocking surgical footage and actual physical evidence of what these implants contain. This is one of the best produced videos we have seen in quite some time and it offers some utterly fascinating material never seen anywhere else. Marzulli is an expert on UFO's and the supernatural and has produced a real gem in The Watchers. Marzulli wrote the Nephilim Trilogy series, a fascinating 3-book series of novels on the alien phenomenon. In addition, he has written Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural and The Alien Interviews,



Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Alex Jones ~ The World is Not Ending Our Second Amendment is

US society is broken...let the gun lovers have all the guns and ammo as they can get their hands on - The nation is out of control anyway. It's way too late to turn around the culture.

2013 Trends Predictions and Prophecy with John Hogue

Authority on Nostradamus and prophetic traditions, John Hogue, discussed how September will be the most dramatic month of the year with seismic activity hitting not only nature, but the economy, politics, and the Middle East. He foresees seven different earthshaking events to occur, or get their start in September 2011: United Nations declares Palestine a sovereign state. The European bank crisis worsens. Recession in the US returns. Hurricane season peaks. Syria has a civil war. Israeli/Middle East war takes place. Earthquakes/tsunamis caused by Comet Elenin. The Arab-Israeli war could be a short but violent one, in which the Israelis knock out a group such as Hamas, and ironically this could then lead to peace talks, he said. More on the seven seismic events, here. Hogue talked about how there is no connection between Nostradamus' prophecies and those related to 2012. Nostradamus did single out the year 1999 as significant, and Hogue noted that it was around then that a gradual change of historic seasons began, as we switched from a Piscean to Aquarian age. Hogue said he stands by his prediction that Obama will be reelected in 2012. He also foresees the decade of the 2020s as the most upheaval-filled time in human history, when climate change, population stresses, and other factors reach a critical mass. Biography: John Hogue writes on the subjects of the occult, parapsychology, mysticism and prophecy. He is considered a world authority on Nostradamus and is the best-selling author of numerous books, including Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies and Nostradamus: The New Millennium, The Millennium Book of Prophecy, The Last Pope, and Messiahs: The Visions and Prophecies for the Second Coming. His work has brought him international acclaim. He has been published in 18 languages and sold over one million copies worldwide. In addition, he has appeared on over 700 radio and television shows on three continents. Wikipedia A prediction (Latin præ-, "before," and dicere, "to say") or forecast is a statement about the way things will happen in the future, often but not always based on experience or knowledge. While there is much overlap between prediction and forecast, a prediction may be a statement that some outcome is expected, while a forecast is more specific, and may cover a range of possible outcomes. Although guaranteed information about the future is in many cases impossible, prediction is necessary to allow plans to be made about possible developments; Howard H. Stevenson writes that prediction in business "... is at least two things: Important and hard." Prediction is closely related to uncertainty. Reference class forecasting was developed to eliminate or reduce uncertainty in prediction Informal prediction from hypothesis Outside the rigorous context of science, prediction is often confused with informed guess or opinion. A prediction of this kind might be inductively valid if the predictor is a knowledgeable person in the field and is employing sound reasoning and accurate data. Large corporations invest heavily in this kind of activity to help focus attention on possible events, risks and business opportunities, using futurists. Such work brings together all available past and current data, as a basis to develop reasonable expectations about the future.

The Government Can Read your Emails without a Search Warrant ~ Judge Napolitano

The 4th Amendment was rendered meaningless long ago by the Supreme Court. We were guaranteed security of "persons, houses, papers, and effects," and yet homes are the only thing still somewhat protected. Forget spying on emails. Stop and frisk alone is a gross violation of the 4th, but no one seems to care. Mountains of regulation. Licensing for everything. Civil Liberties thrown away. Rules on what one is allowed to say and where. Bailouts. Social Welfare. Higher taxes. Are we really free anymore? Maybe we are all just being brainwashed 24/7 so we don't do anything about this. What if the goal of government is to have a majority of people not care or just be oblivious?

Emergency Alert ~ Obama Wants Your Guns NOW !

Treason, running drugs and guns, murder stealing trillions of our dollars with no one being held accountable. I think we have a fine upstanding Government. Obama can't produce a genuine Birth Certificate sealed records of his lies says only one thing Plant of New World Order. He's a traitor trying to destroy our nation.

The Fall of the Dollar - The Death of a Fiat Currency

The system created in 1913 by the banksters is played out. They are concerned because it worked so wel. but just fo them at our expense.. They intend to create a new fractional reserve banking system with a different world reserve currency, after the collapse.A reboot of the same system, with a cashless new fiat currency, and inescapeable electronic interface via the mark of the beast..This is world enslavement of all people with our new Phaorh God King,He is a loser, like Dick Foults

Where not to be when The Dollar Collapses! fiat currency

I see America and to a greater extent the human race doing what it always does in this type of situation. Kick the can down the road. Specifically, America will slowly and inexorably print away its debt. Reason for this forecast? Austerity shrinks the economy so badly that the loss of aggregate demand causes a downward spiral and less and less revenue to pay off the debt. Running the printing presses produces jobs and demand. Oh, and inflation.

The American Economic Collapse Started!

