Friday, January 11, 2013

Alex Jones Show: Friday (1-11-13) Mancow Muller & Joel Skousen

On the Friday, January 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to flesh out the gun control issue reiterating the importance of Americans' right to bear arms, while bringing to light Obama's new bill securing all presidents after 1997 lifetime Secret Service protection, all on the taxpayer's dime. Alex will also cover control freak Bloomberg's latest nanny state policy banning painkillers in New York. On today's show Alex welcomes American radio and television personality Mancow Muller to discuss where he sees the gun debate heading. Also on the show today, author and preparedness expert Joel Skousen gives his take on the war being waged on the Second Amendment by foreign governments.


  1. BTW ---are one and all catching Oliver Stone's latest
    installment of his 'Untold History'?
    The entire piece lays into 'CON--servative media'.

    And so, in this, thre 11th hour of POST American takedown,
    Stone revealingly arrays himself on the side of government


    You decide.

  2. And BTW ---though surely the very voice,
    in media, of the GENUINE American indignation
    and outrage ---he even here displays yet again
    his Achilles heel.

    WHY???? --are we asked to partake of the William Shatner
    worship? Surely STAR TREK was a absolutely KEY component
    in predictive programming this very EUGENICS and Globalism
    nightmare that's unfolding. Not to go after Shatner himself
    ---but he's confusing the audience and bordering on star suck.
    Likewise Mancow.

    We also notice Jones --RARELY-- lays into the very
    eye of the mind control story ---HOLLYWOOD.

    Taking apart Hollywood releases SHOULD SUREL BE
    a ---REGULAR--- feature at InfoWars.

    It's ---TRULY ----CORE.
