Friday, January 11, 2013

Secrets of World War Z Leaked!

"A new America grows beneath us, but it will not be created in seven days, but in seven years. And that America, believe me, will soon be free of sin. Continue to prepare for the journey. A New Paradise awaits us. Put an end to the sinners, they carry the bad seed. The damned, the thieves, the weak in spirit and all of those undeserving of the grace of God. Put an end to those who rob you and to those who kill the dead, those who cheat and sully our world, bc only then can we be free" -Deadlight

Alex Jones tears down step by step how the scenarios portrayed in World War Z tell the story of the end of America and the beginning of UN global rule . Max Brooks' "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War" describes a decimated, dystopic world, and a leadership whose only solution is to round people up and put them to work in forced labor camps. The book is a globalist's love letter to worldwide genocide against nation-states and individuals, ultimately yielding UN global rule, thanks to the zombies. Far from the individualist storyline of The Walking Dead series, survivors in World War Z are rounded up into compact cities protected by UN militants and forced to carry out Marxist labor for the good of the group. Anyone who owns firearms not in service by the UN is demonized and cast out of the group. Those too smart or too rebelious, or who are simply seen as not fit for future society, are used as bait for the zombies. Although many will view the movie as just another cool, sci-fi zombie flick, the message embedded throughout the pro-genocide, anti-human publication should be fairly obvious. It is geared towards conditioning the public that humanity is ugly and needs to be exterminated. If the book is any good indicator, the film will be a manifesto of UN psychological warfare simulation and war-gaming. World War Z declares war on mankind itself, with humanity as the enemy and the UN as the savior.

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