The real biggie most people don’t want to acknowledge is how ugly people (your neighbors, friends, family) will become towards each other when they think they cant get food, down at the local g-store! Don’t put yourself in the scenario have your food/water/supplies in place, let them duke it out amongst themselves. G-stores DO NOT HAVE 72 HOURS OF FOOD this is a huge misrepresentation of how the supply chain works.

Donald Trump ~ Fall of America & Fall of the dollar & Economic collapse

This economy needs to totally collapse already....let's just get it over with. I feel like i'm dying a slow painful death in slow motion. Our Country has been dancing with the Devil for many years now, and flirting with disaster. The time has come...the time is now. We need an all out collapse, so we can push the reset button & start over.

95% Of Americans Will Be Dead in the Next 5-15 Years

survival expert and health guru, Blake Sawyer, argued that the United States will no longer be a viable place to live, and people should consider immigrating to locations in the less populated Southern Hemisphere. Whether through war, disease, famine, natural disasters, or ruthless government, he predicted that 95% of those who remain in the US will be dead in the next 5-15 years. America has been targeted by the "globalists" to be taken out, he added. Sawyer noted that the United States ranks highest in violent crime, and that countries in the Southern Hemisphere are much more tranquil. In particular, he highlighted nations in the southern region of South America as being good choices for survivability, specifically Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, and Ecuador. "I...believe that the average American does not know that they're the frog in cold water, and they think they're OK, and they're now boiling," he declared. Wikipedia Survivalism is a movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers) who are actively preparing for emergencies as well as possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales ranging from local to international. Survivalists often have emergency medical and self-defence training, stockpile food and water, prepare for self-sufficiency, and build structures that will help them survive or "disappear" (e.g. a survival retreat or underground shelter). Anticipated disruptions include the following: Clusters of natural disasters, patterns of apocalyptic planetary crises, or Earth Changes (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, solar storms, severe thunderstorms). A disaster caused by the activities of humankind (chemical spills, release of radioactive materials, nuclear or conventional war, oppressive governments). The general collapse of society caused by the shortage or unavailability of resources such as electricity, fuel, food, or water. Financial disruption or economic collapse (caused by monetary manipulation, hyperinflation, deflation, or depression). A global pandemic. Widespread chaos or some other unexplained apocalyptic event. The third wave of Survivalism began after the September 11, 2001 attacks and subsequent bombings in Bali, Madrid, and London. This resurgence of interest in survivalism appears to be as strong as the first wave in the 1970s. The fear of war, avian influenza, energy shortages, environmental disasters and global climate change, coupled with economic uncertainty, and the apparent vulnerability of humanity after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, has once again made survivalism popular. Preparedness is once more a paramount concern to many people who seek to stockpile supplies, gain useful skills, and develop contacts with like-minded people to learn as much as possible. Many books have been published in the past few years [2008-2012] offering survival advice for various potential disasters, ranging from an energy shortage and crash to nuclear or biological terrorism. In addition to the 1970s-era books, blogs and Internet forums are popular ways of disseminating survivalism information. Online survival websites and blogs discuss survival vehicles, survival retreats, emerging threats, and list survivalist groups. Economic troubles emerging from the credit collapse triggered by the 2007 US subprime mortgage lending crisis and global grain shortages have prompted a wider cross-section of the populace to prepare. James Wesley Rawles, the editor of SurvivalBlog and author of the survivalist novel Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse was quoted by the New York Times in April 2008, stating: "interest in the survivalist movement 'is experiencing its largest growth since the late 1970s'". In 2009, he was quoted by the Associated Press as stating: "There's so many people who are concerned about the economy that there's a huge interest in preparedness, and it pretty much crosses all lines, social, economic, political and religious. There's a steep learning curve going on right now." The advent of H1N1 Swine Flu in 2009 piqued interest in survivalism, significantly boosting sales of preparedness books and making survivalism more mainstream. Events such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami have revitalized the survivalist community. These developments led Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute, to identify a trend that he calls "Neo-Survivalism". He explained this phenomenon in a radio interview with Jim Puplava on December 18, 2009: The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which replaces sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologizes its establishment as the culmination of history's progress.

Obama will Start Killing The Americans using Medical Tyranny says Former Cop

Former Cop Reveals Obama's Medical Tyranny Plans for America Euthanasia is right around the corner for the American people, another point all this useless surveillance cost money. Money WE THE PEOPLE will have to come up with, face it folks the lie of battling communist , while the whole time the leaders in this nation have been doing it to us.

The Real Truth About the Fiscal Cliff

What exactly is going to happen when the fiscal cliff hits on January 1, 2013?

The "fiscal cliff" is a package of expiring tax cuts and federal spending cuts passed by congress during the last budget battle. $600 billion in combined tax increases and spending cuts will hit suddenly. The cuts would slash the budget deficit in half, but potentially pull the economy into another recession, according to many economists. Republicans and Democrats are currently racing against the clock to come up with a deal to avoid this scenario. Despite the few days remaining, they have not been able to agree on the details of an alternative to the fiscal cliff scenario. But are their plans so different? The difference in savings may not be as significant as you think. For more great articles, videos and commentary from top economic minds, visit